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1、Module 7 My past life Unit 3 Language in use.(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, ago, store, movie theater / theatre, bored, president, lake, last和comfortable。2. Class

2、report 教学课题: Module 7 My past life学习目标1. 语言知识目标:掌握下列单词: born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, ago, store, movie theater / theatre, bored, president, lake, last and comfortable。2. 语言技能目标:1)能

3、听懂包含动词be的过去式 (was / were)的对话。2)能用动词be的过去式 (was / were)表述自己过去的经历,并能用它询问对方过去的生活。3)能够读懂描述过去生活和经历的短文,并能就短文作答。而且,掌握短文通篇大意,学习使用上下文猜测词义的学习方法。4)能用动词be的过去式 (was / were)描述自己和别人的过去生活和经历。3. 情感目标:通过对过去童年或家乡的描述,产生对家乡和美好生活的热爱。教材分析外研版7年级英语下册Module 7 My past life units 13,本模块以过去生活为题材,要求学生掌握含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般

4、过去时的句子,而且能用此谈论自己和别人的过去生活和经历。本模块的主要语法是含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般过去时,教学重点是通过对过去生活和经历的描述,重点学习本模块中出现的重点词汇、短语、固定搭配和句型。课前准备一些与本模块话题相关的图片和资料,让学生在warming-up时讨论和观看。围绕本模块话题展开听说读写的全面训练,使学生熟悉含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般过去时。教学方法 以说为主要教学方式,以讨论为主要方法,通过同桌讨论和小组以及全班讨论,让每个学生充分练习口语和说的能力,并将听说读写有机地贯穿一体。设立一些语言环境,结合自己或他人的过去生

5、活和经历,最后一起学习本模块的重、难点,为突破重、难点再做一些课堂和课后的练习。教学过程Unit 3 Language in use.Step1: Revision and leading inUseful phrasesbe born the name of. be strict with primary schoolGive some pictures and sentences to practice in group.Step2: Language practiceI was born in Quincy.My first teacher was Mrs Lane.I wasnt bo

6、red in Quincy.Were you difficult in class too?No, I wasnt.Where were you born?Step3:Work in pairs. Read about Liu Yun. Ask and answer the questions. Liu Yun You Your partner Born in Tianjin Primary School Qiuzhen Primary School First teacher Ms Guo First friends Feifei, Lulu Where / born?Where was s

7、he born?She was born in Tianjin.1. what / primary school?2. who / first teacher?3. who / first friends?Step4:Study Grammar The simple past tense 一般过去时(1)一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;动词 be 的过去时的基本结构:肯定:主语 + was/were + 其他;否定:主语 + was/were + not + 其他; 一般疑问:were/was + 主语 + 其他。be 动词的过去式:原 形 am

8、is are 否定缩略式 am not isnt arent 过去式 was was were 否定缩略式wasnt wasnt werent 学习动词 be 的一般过去时,下面有一口诀,它可以帮大家更好地掌握动词 be 的一般过去时。动词 be 的过去时有四巧:一是时间状语巧,表示过去的短语要记牢;二是形式巧,单数 was,复数 were;否定句结构是三巧,not 紧跟waswere;四是疑问句式巧, waswere 向前跑(提前)。 【一巧】 时间状语巧。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,恰巧与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。例如:yesterday, last nightweekmo

9、nthyear, last Saturday, the day before yesterday, in 1998, five years ago 等。【二巧】 形式巧。它与一般现在时一样,形式多样:当主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语动词用 was;主语是第二人称或其他人称复数时,谓语动词用 were。例如:I was in the classroom yesterday morning 昨天早上我在教室里。They were at school last Tuesday 上周二他们在学校。【三巧】 否定句结构巧。与动词 be的一般现在时一样,它在动词后面加 not 即可变成否定句,并

10、且 was, were 与 not 可以缩写成 wasnt, werent。即:主语 wasnt werent 表语 其他。例如:I was not (wasnt) here yesterday 昨天我不在这儿。 【四巧】 疑问句式巧。把 was, were 提到句首,句末用问号即可变为一般疑问句。即:Was (Were) + 主语 + 表语 其他?这恰巧与动词 be 的一般现在时的疑问句式相似。例如:Were you at home the day before yesterday? 前天你在家吗?Was she late this morning? 今天早上她迟到了吗?更巧的是疑问句的答语

11、也相似,肯定回答用“Yes, 主语 + waswere”;否定回答用“No, 主语 + wasntwerent”。 Step5:Complete the sentences with the correct form of “be”.1. Lingling _ (not) here last weekend. She _ in Xucun.2. _ Tony born in Cambridge? Yes, he _.3. _ Daming born in Beijing. Yes, he _. 4. _ they at school on Monday? No, they _. 5. _ th

12、ey at home this morning? No, they _. 6. _ your first teacher strict? Yes, she _.7. _ your friends at your first school difficult. No, they _.8. _ you happy at your first school? Yes, I_.Step6:Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word and expressions from the box.be bore

13、d be born lots of on the east coast of primary school town 答案:1. I was a good pupil in _.(1)20 X 1年1月1日,甲公司按面值购入乙公司当日发行的债券l0万张,每张面值l00元,票面年利率5;同时以每股25元的价格购入乙公司股票100万股,占 乙公司有表决权股份的3,对乙公司不具有重大影响。甲公司将上述债券和股票投资均划分为可供出售金融资产。2. Where _ you _? 借:管理费用 147.83 In Newton, a small _in America.(2)判断表3. Can I pla

14、y a computer game, Mum? I_. You can read your book. 4. Qingdao is in Shandong Province and it is _China.5. There was a new film on yesterday and there were _ people at the cinema.答案 BStep7:Around the world To know Hero of South Africa: Nelson Mandela三、简答题Nelson Mandela was born in a small village in

15、 the Transkei region of South Africa. He was born on 18th July, 1918. He was President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.4在严重外伤时,因释出大量组织因子主要启动内源性凝血系统。( )Step8:Module taskWriting about your classmates past lifeWork in pairs. Talk about your past life with your classmate.答题要点 休克与DIC互为因果,相互影响,恶性循环。 When were you born? I was born. Where were you born? I was born.Write about your classmates past life. He/ She was born. 答案 CStep9:Homework1. Review and recite the important points of Module 7. C开发无形资产时发生符合资本化条件的支出2. Revise the grammar of Module 7.


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