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1、1 题型三第一节 ma D A(2018 遵义) 答题第一步:浏览题干及选项,在题干或选项中用“ 标注定位词。 答题第二步:带着问题通读全文。 I am Mike Smith, a doctor from London. I really feel that life in China is changing so quickly. Recently I had a bus in ess trip to Tianjin. I left my Beiji ng apartme nt and walked half a street to the subway .-i-r- - - .err- -

2、i-ir r station . About twelve stops later, I reached the high speed rail stati on. After two minu tes of security( 安 检),I picked up my ticket, which I had bought on my f - M M w . ” rFP4 , = , . - -o- =”= . phone while on the subway. Then I walked to the terminal( 终点)and got on the train. Twenty-eig

3、ht minu tes later I was in the cen ter of a beautiful city Tianj in. I could enjoy a n ice walk along the riverside towards my hotel. It is amazing that the whole experienee took no more than a few hours, with no cars, no airports, no credit cards( 信用卡)and no long lines, just my smart phone, only a

4、few US dollars and comfortable walk ing shoes. In most places in the developed world, there is no experie nee like this. But Chi na is differe nt. So in my opin io n, if we thi nk highly of Chi nas modern wonders, I believe its high speed rail system must be one of them. And its one symbol of a new

5、China and a sig n of Chin as stre ngth as well. 答题第三步:根据题干或选项定位词用“ ”在原文中标注关键句,将选项与原 文进行对比、归纳,确定答案。段意概括: 第一段:_描述了迈克史密 斯从北京到天津的一次出差 经历。 第二段: 介绍了迈克史密 斯对中国高铁的看法。 2 I. E Mike itnlli ILIHII? lb* Irnn _ A. Aanrriea Si BUM dM BDkfl buy hh iKkl hi Tiiiihjin? H& I might it ?t_ njil hi % plHun IL From lh.和

6、 “h ih严 Zip “I hi/ flirpd 3- bLnwr nany traffic loob did Vlikp 竝树 fniku lii* d|)urljikHl l“ h” hadri in 1 iiiHLh? A. (hu Twvh :Third U, biiiir. 4. %理mrlini髯 |( ihe pa*翊朝、Milk lhinlk ihal thR trip h . .LmiMiital4r It t U ln up LI. ilh IL 卩软卜 3* Asi i n lm;! 1I:I Bl ir ii i ih i - i i|iiuiHPU . I imt

7、i i.nn 小 JJH r.il i ln lp A I II ilu llir rrwMsh? A. Twour ubjtn l L ItEiJTii iiiNurt* J1MIIJL unr ubiirtl (:.lo llir liljirdin Ik I”瞿ill bit “4 5. Q INI rnilil h IIH- lxM lith* fm ihi 卩卜呦即? A. IJkaiii oh Mdcliri 比 l inding riMmT pmihlrms I:- A-kiup |ji*nI t|ih*lioib whilr ilinn mwml H. lliiHiif ipi

8、lrn-hlirig niiHwr vihilr rrbmin,li题干翻译: 1 当我们对某事好奇的 时候,作者建议我们做什 么? A. 读更多关于它的书 B. 在字典里查它 C. 向老师求助 D. 问问题并寻找答案 2 在这篇文章中,作者 通过给我们列举一个关 于 _ 的例子告诉我们 如何做研究。 A. 机器人 B. 图书馆 C. 问题 D. 科学家 3 .根据作者的观点可知, 几个步骤可以帮助你做 研究? A.两个B .三个 C.四个D .五个 4 .如果你 _ 你可能会 5 发现一些新的问题。 A. 写下你的主题 B. 更多地了解你的主题 C. 去图书馆 D. 开始问问题 5 .这篇文早取好的标题 可能是什么? A. 做科学研究 B. 找更多的问题 C. 做研究的时候问好的 问题 D. 作研究时有有趣的冋 题 正确答案:DACBC 答题第四步:核对答案,反思错题。 IS 育 _


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