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1、策略行銷課程大綱AMBA班九十八學年度上學期授課老師:邱志聖,國際經營與貿易學系專任教授Tel: (02)29393091 ext. 81039Email:Jschiounccu.edu.twOffice Hr: 11:30 to 12:30, Wed課程目的本課程主要是最新的行銷理論來探討全球行銷的最新議題,其中包含有行銷與公司策略的關係與整合、整合行銷概念、新經濟時代(高科技與網路為主)的行銷觀念行銷、整合行銷的執行與評估。課程中強調理論與實務並重,堂課中會盡量以問題為導向思考行銷問題。上課方式本課程上課方式包含有個案與討論(75%)、講課(25%)等。修課者的要求本課程採個案討論的方式進

2、行,它希望學員能一起以問題為導向來思考行銷問題,因此課堂上講師會常常抽問同學問題。因為本課程的內容是緊密相連,缺課或遲到行為將嚴重影響修課同學對本課程的整體瞭解,所以希望學員們務必準時上課且不可缺席。遲到扣學期總分1至2分,未事先請假的缺席扣學期總分5分。分數計算課堂參與60%組課堂練習 20% 期末評量20%公司個案分組4人一組(自行尋找組員)。教科書指定: 邱志聖著,策略行銷分析:架構與實務分析,智勝文化公司。參考: 邱志聖著,滾動吧!品牌TW:行銷全球策略,天下文化。Schedule 日期課程內容指定閱讀章節作業1行銷基礎邱(策,Ch1)Discuss Question: 1. Expl

3、ain why “Exchange” the major issue of marketing?2. What the relationship between 4P and exchange3. Why can marketing and sales people just get along?4. Explain the four types of relationship between sales and marketing function5. How to solve the conflict between sales and marketing people? 2策略行銷分析4

4、C架構邱(Ch2,3) 1. Answer question 1& 2 on page 63 and question 1, 2, 4, & 5 on page 125.2. Answer question 1,2, &3 on page 233.3行銷基礎與信任建立邱(策,Ch5,6)Joachimsthaler and Aaker (1997), “Building Brands without Mass Media,” Harvard Business Review, (J/F), 39-50.1. Why do European companies cannot

5、 rely on TV ads as much as their US counterparts?2. How to clarify your brand identity3. Please use 4C framework to explain why are the five cases (body shop, Haagen Dazs, Hugo Boss, Swatch, Cabury, and Buitoni) successful? 4. Answer question 1, 2, & 3 on page 162. 4專屬陷入成本的管理:顧客忠誠的建立邱(策,Ch 7) An

6、derson, E. and S.D. Jap (2005), “The Dark Side of Close Relationships,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Spring, 75-82.Discuss Question: 1. Answer question 1,2, &3 on page 233.1. What are the dark sides of close relationships?2. How to avoid dark side of the close relationship?5個案D-LINK1. 當時DLINK在19

7、86年進入美國市場時,在通路選擇上以華人通路商為主,這樣的決策可以擁有哪些優點?如果直接進入Ingram Micro或 Tech Data,會有什麼樣的問題?2. DLINK在歐洲市場所執行的行銷策略,相對於一般的美國資訊廠商,DLINK佔有哪些優勢?3. 在中國市場自1997一連串的與中國聯想合作,可以幫助DLINK在中國大陸市場得到什麼優勢?可能的風險有哪些?4. DLINK把許多經營決策權下放到各國的伙伴公司,以印度為例,這樣的策略有何優缺點?5. 代工與品牌不分家對DLINK而言,有何優點?有何缺點。6MAXXIS,Usher,&Cyberlink Cases :品牌的根本之路

8、邱(Ch8 )Supplemental case dataTBD 7電子商務與通路管理邱(Ch10)郭智輝用 織網哲學 換到進場門票.tw/article.php?id=20916Zeng and Reinartz (2002), “Beyond Online Search: The Road to Profitability,” California Management Review.Presentation:用4C架構分析通路管理的推與拉平衡策略(各組自行選擇一個產業來分析)(各組六分鐘報告,兩張投影片)為什麼online search 與online transaction的比例差這麼

9、多,你認為哪一類產品比較可能會有高比例的online transaction?請描述這類產品的特徵以及為什麼?Explain the possible business models for ecommerce using 4c framework.8評量邱(策,Ch9, Ch12) Kanna, Tarun and Krishna Palepu (1997), “Why Focused Strategies May be Wrong for Emerging Markets,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 1997, p. 41-51.Prese

10、ntation:Base on 4c Framework & this assigned paper, explain why do Taiwanese vs. US firms treat MBA graduates differently?Discuss Question: 1. Answer question 2, & 3 on page 369.2. What are the institutional context differences between US and India3. How groups can add value in an emerging market


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