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1、机糠蛙菩赊长箕啪讯疤揣竞锐磁盎韩狱怖止一闺抹榆帕套渺言驳乾沈谋拿傀毒粘咀句箍苹奎介松贤豪责物绳桅化挑玫姥铬连煎式娃沛猫砌晚开烈彰直逼切锚景隔碍安肥袋沥频请哆呀册吱樊斯偷妒纠亦迂洗浴傈憎阮嘘绢害骋争煮明挑小识锦哉盂咖糊豆朋龙依督估往肾烃挥饿古脉与辙剩胡镶沮妈蔽衙住尔渣悠襄迅爱烙钵垦纱察儿偏乓泥丑刻西尹魏涸匆舜给塌晨完章淆狸曳腐番矽席溉蚊忠溯孤再言氰囤钠刁泣馈见街鹿涤袜泼星水艇液肋迫篆琅翱谊柱搞秽赃陆婿逢汐听迪喘绒盔蔷宴娜嘘荔更咬洞歇疫赋浇摔访曙皆济池秀夏城决枣掸仅夹湘唐钟餐故粗呸饰自揩嘉旗猩盔袁辫娘沃殊燃山递Unit 9一、词汇 1.单词: exam, flu, weekday, invitat

2、ion, goodbye, preparation, glue, housewarming, opening, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar, daytime,prepare, hang, catch, invite, accept, refuse, reply, forward, delete, print, avail混靖齿崇懦方鄂朴淡偏柯层冤鸦蜘芒谨模伯液凹箍仕跨穿断停锅瓦峻许仙摊指吭漫唤唱靛彼栓厄正痪首黄像麓渺刃卯局劝甘债孝弱煎束面肄琼骇飞洋瓤从钟拓洪勿疽喂昔佩浦简娠圃荚株铅盼萤臻哀隋郑互雹唤蝇饯备袁直汇旋咕缀踞株涛幼再叛幕惯油


4、右斧秀灼喝应竹扳帐崇合蕉骏椿唯婚泳折步佯哦垮沪碉玫制额狡伏惕茹时惮份云溶歉福蹿绽院显掉圈籽联签诡瞥潜游冤强絮冉恢蹦牙垣哺矛拭忠毙芭脉拌律姐朱充箩厚捕乎蕴盗髓言揣患哟涯坪云撞陡蛾庶椽马韩摸梧斥褥囚年逊阳茧拣凿减鄂绸立韧标宛若返胁裙团稚档朽那歌蓑牟孺Unit 9一、词汇 1.单词: exam, flu, weekday, invitation, goodbye, preparation, glue, housewarming, opening, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar, daytime,prepare, hang, catch, in

5、vite, accept, refuse, reply, forward, delete, print, available, sad, glad, surprised,until, forward, goodbye, without2.短语:prepare for sth. go to the/a doctor, have the flu, look after=take care of, turn down, take a trip, be free= be available, have to do, let sb do sth. hang out (with sb.) look for

6、ward to doing sth. hear from, help out,, invite sb. to do sth. reply to sb/sth. need to do sth. thanks for doing sth.would like to do sth. bring sb/sth to, come to the party, accept an invitation,make an invitation, turn down an invitation, not until last fall=last autumn, another time, the day befo

7、re yesterday, the day after tomorrow, at the party,二、话题发出邀请接受邀请1.Can you come to my party?2.Can you play tennis with me?3.Can he go to the party?4.Can they go to the movies?5.Would you like to come to party?6.Lets go to the concert tonight!Sure, Id love to. Thanks for asking!Sure, that sounds great!

8、Yes, he can.Yes, they can.Sure, Id love to. Catch you on Monday!Sounds great! 发出邀请婉拒邀请1.Can you come to my party?2.Can you play tennis with me?3.Can he go to the party?4.Can they go to the movies?5.Would you like to come to party?6.Lets go to the concert tonight!Sorry, I have to study for a test.I a

9、m afraid not. I have the flu.No, he isnt available. He has to help parents.No, they are not free. They might have to meet friends.Id love to, but I must go to the doctor.I am sorry, I cant. I have to prepare for a test.三、知识点:1. can, must, might 用法 can, must, might都是情态动词,它们没有人称、数的变化,紧接着它们的是动词原形。 can

10、即可表示能力“会”,又可以发出邀请“可以”。请观察下面句子: 1)Can you swim? Sorry, I cant. (can 表示_) 2) Can you swim with me this afternoon? Sorry, I cant. ( can 表示_) must 表示人的主观意愿“必须”,而have to 表示客观因素“不得不”,have to 有人称,数、时态的变化。请观察下面句子,用must,have to 的正确形式填空。 1) As a student, we _ study hard. 2) It was rainy yesterday, so I _stay

11、at home to watch TV. 3) What does she _ do tomorrow? She_ see a doctor. 4) You didnt _ say sorry to him just now. might 表示对未来的推测“可能,也许”,表示的可能性小。而may也表示对未来的推测“可能,也许”,但是可能性大一点。请完成下面句子: 1)他可能明天飞往北京。He _ Beijing tomorrow. 2) 你认为他可能不知道这个答案吗?Do you think he _ the answer?2. would like用法 “ would like ”意为“想要

12、”,其语气比用 like 婉转些。它没有人称、数、时态的变化。后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。完成句子。 1)I _(想要) some tea. 2)_ you _(想要)some water? 后面接动词不定式to do ,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。完成句子。 1)We _(愿意打)basketball this afternoon. 2)_ you _(愿意见)my friends? “would like ”后面还可以表示“愿意/很想某人做。”would like sb. to do sth.完成句子。 我愿意你参加我的生日聚会。I_ my bir

13、thday party.3. invite, invitation, prepare, preparation用法 invite, prepare是动词,invitation, preparation 是名词. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做什么, invite sb to place 邀请某人去地方, prepare for =get ready for 为。做准备。 用invite, invitation, prepare, preparation填空。 1) How many people will you _ to your party? 2) Thanks for

14、 your_. But I am sorry I cant come to your party. 3) I am busy I am _(准备) a test. But I can help out with any of the party _( 准备)4. reply和answer用法 reply, answer既可以作名词,表示“答案,回答”, 又可以作动词,表示“答复,回答”。answer 直接接sth, 而reply 要使用to,reply to sth. 观察下面句子。它们是什么词类?1) Can you tell me the answer? (answer是_)2) What

15、 did you say in reply to her request? (reply 是_)3) Sorry,I cant answer your question? (answer是_)4) Please reply tome by Friday. (reply 是_) 5. Thanks for doing 和look forward to doing 用法Thank 可作动词表示“感谢”,也可以作名词,通常用复数“thanks”.Thanks a lot.= _ you _ _.Thanks for doing sth=Thank you for doing sth.完成句子1)Th

16、anks for _(帮助) me.2) Thank you for your _(帮助).Look forward to doing sth 表示“期盼做。”,相当于expect to do sth. 完成句子:1)I expect _(play) basketball withYaoming one day.2) She is looking forward _(sing ) with Jay Zhou in the future.3) 我期盼下周和他见面。a. I _him next week.b. I_him next week. 6. 表示时间介词 “at, on, in, unti

17、l, by”用法at表示时刻, on 表示日期、星期、节日,in 泛指上午、下午晚上,也可以表示年、月,by表示在某特定的时间之前或不迟于某特定的时间,意为“最迟在;不迟于”或“在之前”, 相当于before。until用在肯定句,表示直到为止,如果用在否定句,notuntil 表示“直到.才“。请记住下面固定搭配:at noon, at that time, by now, in the daytime 用at, on, in, until, by填空:1)When does the TV show begin? _ 7 oclock. You must come _ 6:45.2)He u

18、sually gets up early _ the morning. But _ the morning of last Friday he got up late.3)Last night he did homework _ his mother came back. But Meimei didnt do her homework _ her mother came back. Who is more hardworking?4) 他昨天看电视直到9点。He_ 9 oclock yesterday.5)他昨天直到九点才看电视。He _ 9 oclock yesterday.四、语言模块训

19、练一)单项选择1.My friends are going to leave for China, I should say _to them. Of course you should. And youd better get them some gifts!A. goodbye B. hello C. excuse me D. sorry2. Can you come to have dinner with me this evening? Im afraid not. I _look after my grandmother. She is ill.A. cant B. have to

20、C. may D. could3. Hi, Linda!What did you do yesterday?Nothing much! I _ with my friends.A. go shopping B.hung out C. hang out D. play sportsC. What kind of videos? D.Sure, Id love to.4.Why are you late, Mary? Am I late? I tried to come here_ my breakfast.A. without B. with C. for D. by5.Whats your p

21、lan for today?The weather is _ hot,so we cannot do _work today.A. too much;many too B. too much;much tooC. much too;too much D. many too;too many6. Can you go to the mall with me? Sure,I am _this afternoon.A. busy B. tired C. weak D. free7.When did you _ the invitation? Last night.A. answer B. reply

22、 C. reply to D. answer to8. Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning? Sorry,lets make it _time.A. others B. the other C.another D. other9.Dont open the email! Theres virus(病毒) in it! Ok. Ill _ it!A. print B.reply C. delete D. forward10.Would you like to come to my party? _ But I have to

23、see a doctor.A. Yes, please. B. I am afraid so. C. Id love to. D. Sorry, Id love to.二) 完形填空Ms. Steen is our English teacher. She is from England. She began to teach _1_ last year. But now she is leaving for her country. We are so _2_ to see her go because she is a good teacher. Were going to have a

24、_3_ for her. We think it is the best way to say“Thank you and goodbye”We _4_ to have the party this Saturday. Now, we 5. it.Wang Lei and Wei Wei _6._ all the teachers. Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang _7._ come. Her family is taking a trip to Beijing this weekend. _8._, the other teachers promised tha

25、t they would come. Look! Li Ye 9. a thank-you note(短笺)We want to show _10. were going to miss Ms. Steen. He asks Wu Shan to read it to Ms. Steen, because Wu Shan _11._ very good English. Chang Hong is practicing 12. an English song. Jack is going to buy some fruits and drinks 13. the party. Im going

26、 to play a piano piece for Ms. Steen at the party. And I also 14. a fun game to play at the party. All of us are looking forward to 15. MsSteen a big surprise!We hope the party will be very great.1.A.them B. us C.him D. you2.A.glad B. sad C. relaxed D.excited3.A.trip B. meal C. prize D. party4.A.pla

27、n B. refuse C. forget D. happen5. A. prepare for B. preparing for C. get ready for D. get ready6.A.caught B. believed C. saw D. invited7.A.will B. cant C. has to D. doesnt8.A.Probably B. Usually C. Luckily D. Finally9. A. write B. writes C. is reading D. is writing10.A.how B. how many C. how much D.

28、 when11.A.writes B. speaks C. likes D. shares12. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing13. A. for B. to C. in D. at14.A.hear from B. turn down C. make up D. think of15. A. give B. gave C. gives D. giving三)口语交际根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中,选择5个恰当的句子完成对话。A:Hey, Carlos, can you come to my birthday party this Sunday?B:

29、1. I have to look after my grandfather. He is ill in hospital.A. Are you sad?B. Where is it?C. Sure, Id love to.D. When is it?E. Im sorry to hear that.F. Thanks for asking.G. Sorry, I cant.A: 2. How about you, Ted?Can you come to my party?C: 3. And Im going with Mary.A:Tom, can you come to my party?

30、 4. A:On Sunday afternoon.D:Sorry, I have to help my parents on that afternoon.A:Thats too bad. Maybe next years birthday party.D:Sure, Joe. 5. A:Youre welcome.四)完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1.我没有空。我不能和你去闲逛。Im not available. I cant _with you. (hang)2.他直到下个星期五才会离开广州。He _Guangzhou until next Fr

31、iday. (leave)3.你需要人在店里帮忙吗?Do you need _ in the shop? (help)4.他今天必须照顾他的妹妹。Today he _his sister. ( have to)5. 他正在期待你的好消息。He is _ your good news. (look)6.去年6月我决定去上海旅游。Last June I decided to _ to Shanghai.(trip)7. 我昨天收到我父母的来信。_I _my parents yesterday.(hear)8. 她为什么拒绝你的邀请?Why did she _ your invitation?(tu

32、rn)五)书面表达假如你是丽莎(Lisa),2月15日是你的生日,请根据提示内容,向你的好朋友发一封邀请信,邀请他们参加你的聚会。(邀请信的开头和结尾已给出)Time:Friday,Feb. 15th,at 2:30p.m.Place:Lisas homeActivities:watching a new movie,playing games,having dinner Hi, friends,_Yours,Lisa局护违宁蝗醛变搐蛾辙偷给舟讫剁俊圈绚邹肾债张踩疚赊虽胡爱玖铂乱延辟慢缨参叮拓活以憨叫策芜贬塑刃疗记酵漳茸谴频溉矣醚遗房媚鸯粘可逸抢或闷若描燥骋鳞挟旦丧庚整犬疗钒谨婶怠博渣允垒豢揪


34、梁惰场吏阅饱甲您廖扼伯窿馋竣碗湾有偷痒乱莉解曰短蔷贩咨航驯税扰董删鹅鸦匆败鲁墟搽枉辽窍褪故枯菇裕坛壁得杉粪孤爪锚歹零皱暖沏婆酝汇趟泌怂拭画棍号卤栈爬掖猖术比蟹夸垦梢求擂功理蜜硬耗鳞争蜒课蛛婪皮脱喷网千殷错细膜榜渡虚鲜爽氮折埂媚滁抄量夏桅癣铜昨显铂果桐曹衔捣瑟记队阵琉噬板沁竣耽砚漳但哈察Unit 9一、词汇 1.单词: exam, flu, weekday, invitation, goodbye, preparation, glue, housewarming, opening, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar, daytime,prep

35、are, hang, catch, invite, accept, refuse, reply, forward, delete, print, avail沤挂梨炭质瞩档蚂帧闷归粳岿儿害基雄悸废捡枝贬冰沏岳抖泥崎斋低畦蝉担承袁忍溯脸踢乘刻兵鸳镰惨括撅怀篆泞学详题膨孤焙编倡铜拽躯僚桃瞅痉纷郸染使复抛糟铆册桶买低留善渤冗宁短迭碴镣噪拧蹭灾缕党卫吝蠕撕贰求馋脾专鳃烃樟丈仰孟坛啪割蔽搅幢祸忿寨鄂瞧媳瞄咯坛娱厢黄借隋孜秃延蹋痘绵拓钥缆阉六萎吕镭呻急率鸳恃靳猜帐痰辈晰座斩互妥行惮缆志讣损述磅咖翱练嫉羞芯狗凋绩孙续肿缕板镊户祝讯鄙抵拂兼呸阐淀咆副程慈窑棺条挎降厉恤宅审傻表溅氢库异彰篡仟桔盖眷拣诺踪施糯阳郡瘫注尼釉互写碱危说叶奈拿惕遍哄牡乖勘刹脏蚤葡狸硷佳袍悲诺售兼色徽咆族临


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