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1、实战一HMyEclipse2014安装ADT插件2014-05-20 17:05 MyEclipse 阿超 7117 views前段时间,本 Eclipse部落里面分享了 MyEclipse2014安装插件的几种方式(适用于Eclipse或MyEclipse其他版本),相信其中的方法方式也给了大家一些启示。Eclipse部落QQ群172437052里面和留言中都有讨论到An droid 开发,无可厚非,当下移动互联网时代,An droid平台市场份额非常高,An droid开发需求量也是剧增,相信来Eclipse部落里面的朋友们也有不少童鞋打算或者正在做An droid 开发,今天,Eclip

2、se部落给大家带来An droid 开发第一步,ADT ( An droid Developme nt Tools,安卓开发工具包)插件的安装教程。这次,本文采用公认的最佳插件安装方式一一link方式来安装ADT插件,此方法适用于Eclipse以及MyEclipse 其他版本。下面为大家一一道来:| 一、安装 Eclipse 或者 MyEclipse J安装MyEclipse2014 可参考MyEclipse 2014下载与安装教程破解MyEclipse2014 可参考MyEclipse 2014 破解图文详细教程| |二、下载ADT插件包百度搜索 ADT,第一个就是 ADT插件官网,点进去,

3、全英文的哦,如下图,不要害怕,试着读一读 点我直达ADT插件官网Developers Design Develop DistributeTraining API GuidesReferenc皂To二Google Services SamplesDeveloper ToolsADT PlUQIHDownloadvAndroid Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is Workfiowdesigned to give you a powerful integrated environment tn which

4、to buildAndroid appiicalionsSupport Library vADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android Tools Helpprojects, create an application Ui. add packages based on the AndroidSDK ToolsADT PluginBuild ToolsPlatformsADKFramework API. debug your applications using Th已 Android

5、 SDK tools, and Revisionseven export signed (or unsigned) apk files in order to distribute your appiicatiDeveloping in Ecl ipse with ADT is highly recommended and is the fastest way it provides as well astools integration, custom XML editors, and debug outpu developing Andoid appticationsTh is docum

6、ent provides step-by*step in strudion son how to download lhe AD development environment Note that before you can install or use ADT, you mi Eclipse IDE and the Androi d SDK installed For details, make sureto read Inst a if you are already using ADT. this document also provides instructions on how t

7、o uninstall it if necessaryFor in formation about the features provided bylhe ADT plugin, such as code e graphical layout edilor (fordrag-and-drop layout editing), seethe -ndroid DevRevisi ons进入官网后,我们找到右边菜单项里面的Dow nload-Setti ng Upa n Exist ingDeveloper ToolsDownloadSetting Up the ADTBundleSetting U

8、p an 亠Existing IDEInstalling the EclipsePluginAdding Platforms and PackagesAndrotd Studio vExploring the SDKDownload theNDKWorkffowSupport LibraryTools HelpRevisionsAOKvPackageSizeMDSChecksuiADT-22.63.zip14590813 bytes3982259fd2c(IDE-I nstalli ng the Eclipse Plugi n-Dow nload the ADT Plugi n zip fil

9、e (do not un packit),找到ADT插件的zip包,点击下载到电脑上Devep Tools InstalNng the Eclipse PluginADT Translation Manager Plugin from the renriote reposHory In that cas "Contact ail update sites during install to find required software" at theiTroubleshooting ADT Installationf you are having trouble downl

10、oading the ADT plug after fol I owing the st asa corporate firewall), make sure that you have properly con figured yourj configure proxy mformation from the main Eclipse menu in Window (on Ma Network ConnectionsIf you are still unable to use Eclipse to download the ADT plugin asa remot filetoyour lo

11、ca* machine and maXtially install it:1 Downtoad the ADT Plugwfip file (do not unpack it):2 Start Eclipse then sefect Hflp install New Software3 Click Add, inthetop-right corner.4 In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive5 Select the downloaded ADT-22.6 3.zip file and click OK6 Enter MADT Plugin&qu

12、ot; for the name and click OK7. in the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Deveioperl8 in the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click!9 Read and accept the license aareements, then click FinishD:ProgramDataMyEclipseadt文件夹下,如下图:这样,我们就下载好了 ADT插件包了,文件结

13、构如下:ADT-22.63.zip - WinRAR§:件(F)希令g工具收藏真0)选项熬助(H)查找 向导 信島3或者文本编辑器打开,里面写入adt插件解压的地址,记得地址要转义哦,本文中adt. link£ 湛ADT-22.6.3.zip - ZIP压叔件解比小为14*992例5字节名称h大小迁缩后大屮掛改时闾CRC321 w?b文住2014/4/15 18:42plugins文怯2014/4/15 18:42features文1牛昊2014/4/15 18:42| 滋itzml1,S57420XML文件2014/4/15 18:426C3F4058 !W index,

14、html2,030&40360 se HTML 0" 2014/4/15 I8r422866F797L. J mG总计3文件夹和3,887字节(2个文件)|三解压插件包到本地二新建一个文件夹,用于保存MyEclipse插件存放的地方,例如,本文中,我们将这个目录的对应子目录下面,MyEclipse 插件全部存放到:D:ProgramDataMyEclipse也即,我们需要解压 ADT插件包里面的plugins文件夹和features文件夹到文件adt主页 共享 重看EfnDataIV!yEdipSEadtj醱"記trA名称*下载features桌面pluginsjj

15、最近访问的链置悻改E弟2D14/4/15 18:422014/4/15 T6j42文怯A OneDriveL这舍电庭 占视濒 -E匕2个项目|三建立link文件,安装插件在MyEclipse 安装文件夹的 dropins 子文件夹中,建立一个adt.link 文件,用记事本D:Program FilesMyEclipse Professional 2014dr»4 "L这台电狼图片專下载J音乐£黨面i(C:)新址巻(D:) 新如卷(E:)交件旧策辑旧 奩件(P)窍口删L_J 4<lt. linl.J嗖秦规圏(V)格式)语言(L)设置宏(O) ?patn=D:

16、 WPxcigxaiLDa taWMyE clipseXLn : 1 Col ; 37 Sei ; 0 0Do sWindowsANSI 朋 UTF-3文件里面内容为:path=D:ProgramDataMyEclipseadtdropins母下裁科名称摻改日期曲 LJ adtlink2014/5/20 T7101LINK文件一懿朋的謂 svnJink2014/4/28 20:29UNK文雙畫“TL OneDrive* « Program Ales 卜 MyEclipse Professional 2014 dropins打开MyEclipse,会发现ADT插件已经安装上了,可能 A

17、DT插件会让你下载一些东西,按照提示下载更新即可,Google官网上面的资源有时候在中国大陆区下载速度会很慢, 请耐心等待哦。Android SDK ManagerXPackages ToolsSDK Path: D:Program Fil esa dt* bu nd I e- wi ndows -x86_64-20131030sd kPackagestj|i Name J |0B Tools 1APfRev,A|_ / Android SDK Took22.3Installed $ Android SDK Platform-tools19,0.1E5f installed / Android

18、 SDK Build-tools19.0.2Not installedI ; .# Android SDK BuHd-tools19.0,1Not installed|-Android SDK Build -tools19J5" InstaNed匚 j Android SDK Build-tools18. L7Not installed扌 Android SDK Buiid-tooh18.1Not instiled扌 Android SDK Build-tools1&0.1匚 Not installed扌 Android SDK Build-tools17Not instat

19、edJ Android 44 fAPI 19)典 Documents tion for Android 5DK192Not installed1=1PlafirtirmTO1 1 InrJxrailrtr PVShow:d Updates/New |7 lnstaHed.| ObsoleteNg眉 or Uudt它呂Inctall cj :最后,调出 An droid 开发的几个常用的视图,点击菜单Win dow-Show View-OtherDelete packages.Sort by: API level. ReposftoryDeTFd AllFetching URL: httpst/

20、Zdl-ssLgcoglexcm/android/repositcry/repository*8,xmlRun Window HelpNew WindowNew Editor.on e.nalHide ToolbarOpen Perspective& & < -4 谷Show View.ce uK)th idd(g :.get 2;Customize Perspective. Save Perspective As- Reset Perspective. Close Perspective Close All PerspectivesNavigationPrefere n

21、cesIUI()throit()throws ExceptionConsoleAlt+Shift+Q CdlImage PreviewOutlineAlt+Shift+Q, 0Package ExplorerAlt+Shift+Q PProblemsAlt+Shift+Q, XProject Migration PropertiesServersTasksType HierarchyAlt+Shift+Q, TWeb BrowserOther.Alt+Shift+Q, Q选择An droid 视图下面的常用视图,即可Show ViewX以上即为ADT插件的安装过程,如果你还是觉得麻烦,或者没能

22、正确安装上,那么还有一个偷懒的方法,谷歌公司为我们提供了一个已经安装好了ADT插件的Eclipse包一一ADT Bun die,只要你本地安装好了JDK环境,那么,只用下载这个Eclipse包,即可进行开发,这个Eclipse适合只做An droid 开发的用户使用,整体体验还不错。我们到 ADT官网,点击左边菜单栏的 Dow nload ,然后,点击 Dow ni oad the SDK ADT Bun die forWin dows,如下图:Developers - Design uevi>i)p DistributeTraining APJ Guides Reference 

23、9;- Google Services SamplesDeveloper ToolsDownloadSetting UptheADT BundleSetting Up anExisting IDEAndroid StudioExploring the SDKDownload the NDKWorkflowSupport LibraryTools HelpRevisionsGet the Android SDKTheAndroid SDK provides you the API libraries and dev£lop已lools necessaryto build, test,

24、and debug apps for AndroidIf you re a nev/Android developer v/e recommend you download the ADT Bundle to quickly start developing apps it includes the essential Android SDK components and a version of the Eclipse IDE withbuilt-in ADT (Artdrord Developer Tools) to streamline yaur Anciroid app develop

25、ment.With a single download the ADT Bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps* Eclipse+ ADT plugin Android SDKTools* Android Platform-tools勾选同意条款,然后选择操作系统的位数,点击Dow nl oad the SDK ADT Bun dle forWin dows 即可下载HelponsHrojecr. wnicn is tocaiea aimeTouowrng uhl nnp /source anaroic1.3 &

26、quot;Google" means Google Inc , a Delaware corporation with princif Parkv/ay, Mountain Viev< CA 94043, United StatesV I have read and agree with the above terms and condittons32-bit 64-bitDownload the SDK ADT Bundle for Windows解压下载下来的压缩包到本地文件夹,找到文件夹下eclipse 文件夹下的 eclipse.exe,双最后,终于可以愉快的开始我们的

27、An droid开发了 击运行这个,即可进入An droid开发啦eclipse苣退文件名称拷说m期r'l丈栏configuration2014/5/13 19:39*下载dropins2013/10/24 132套乐features2013/10/24 13:22«皇面p22013/10/24 13:21plugins2013/10/24 13:22新加卷(D:)readme2013/10/24 U;22药肢全浏览器下载.eclipse pro duct2013/2/4 4:25i Program Fifesi artifacts,xml2013/10/24 1322Ado

28、be Photoshop CSS64 Bit)耳 eclipse.eKe2013/2/4 5:05a(Jt-bundle-win6ows-KB6 64-201y eclipseni创建日期:2014/2/23 2011313/10/24 13:24eclipse edipsecexe大小:305 KB13/2/4 5:05111-epi - vi u.mmii氓a氓峠:艺口saknotice.html2013/2/4 4:28V Cf"eclipsei 疋汎自 dj-bundlf-wijidgws兰8 右&4-201 貂 OmOgtlip彰AliWangWang pachejmaven-3J A BaiduYunGuanjia China Kcbuln 门个项吕选中1个项目孔5 KB


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