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1、到底怎么样;有什么事吗;出什么事了 ?I can ' t find my ball.我找不到我的球了。What colour is your ball?你的球是什么颜色的?It ' s red and white.它是红白相间的。Look! Is this your ball?看!这是你的球?Yes,it is ! Thank you.是的,它是!谢谢你。(P2)2、Using my five senses.用我的五种感官(嗅觉一一触觉一一味觉一一听觉一一视觉Look and learn. |看看学学阅读和学习Black blue gree n redwhiteyellow黑色

2、蓝色绿色红色白色黄色3、Sing and song唱歌和歌曲The rainbow你看彩虹彩虹。彩虹。你看彩虹彩虹Look at the rain bow.The rain bow.The rain bow.Look at the rain bow.In the sky.在天空。Red, oran ge, yellow,红色,橙色,黄色,Gree n and blue,绿色和蓝色,Purple and violet too.紫色和紫色。Look at the rain bow.你看彩虹。The rainbow彩虹The rainbow彩虹Look at the rain bow.你看彩虹。In

3、 the sky.在天空。(p3)4、Say and act说和做5、What colour is it,Joe?是什么颜色的,Joe ?6、It ' s yellow.是黄色的。7、What colour is it,Joe?是什么颜色的,Joe ?It ' s blue.是蓝色的。Let ' s mix blue and yellow.让我们把蓝色和黄色混合起来。Look! What colour is it now?瞧!现在是什么颜色?It ' s green.是绿色的。Colour and write颜色和书写Yellow+blue=gree nred+

4、yellow=ora ngewhite+black=graywhite+red=pink (p4)8、Review the letters 复习字母StartAa(apple) Bb(bag) Cc(cat) Dd(dog) Ee(egg) Ff(fan) Gg(gril)-Hh(hand) -Ii(ice cream) -Jj(juice) -Kk(kite) -Ll(lion)-Mm(mouth)-Nn(nose) -Oo(orange) -Pp(pig)Qq(queen) Vv(van)Uu(uncle)- -Tt(table) - Ss(six) - Rr(rabbit) - Ww(w

5、indow) -Xx(X-ray)- Yy(yellow)- -Zz(zoo) (p5)9、Tastes 品味Liste n and say 听和说Taste it,Joe. 尝尝,Joe。How is it?怎么样?It ' s sweffi甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?It ' s can是糖果。Taste it, Kitty.尝尝,Kitty。How is it?怎么样?It ' s so太酸了。What is it ?它是什么?It ' s a lemo是个柠檬。(p6)10、Look and learn 看和学Candy ice cream

6、lem on糖果冰淇淋柠檬Play a game 玩游戏S1:Taste it. How is it? 尝尝。怎么样?S2:lt ' s sweet.(sour)甜(酸)S1:What is it ?是什么?S2:lt 是(p7)11、 Look and read仔细阅读It is red and round. 又红又圆。It is sweet.很甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?It is yellow and long. 又黄又长。It is sweet.很甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?It is orange and round. 它是橙色和圆形的。It is s

7、weet and sour. 又甜又酸。What is it?它是什么?It is yellow.它是黄色的。It is sour.它是酸的。What is it ?它是什么? ( p8)12、Sing and song 唱歌唱歌Apple tree苹果树Apple red苹果红Apple round 苹果圆Apple juicy.苹果多汁。Apple sweet.苹果甜。Apple apple I love you. 苹果苹果我爱你。Apple sweet I love to eat. 苹果甜我喜欢吃苹果。Lear n the sounds 学习声音Pp pig 猪 Bb bag 包Bett

8、y has a new bag.Betty 有个新包。But it ' s not very b但不是很大。On the fron t of her bag. 在她包的前面。Is a picture of a pig.是一只猪的照片(p9)Sounds 声音Liste n and say 听和说Liste n!What ca n you hear?听着!你听到什么了?I can hear a dog. 我能听至U狗的声音。I can hear a bus.我能听到公共汽车的声音。What ca n you hear? 你能听到什么?I can hear a pla ne. 我能听至U飞

9、机的声音。lean hear cars。我能听到汽车的声音 (p10)Look and lear n 好好学习Bikebuspla ne ship car train自行车、公共汽车、飞机、轮船、汽车、火车Tick and say打勾和说S1:What can you hear? 你能听到什么?S2:l can hear 我能听到 (p11)Enjoy a story 喜欢听故事Gu Dong is comi ng!Gu Dong来了!Liste n! What ca n you hear? 听着!你能听到什么?lean hear ” Gu Don我能自听到 “Gu Dong!Help!Hel

10、p!Gu Do ng is comi ng!救命!救命! Gu Dong 来了!What' s Gu Don g?Gu Do ng 是什么?It ' s a monster是个怪物Its mouth is big.它的嘴巴很大。Its eyes are gree n. 它的眼睛是绿色的。Don' t worry 别担心Look!瞧!Gu Don g!(p12)Thi nk and write 思考和写作I can hear a 我能听至UI can hear bikes and我能听至U自行车和I can hear a (_)and a(_) 我能听至 ULear n

11、the sounds 学习声音Tt rabbit 兔子 Dd red 红色Ti na has a toy rabbit.T ina有一只玩具兔子。Its ears are white and red. 它的耳朵白而红。Tina ' s toy rabbit is under her bed.Tina 的玩具兔子在她床底下 (p13)Revision 1 订正 1Let ' s revises们修改一下What colour is it ?(the can dy/ice cream?)这是什么颜色的?冰淇淋?It ' s green white red and yello

12、w.它是绿色,白色,红色和黄色。How is it?怎么样?It ' s sweet soi是甜酸的。Write and say 写和说What colour is it? 这是什么颜色的?It ' s bli是蓝色的。How is it? Is it sweet? 怎么样?很甜吗?No.It ' s so不,是酸的。S1:What colour is it ? 这是什么颜色?S2:lt ' s white and browr白色和棕色。S1:How is it?怎么样?S2:lt ' s swe很甜(p14)Let ' s revises们修改

13、一下What ca n you hear? 你能听到什么?I can hear a bike/a car. 我能听至U车子的声音。Thi nk and write 思考和写作What can you hear ,Kitty? 你听到什么了, Kitty ?I can hear a car,a dog,a cat,a bus, a pla ne, a ship.我能听至 U汽车、狗、猫、公共汽车、飞机、船的声音。Thi nk and circle 思考和循环My work in Module 我在模块里的工作 (p15)Project1 项目 1A sense test感官测试Read the

14、words,Stick or draw picture with the correct colours用正确的颜色读单词、贴或画图片Black thi ngsblue things gree n things red things white things yellow things蓝色的东西绿色的东西红色的东西白色的东西黄色的东西Look at the pictures Circle the correct words or phrase看看图片,圈出正确的单词或短语Sour/sweet sweet and sour甜和酸Tick the boxes在盒子上划勾I know我知道Ani m

15、als in the zoo动物园里的动物Liste n and say听和说Look at the mon keys. 看看猴子。They' re cute.I like monkeys.他们很可爱。我喜欢猴子。Do you like mon keys.Be n?你喜欢猴子吗。本?No, I don ' t. I like elephant不,我没有。我喜欢大象。They' re big and strong.它们又大又壮。Do you like elepha nts.Kitty?你喜欢大象吗凯蒂?Yes, I do.是的,我知道。(P18)My favourite

16、thi ngs 我最喜欢的东西Look and lear n 看和学Bear elepha ntlio nmon keypandatiger熊象大象狮子猴子熊猫老虎Tick and say 打勾和说Bears elepha nts lions mon keys pan das rabbits tigers熊大象 狮子 猴子 熊猫 兔子老虎S1: I likeDo you like?我喜欢你喜欢S2 : Yes, I do.是的,我知道(p20)No, I don ' t. I like不,我没有。我喜欢 Enjoy a story 喜欢听故事The old man and the mo

17、n key 老人和猴子Oh. It ' s h哦.好热啊。It ' s cool her这里很凉快。Look! What ' s this瞧!这是什么?It ' s a h是顶帽子。I like this hat.我喜欢这顶帽子。They' re my hats它们是我的帽子!They' re our hats他们是我们的帽子!I don ' t like this ha我不喜欢这顶帽子!I don ' t like this ha我不喜欢这顶帽子! (p20)Draw and write 画和写I like mon keys . 我喜欢猴子。Look at this mon key. 看看这只猴子。Its tail is Iong.它的尾巴很长。Its ears are small. 它的耳朵很小。Lear n the sounds 学习声音KkKiteGgGirl女孩The girl is in the park. 女孩在公园里。The kites are in the sky. 风筝在天上。The girl files her red kite. 那个女孩放她的红色风筝。It goes up very high.它飞得很高。(p21)


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