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1、Passage 16Bad RiceLook at this, ” Bonnie said. Scott looked. Scott looked insidea plasticbag. Therewasriceinsidethebag.Butsomethingelsewas inside the bag.“ What are thesethings ”he asked.Theywereinsects.The insectswerecrawlingaround.Alot ofinsectswerecrawlingaround. “ That sdisgusting,” hesaid.Where

2、didtheycomefrom ”Bonnie said, “Theycamefromyou!”Scottsaidno.Hedidn t haveinsects.Notevenone.“ Youboughtthewrongbagof rice, ”Bonniesaid. “ I toldyouwhichbagofricetobuy.Butyouwantedto savemoney. So you boughtthecheapricewith insectsinit! ”Bonnietied up thebag.Sheputthebaginside anotherbag. Shetied up

3、the secondbag.“ Thisisforyoutoeat, ”Bonniesaid.Uh,thanks, ” Scott said.生词点拨inside 里面plastic bag 塑料袋insect 昆虫crawl 爬行disgusting 令人厌恶的小试身手根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Thestory isabout abadof rice.()2.Thebag onlyhas rice init.() are insects in the rice.()4.Scott boughtthe cheap rice withinsects in it.() gave t

4、he rice to Scott to eat.American BreakfastSam wasrunninglate.She wanteda fastbreakfast.Shedidn t havetime tomakeher ownbreakfast.Her usualbreakfastwasrice congee,and vegetables.“ Willyou makeme a fastbreakfastshe asked herboyfriend.Hewas American. Shewas Chinese. Helikedcereal forbreakfast.Hegrabbed

5、a box ofcereal.He grabbedabowl and aspoon.He tooka boxifmilkutof the fridge.He grabbed abanana.“ Here ssomethingfast foryou,” he said. Heput everythingon thedining table. Shelooked atthebox of cereal.“ Let me trythis first, ” shesaid.“ Howcanyou eat thisIt sso dry. ”“ Well,that swhat themilkandbanan

6、aarefor, ” he said.She said shedidn tlike it.Shetookthe bananaand went towork. 生词点拨runninglate 迟到congee 米粥cereal 麦片grab 抓起spoon 汤匙a fewflakespfcereal 几片麦片小试身手根据短文内容选出正确答案。anyThe MoonThemoon issmaller than theearth.Itismore thanthree hundredandeightythousand kilometresawayfromus. In 1969,two American

7、sgotto themoon by spaceship.They foundno livingthings there.Andthere isno air or waterthere.Itistoo hot inthe day andtoocold atnight, so nothingcanliveonthe moon.Everythingonthemoon ismuch lighterbecausethereisno gravity.Walking onthemoon islike jumping andflying.Sowecan jumphigher on themoon than o

8、n the earth.生词点拨spaceship 宇宙飞船everything一切事物light 轻的gravity 重力)1.SamwasA.earlyforworka restaurantlatebreakfastandmilk3.4.).usuallySam isSam sateforbreakfast.and vegetablesA.fish andriceboyfriendislikehave小试身手根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。()moonisbigger than theearth.() lives on the moon.()is lighteron themoon th

9、anon theearth.()moonistoo coldin the dayand toohot at night.()canliveon themoon.A School Boy Li Ming is a school boy. He is nine years old and he lives in Shanghai. He studies in Yucai Primary School. He gets up at half past six every day. He reads English in the morning and has breakfast at half pa

10、st seven. After that,he walks to school. They havefourclasses inthe morningand twoin the afternoon. Inthe evening hedoeshishomework athome. LiMingusually watchesTV on Saturday evenings. Li Ming likes playing tennis, and he often plays it with his father. He also likes travelling. He plans to travel

11、during the summer holiday.生词点拨breakfast 早餐tennis 网球travel 旅行plan 计划,打算小试身手根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。()Mingisa student.() Ming gets up at six every day.()Minglikes playingbaseball and travelling.()Mingwalks to schoolevery day.()Minghas six classesat schoolevery day.Passage 20The Spring FestivalWe call the Chi

12、nese New Year the Spring Festival. Before New Year s Day,people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year s Eve,there is a bog family dinner. After dinner,the whole family stays up late to welcome in the New Year. On the first day of the New Year,people wear new clothes and go to visi

13、t their friends. They say “ Happy New Year” to each other. Everyone has a good time during the festival.生 词 点 拨 festival 节 日 , 喜 庆 日visit 拜访dinner 晚餐Spring Festival 春节 Stay up late 熬夜New Year s Eve 除夕小试身手根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。() New Year s Eve, there is a bog family dinner.() the first day of the New Year,people wear new clothesand go to work() the festival people stay at home.()Chinese New Year iscalledthe SpringFestival.()are very happy during thefestival.


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