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1、商务英语处理投诉一.顾客投诉: F m CaIIing to make a COmPlaint TOday I received a PaCkage from your COmPanyZ but it's not What Ordered. We need to get the right PartS as Soon as POSSibIe I WaS ShOPPing at One Of your StOreS yesterda½ and the CaShier WaS Very rude to me. I felt really embarrassed. ve never

2、 been treated that Way before I WOUlcl Iike to return this item. Are refunds allowed? I WOUld rather just return it译文:我打电话来是要投诉。我今天收到了贵公司寄来的包裹,不过这不是我订购的东西。我们想尽快更换这批货。昨无我去了你们的一家实体店购物,那个收银员对我态度非常粗暴。我感到很尴尬。我从没被这样对待过。我想把这东西退掉可以退款吗?我还是想退掉。卖方处理投诉: Fm SOrry to hear that you had a bad experience at OUr StOr

3、e. I WOUld be glad to help you. DO you have your Order number? F Ve brought UP your order. IS this ChUCk Fischer? COUld you briefly describe What happened? I WiIl Certainly IOOk into this matter. I Can See that the numbers don't match. I do apologize. There must have been SOme kind Of mistake. I

4、S there a reason that you WOUld Iike to return it? Did you have anyPrOblemS With OUr PrOdUCt Or services?译文:很抱歉您在我们店里遇到不愉快的事。我很高兴帮助您。您有订单号吗?我把您的订单调出来了。是查克费希尔吗?您能简单地讲讲事情的经过吗?我肯定会调查此事。我也发现这些数字不匹配。非常抱歉,我想肯定是搞错了。为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?三、补偿办法: FII make SUre the PrOPer item is ShiPPed to you right awayo

5、BeCaUSe Of the inCOnVenience you've been through, We Can Offer youa 10 PerCent discount On your next OrderO We WOUld be glad to Send you a 10-dollar gift CardI WhiCh Can beUSed at any Of OUr IOCatiOnSO The CUStOmer is always right, We are here to SerVe you0我马上就安排人把您要的产品发货给您。由于此次失误给您造成的不便,我们可以给您的

6、下一份订单打九折。我们会为您寄一份十美元的礼品卡,您可以在我们的任何一家实体店使用这 张卡。顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务。四、本章单词短语的回顾:briefly简单地CaShier收银员COUrteOUS礼貌的exceptional 出色的flavor 口味impatient 不 t烦的incon VenienCe 不便item商品PaCkage 包裹PUrSe钱包rude粗暴的ValUed尊贵的 bad experience不愉快的事 bring UP调出来Cat food 猫粮CUStOmer SerViCe客户服务部CUStOmer SUPPOrt客户支持部 dog food 狗粮feel embarrassed 感到尴尬IOOk into 调查make a ComPIaint 投诉Pay by CaSh付现金Pride OneSelf in 以为骄傲Wait in Iine 排队


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