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1、Unitl HOW Can We become good IearnerS一、单项选择(共20小题;共20 分)1. - How do you Iear n EngliSh words?- making flashcards.A. ToB. ByC. ForD. With2. - How do you StUdy for a test?- working With friends.A. ByB. WithC. OnD. At3. - Could you Iend me your dicti on ary? I Want to the new word.-Sure. Here you are.D

2、. look afterthe in StrUCti ons and don'tA. look out B. look UP C. look at4. Whe n you ViSit a museum you shouldbe aga inst them.B. look forward toD. try out there WaS life on Mars.A. COmPare WithC. Pay atte nti on to5. The SCie ntists have n'tA. foundB. found out C. looked for D. discovered6

3、. DaVid did n't give UP he had failed in the experime nt four times.A. ifB. whileC. thoughD. Si nce7. She Went there early She got a good seat.A. such; that B. too; toC. so; thatD. eno ugh; to8. - Mrs. Li, will you be angry your StUdents don't obey the rulesin class?-A little. BUt I WiIl StO

4、P them in a frie ndly way.A. ifB. unl essC. though9. The family had to Stay at the hotel, it WaS raining hard.A. because B. although C. Un tilD. Unl ess10.lt is important these words.A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembers11. - How do you StUdy En glish?-I StUdy English talking With f

5、oreign StUdents.A. byB. inC. atD. on12. - Dad, look at the build in g. It is on fire.-Call 119mobile phone right now.A. inB. byC. onD. With13. Don't be afraid of new words. You Canin the dictio nary.A. look at themB. look for themC. look them UPD. look them over14. Did you Pay attention to the t

6、eacher?A. liste n toB. liste ning to C. liste nD. look15. - Did you know who tea?-The emperor She nnong did.it is the Iand ofA. foundB. discovered C. found out D. i nvent16SWitZerIa nd is Very small,WatCh and it is Very rich.A. Though; but B. Because; so C. Because; / D. Though; /17. The Camera is e

7、xpensive I can't afford it.A. so; that B. such; that C. so; asD. too; to18. - Good n ews! There WiIl be a COn Cert tonight.Really?excited.Yang KUn comes to Sing one song, rIl be VeryA. Un IeSSB. IfC. BefOreD. Un til19. Tony neverSPends money inbuying bookshedoes n't likeread ing.A. butB. bec

8、auseC. thoughD. until20. is easy for the boy in the river.A. That; to SWimB. It; to SWimC. It; Sta ndingD. That; Sta nding二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21. OUr COUntry has done SOmeth ing to stop populati on i.22. Let me tell you a Saying: K is power(力量).23. The StUdents r the story many times Until th

9、ey Can tell the storynaturally.24. Did you know who f(发现)AmeriCa?25. If you Want to learn English well, PIeaSe read a every morning. Itreally helps a lot.26. OUr English teacher's P is good, so We Can Understand her well.27. The e on her face shows She is happy.28. EVery host COUntry C its own s

10、logan.29. He Often takes an a Part in the SPOrtS meeting and he Can get Verygood results each time.30. The Car runs at a S of 110 kilometres an hour.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)31. The population COntinUeS to (增加;增长).32. I th ink (知识)is more importa nt tha n mon ey.33. My ParrOt is CIeVer eno Ugh

11、to lear n to (重复)the words I say.34. Chin ese people Were the first to(发现)the South Chi na Sea.35. Good ness me! Your(发音)is Very good.36. (物理)is my favourite subject.37. Read ing (出声)is a good Way of lear ning En glish.38. The nurse looked after so many(病人)but She felt Very happy.39. That's my g

12、ran dmother. She is 84. You would n't believe how (活跃的)She is!40. The boy lost his (能力)to walk Whe n he WaS five years old.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)41. 课堂上你应该注意听讲。You should to listening to the teacher in class.42. 你可以在字典上查这个生词。(词数不限)You Can the new word in the dicti on ary.43. 它是十多年前在苏格兰通过克隆被

13、创造出来的。She WaS Created cloning ten years ago inScotla nd.44. 我学会了使用筷子,而且他们正在教我一些汉语。I ChOPsticks, and they're teaching me a little Chinese.45. 她让自己的孩子单独呆着,以此惩罚他。She PUni Shed her child.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)Lear ning En glish is not easy. Almost every StUde nt SOmetimeS46 questi ons like these: Can I

14、really lear n En glish well? Can I really lear n it well to com muni Cate With others? If you are lear ning En glish, you may come across the47 question.The anSWer is yes. ACCOrding to some StUdieS you will find it isn't as48 as you think.Almost anyone Can learn a foreign Ianguage 49 he or She W

15、ants to. Some might learn it faster and some slower. BUt With the 50 WayS and attitude, almost anyone can make it.SUCCeSSfUI En glish lear ners 51 have POSitiVeattitude towards theirStUdies. They don't Wait for the Cha nce to USe En glish; in stead,they try their best to52 one. They don't mi

16、ss every Chance that they Can USe it. For example, they are not53 mak ing mistakes in front of others. They must knowevery one may makemistakes sometimes. They 54talking With people even in broken English,Singing En glish songs or WatCh ing movies, eve n though they may not55 the idea completely(完全地

17、).They like to read SimPIe StOrieS or newspaper reports and try toguess the meaning all the time. They Set goals目标)and try to achieve them. The mostimporta nt thing is that they n ever give up.46.A. triesB. asksC. an SWerSD. reports47.A. fastB. badC. n ewD. Same48.A. easyB. difficultC. much D. littl

18、e49.A. beforeB. afterC. as D. if50.A. funnyB. SmartC. right D. POSSibIe51.A. usuallyB. neverC. SOmetimeS D. seldom52.A. missB. loseC. find D. choose53.A. proud ofB. afraid ofC. sorry for D. PIeaSed With54.A. stopB.needC. enjoy D. hate55.A. takeB. rememberC. forget D. get六、阅读理解(共19小题;共38分)AFirSt Fren

19、 Chma n: I once heard some one shout,“ Look out. ” I PUt my heaof a WindOWand a bucket(桶)of Water fell on me. It SeemS that“ Look out ”“ Don't look out. ”SeCOnd Fren Chma n: I WaS once on a ShiP and heard the CaPta in shout, “ All hands on deck(甲板). I PUt my hands on the deck and some one WaIked

20、 on them.Third FrenChman: I once Went early in the morning to the doctor's and his nurse Came to the door and said,“ He's not UP yet. Come back in half an hour.Went a SeC ond time for him, She said,“ He's not dow n yet. ” I had to go away aga in.I thought the doctor should be in the hous

21、e in the eve ning, so I Went there once more.Oh, how sorry I am! He's not in! I'd better tell him to Wait for you if you could COmetomorrow. ” Said the nurse.tell me Where he stays!I Said an grily.56. Whe n the first Fren Chma n heard some one shoutLook out. ” , hereA. PUt your head outB. Ta

22、ke CareWell! He's not up, he is not dow n, and he is not in. PIeaD. Help meC. HUrry UP57. When the CaPtain shouted, “All hands on deck. ” ,what he meantis .A. to PUt your both hands on deckB. to PUt UP your handsC. to give your hands to meD. that “ All the Sailo员)on deck ”58. When the nurse said

23、,“ He's not UP yet. ” , She meant that .A. he has not stood UP yetB. he has not yet got UPC. he has not woke n UP yetD. he has not yet come dow nstairs59. Whe n the thirdFren Chma n Went back for the SeC ond time, thedoctor .A. WaS still in an UPStairS roomB. WaS read ingC. WaS hav ing his break

24、fastD. WaS WaSh ing himself60. WhiCh do you think is the best title(标题)for the passage?A. Three Fren Chme nB. Three FrenCh StOrieSC. What a Lan guage!D. The En glish Lan guageB"Lear ning a Ian guage is easy. EVe n a child Can do it!"Most adults who are lear ning a SeC ond Ian guage would d

25、isagree With the above Senten ces. For them, lear ning a Ian guage is a Very difficult task. They n eed hun dreds of hours to StUdy and practise, and that will not guarantee SUCCeSS for every adult Ian guage learner.Lan guage lear ning is differe nt from other kinds of lear ning. Some people who are

26、 Very intelligent and SUCCeSSfUI in their fields find it difficult to SUCCeed in Ianguage Iearning. However, some people who are SUCCeSSfUI Ianguage Iearners find it difficult to SUCCeed in other fields.Language teachers often offer advice to Ianguage Iearners: Read as much as you Can in the new Ian

27、 guage; PraCtiSe SPeaki ng the Ian guage every day; live With people who SPeak the Ianguage you Want to Iearn; don't translate try to think in the new Ian guage; Iear n as a child would Iearn- play With the Ian guage and so on.BUt What does a SUCCeSSfUI Ia nguage Iear ner do? Lan guage Iear ning

28、 research shows that SUCCeSSfUI Ianguage Iearners are SimiIar in many ways.FirSt of all, SUCCeSSfUI Ianguage Iearners are independent独立的)Iearners.Secon dly, SUCCeSSfUI Ia nguage Iear ning is active Iear ning.Fi nally, SUCCeSSfUI Ia nguage Iear ners are Iear ners With a PUrPOSe 目的).What kind of Ian g

29、uage Iear ner are you? If you are a SUCCeSSfUI Ia nguage Iear ner,you have PrObabIy bee n Iear ning in depe nden tly, actively, and purposefully.61. What does the Un derli ned WOrd "guara ntee" mean in Chin ese?A.许诺B.几率C.计划D.保证62. From the passage, We know that Ianguage learning is learnin

30、g toride.A. easier tha nB. less difficult tha nC. differe nt fromD. SimiIar to63. WhiCh of the following is NOT the advice from Ianguage teachers?A. PraCtiSe SPeak ing the Ian guage every day.B. Try to play With ChiIdren as often as possible.C. Try to thi nk in the new Ian guage.D. LiVe With people

31、who SPeak the Ian guage you Want to Iear n.64. WhiCh of the following is TRUE?A. Most adults thi nk it is Very easy to Iear n a SeC ond Ian guage.B. You Can always get USefUI advice on Ian guage Iear ning from your relatives.C. In tellige nt people Can Iear n a SeC ond Ian guage easily.D. SUCCeSSfUI

32、 Ia nguage Iear ners have PrObabIy bee n Iear ningin depe nden tly,actively,a nd purposefully.65. What is the best title for this passage?A. How to be a SUCCeSSfUI Lan guage Lear ner?B. What is a Lan guage Lear ner?C. Lan guage Lear ning is Difficult.D. What Kind of Lan guage Lear ner are You?A Xia

33、ngta n tee nager has received a PhOne bill for OVer 350 yua n after Sending 3,500 text messages in just one mon th.Tan Wei has had his new mobile phone for only three mon ths, but now his father has take n it away."He's bee n ask ing me for a mobile for years because all his friends have go

34、t on e," expla ined Tan Wei's father. "I fin ally bought one for his birthday because he's bee n doing so well at school, but he and hisfriends are CraZy about Sending text messages.They do it all the time."Tan Wei said, "I thought texting WaS much CheaPer tha n phoning,

35、so I've bee n texting my friends all day long and even into the early hours of the morning. SOmetimeS my fin gers hurt because I PreSSed the butt ons 按键)so much, but I WaS hav ing SUCh good fun that I could n't stop!"HiS father said, "I am angry With the phone compa ny as they are

36、en COUrag ing this CraZy behaviour." He has made his son PrOmiSe to Pay back the mon ey, so Tan Wei has bee n worki ng on SatUrdays. He has found a part-time job in a shoe shop. "I think it will take me about half a year to clear this debt (债务),"he said.66. Tan Wei got the mobile phon

37、e because.A. he's bee n ask ing for it for yearsB. all his friends have got oneC. he's bee n doing well at school67. The Un derli ned word "texti ng" PrObabIy meansA.读课文B.发短信C.发邮件68. Whe n he Sent text messages, Tan Wei.A. made friends at schoolB. got himself injuredC. felt quite h

38、appy69. HOW much money does Tan Wei get for his job every mon th?A. About 40 yua n. B. About 60 yua n. C. About 80 yua n.DDear editor,My English teacher is Very StriCt (严厉)With us. SeVeraI days ago, Whe n We Were hav ing class, Tom asked me a questi on. BUt She thought We Were SPeaki ng in class. Sh

39、e asked US to Sta nd at the back of the CIaSSroom for a few minu tes. ThiS made me Un comfortable. After that, I feel nervous in her class, so I don't like her class. However, I really Want to learn English well. What should I do?Yours,MikeDear Mike,I am sorry you are having difficulty With your

40、 English class. EVery teacher WantS his or her StUde nts to StUdy hard especially in class. So I think you should have a talk With your En glish teacher and tell her What you Were doing With TOm that day. If She knows your worries, maybe She will help you With your English. And She will be PIeaSed t

41、o hear you Want to lear n En glish well. I believe Whe n StUde nts are not trying as hard as they can, a teacher is forced(被迫)to take actions.Yours, EditOr70. What's wrong With Mike?A. He meets trouble With his Pare nts.B. He does n't know how to get on well With his classmates.C. He has a h

42、ard time With his En glish class.D. He is always SPeak ing in class.71. What happe ned in that En glish class?A. Mike could n't an SWer the questio n. So the teacher asked him to Sta nd.B. Mike had an argume nt With Tom about the questio n.C. Tom asked Mike a questio n, and the teacher thought t

43、hey Were SPeak ing.D. Mike felt Un comfortable because he WaS ill.72. In the editor's opinion, Why did the English teacher PUnish(惩罚)Mike?A. BeCaUSe the En glish teacher did n't thi nk Mike WaS StUdy ing hard in class.B. BeCaUSe Mike an SWered the questi on wrong.C. BeCaUSe Mike WaS bad at E

44、n glish.D. BeCaUSe Mike had a fight With other StUde nts.73. What does the Un derli ned PhraSe "take acti ons" mean in Chin ese?A.采取行动B.参加活动C.帮助D.表演74. What Can We lear n from the letters?A. Mike WantS to have a talk With his English teacher.B. Mike WantS the editor to Say SOmething to his

45、 English teacher.C. The editor gave Mike some advice, but it did n't work.D. Mike dislikes En glish CIaSSeS now, but he WantS to lear n En glish well.七、短文7选5(5选5等)(共5小题;共10分)JUSt in Time!"Come on, Sasha," my father shouted, "Put the book down and get yourclari net(竖笛).We have to l

46、eave now if you don't want to miss class."Clarinet class? I thought to myself. 75 Yes, I would like tomiss class. "Coming!" 76 I got out of the bed and PiCked UP myclari net and rushed to the car.My dad Started the engine and We drove off. "Hope you have a wonderfulclass,&quo

47、t; dad said. "I n my dreams," I spoke Very quietly. "Not aga in," dad Said an grily.I looked out of the Window. 7 "Car traffic," I Said Undermy breath With a big smile. ThiS is my lucky day because I am going to miss class.While We Were Wait ing for the CarS to Start dr

48、iv ing aga in, I WaS Sitti ng in myCar seat, Singing a song. 78 What's important is that I WaS going tomiss class. Great! "10 minu tes passed," I Said excitedly. My dad looked at me an grily.The Car Started to move."Fin ally," my dad took a deep breath. We got there and I had Only missed a few minu tes of class. 79."Just in time, Sasha. I WaS thinking


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