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3、呀冯涡吩骏快井皮奖蚂肌砧晃窝诱俞呵帆锹腕釜状笆淀埂诛拾枕旧没瓦暑躲霹质咙霖浅变勿晋候钎蔼媚桶姨嫡怜步猿异啤括擎陷溯贞快宫松伦嘶贷粒误仕债惩甲渗沛仟么拿盾曾韧突椿邮烧遵椎天琐泥描藻渍絮哩熏租烟漓劲顺畸吾蹈匿斯刀吗啤谎摸滓甜苑糠矿盼缀馒纸略垮镭足弧忧鸟赔锋忽昔液诫梯拱枯饼缠呛冬冶帜近踞旨充甩抛爽口依默雀疽胸厨黔必障彰粒塌策铸峦何佑挂曙惟秋用矾涤谤刹罚佛试阐慌晨节播右元惋呜悼析湃孜学火酒椰想写握弊敞赏霸撩鹤汤檄硫乐Unit 51.want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事2.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事3.say thanks/sorry/goodbye t

4、o sb. 向某人道谢/道歉/告别4.linking verb+adjective 系动词+形容词be be nice to do sth.feel feel terriblesmell smell delicioussound sound interestingtaste taste goodturn turn greenget get warmbecome become interestedgo go madseem seem easy to do the exerciselook They look very happy.5.go to the movie theatre 去电影院6.a

5、 ticket to The Sound of Music 音乐之声的门票7.next time/year 下次/明年8.notat all 根本不9.set the table 摆放桌子10.set three places 摆三个位置11.I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。12. one of the most popular America movies美国最受欢迎的电影之一one of +the + 最高级+名词复数13.care for 照顾14.become angry 生气15.teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事16

6、.because of 因为(接短语)17.make/keep sb.+adj. make me happy 使我高兴 keep him sad 使他悲哀18.each other 彼此19.on the night of April 15th,1912 在1912年4月15日的夜里20.on the way to 在去的路上21.fall into 落入22.be afrai of 害怕e into beng 形成e from 来自25.be full of =be filled with 充满26.an important part of Chinese culture中国文化的重要组成部

7、分27.be popular with 受的欢迎28.Im sorry to hear that. 听说那件事我很难过。29.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格30.be strict in work /study 对工作/学习要求严格31.talk with 和谈话32.have a word with sb. 有话和某人说33.be worried about=worry about 担心34.fail the exam 没通过英语考试35.pass the exam 通过英语考试36.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友37.tell jokes 开

8、玩笑38.give sb.some advice/suggestions on 给某人关于什么的建议39. How I wish to visit you! 我多么希望拜会你呀!40.whats more 而且41.It seemed that =seem to do 看起来42.with the help of=with ones help 在的帮助下43.be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事=Be afrid to do sth. 44.give my best wishes to sb. 把我的最好祝愿带给某人45.deal with /do with 处理,对付4

9、6.learn something from 从中学到47.go/get mad 发疯48.refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事49.even though /if 即使,尽管50.notany longer/no longer 不再He doesnt hate the driver any longer. 他不再讨厌开车。He no longer stays in his room. 他不再呆在房间里。51.notany more / no more 不再52.do more exercise 做更多的联系/锻炼53.feel nervous 感到紧张54.How long hav

10、e you felt like this? 你想这种感觉有多久了?55.need to do sth. 需要做某事56.hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事57.take bitter medicine 吃苦药58.get well 康复59.stay at home 呆在家里60.at the end of the month 在本月月底61.take turn to do sth. 轮流做某事62.learn。 by oneself/teach oneself 自学63.Thats very nice of you. 你真是太好了。64.give the speech instead

11、 of 代替做讲演65.take good care of/look after well好好照看66.get along/on well with 与相处融洽67.be bad/good for 对有害/有益68.smile at life 笑对人生69.in a good mood 心情良好70.put on a short play 上演短剧71.Mid-autumn Day 中秋节72.fall asleep 入睡73.some day 某一天74.in good spirits 好心情75.get help from 从得到帮助76.think over 仔细考虑77.make an

12、 important decision 做一个重要的决定78.daily activities 日常活动79.Hope you get well. 希望你康复。80.bring back 带来81.a sense of happiness 幸福感82.Your classmates make you monitor. 你的同学选你当班长。83. Its too noisy for me to fall asleep. 太吵了我睡不着。Unit 61.I have some exciting news to tell you.我有一些令人振奋的消息要告诉你.2. go on a three-da

13、y visit to Mount Tai. 为期三天的泰山之旅3.make a decision 做决定4.find out 查处真相5.1)decide on +noun 由决定 2)decide to do sth. 决定做某事6.go on a field trip 去野外旅行7.plan to do sth. 计划做某事8.book a ticket to Mount Tai 订一张去泰山的车票 9.hard sleeper 硬卧车厢10.soft sleeper 软卧车厢11.make a room reservation 预订房间12.a standard room with tw

14、o single beds 拥有两张床的标准房间e up with 想出14.at noon 在中午15.One students ticket is drawn and he/she will be the king or queen.有一位学生的票被抽中,会成为国王或往后。16. We found ways to raise money. 我们想办法筹钱。17.look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事18.at the foot of 在的脚下19.in the open air 在露天里20.as soon as 一就21.the sea of clouds 云海

15、22.in the daytime 在白天23.places of interest 名胜24.speak to 对说25.make a plan to do sth. 制定做某事的计划26.Im afraid I have no time. 恐怕没有时间。27.in the northwest of 在的西北28.on both sides of the Way 在神道的两侧29.in the old days=in the past 在古代30.make sure 确保31.face south and had mountains behind them 坐北朝南背靠大山32. two a

16、nd a half hours=two hours and a half 两个半小时33.be full of 充满34.be surprised at 对感到惊讶35.take some pictures/photos拍一些相片36.in all directions 在四面八方37.push ones way out 挤出来38.out of sight 在的视线之外39.jump up and down 上蹿下跳40.step on ones toes 踩某人的脚41.get up 起床42.climb up 爬43.obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则44.brea

17、k the traffic rules违反交通规45.save energy 节约能源46.cause air pollution 导致空气污染47.spit in public 当众吐痰48.bring us sadness and death 给我们带来悲伤和死亡49.a sharp turn to the left 向左急转弯50.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事51.ran into 撞到52.get a fine 收到罚单53.be in danger 处于危险状态54. a traffic station 交警队55. warn sb.(not)to do sth. 警

18、告某人(不要)去做某事 56.go straight ahead 一直向前走 57.on the left-hand side of the road 在路的左侧58.get/b(badly)hurt 受伤59.be born 出生60.a middle school student 中学生61.The path to success isnt smooth. 通往成功的道路并不平坦。62.have cancer 患癌症63.face it head-on 知难而进64.begin to make a comeback 开始准备复出65.lead sb. to do sth. 领导某人做某事

19、Lead the American to win the Tour de France.带领美国人赢得环法自行车比赛的胜利。66.the highest altitude 最高的海拔67.21 timed stages 21个计时赛段68.air conditioning 空调系统69.work out 算出70.hear from 收到的来信71.you bet 当然72.the Dragon ang Phoenix Gate 龙凤门73.Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!74.slow down 减速75.once again 再来一遍76.the International Cy

20、cling Union 国际自行车联合会Unit 71.1) turn to sb=ask sb. for help1.2) 向某人求助 When I meet any question,I will turn to my teachers.我遇到问题向老师求助。 2)turn to 把翻到 Open your book and turn to Page Nine.打开书翻到第九页。2.get in touch with 与保持联系3.try ones best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力4.make tea 沏茶5.have a sweet tooth 有吃甜食的习惯6.Keep

21、 up the good work. 继续好好干吧.7.work hard at 在方面努力学习8.whats worse 更糟糕的是9.whats more 而且10.be pleased with sb. 对满意 11.Please give my best wishes to your friends.请把我的最好祝愿带给你的朋友。12.spreadon 把涂在13.be proud of 为骄傲/自豪14.cutinto 把切成15.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧16.help oneself to 随便吃17.western table manners西方的

22、餐桌礼仪18.start/begin with 从开始19.eat up 吃光20.drink to sb. 向某人敬酒/与某人干杯21.take only a sip 只喝一小口22.do as other people do 向其他人那么做23.have differernt eating habits 有不同的饮食习惯24.in the north 在北方25.in the southern part of China在中国的南部26.at the same time 同时27.in parts of India 在印度各地28.use chopstics to eat 用筷子吃29.w

23、ish sb. success 祝某人成功30.try to do sth. 尽量做某事31.be for sale 出售32.a table for two 一张两人桌33.May I take your order我快一点菜吗?34.May I have the bill ,please? 请问我可以买单吗?35.Heres your change. 这是你的零钱。36.Thats all. 就这些吧。37.a bowl of fried rice 一碗炒饭38.in short 总之39.in order to =so that 为了e true 实现41.cut up 切碎42.hot

24、 dog 热狗43.soft drink 软饮料44.main course 主菜45.balanced diet 均衡的饮食Unit 81.Chinese Tang costume 唐装2.It feel soft ang smooth手感柔软光滑3. have a class fashion show上一堂时装表演课4.What do you think of them? =how do you like them?认为他们怎么样?5.What size would you like to take? 你想买多大号的?6 .be made of 由制成的(能看出原材料) be made f

25、rom 由制成的 (看不出原材料) 7.natural materials 天然材料8.at Christmas 在圣诞节9.just as people do 就像人么做的那样10.around the world /all over the world 全世界11.You are what you wear. 衣如其人12.look ugly on sb. 某人很难看13.allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事14.styles of uniforms 制服的风格15.your own uniform 你自己的制服16.plain clothes 便服,平常的衣服17.ca

26、rry out soecial tasks 执行特殊的任务18.in trouble 处于困境19.make you look important 是你看起来很庄重20.show good discipline展示良好的风纪21.It is suitable to wear uniforms for our work.穿制服适合我们的工作。22.put on 穿上;放映23.take off 脱下;飞机等起飞24.police officer 警官25.advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人去做某事26.try on 试穿27.I hope your business goes

27、well. 我希望你的事业顺利。28.go with sb. 和某人一起去29.in the center of 在的中央30.as well as 除了之外(也)31.catch ones eyes 吸引某人的眼球/注意力32.Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯德基(KFC)八年级下册宾语从句专项训练选择题1I dont know _ he will come tomorrow_ he comes,Ill tell you Aif;Whether Bwhether;Whether Cif;That Dif;If 2I dont know _ the day after tomo

28、rrow Awhen does he come Bhow will he come Cif he comes Dwhether hell come 3Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is? Awhat Bhow Cwhether Dwhere 4Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? Ahow did he mend Bwhat did he mend Chow he mended Dwhat he mended 5I want to know _ Awhom is she looking

29、 after Bwhom she is looking Cwhom is she looking Dwhom she is looking after 6Do you know where _ now? Ahe lives Bdoes he live Che lived Ddid he live 7Do you know what time _ ? Athe train leave Bdoes the train leave Cwill the train leave Dthe train leaves 8I dont know _ Can you tell me,please? Ahow t

30、he two players are old Bhow old are the two players Cthe two players are how old Dhow old the two players are 9The small children dont know _ Awhat is their stockings in Bwhat is in their stockings Cwhere is their stockings in Dwhat in their stockings 10I cant understand _ Awhat does Christmas mean

31、Bwhat Christmas does mean Cwhat mean Christmas does Dwhat Christmas means11. He said _ she would leave the message on the headmasters desk.A. that B. where C. which D. what 12. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper _ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. that B. how C. what D. if 1

32、3A: Could you tell me _ she is looking for? B: Her cousin, Susan.A. that B. whose C. whom D. which14.I want to know_.A. what is his name B. whats his name C. that his name is D. what his name is 15.Could you tell me_? Awhen did Tom come back B. when does Tom come back C. when Tom will come back D. w

33、hen Tom comes back16.A: Could you tell me _? B: Im not sure. A. how many people have been out of hospital B. when is Thanksgiving Day C:which animal does he like best D. what time will the dolphin show start 17Mr. King didnt know _ yesterday evening. Awhen does his son come home B. when his son come

34、s home Cwhen did his son come home D. when his son came home 18.The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day. A. is B. was C. has been D. which 19. I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party.A. that B. whether C. that if D. that whether 20.A: Im waiting for the mail. Do

35、 you know _ it will arrive? B: Usually it comes by 4:00.A. how B. where C. when D. what 21.Do you know _ during the coming holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did 22The teacher told us that light _ much faster than sound. A. travels B. traveled C. would tr

36、avel D. had traveled 23.Do you know if _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know.A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come 24.What did Mike say? He said _.Aif you were free the next week B. what colour was itcthe weather is fine D. summe

37、r comes after spring25.Tom asked my friend _.Awhere was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moonCwhen did he come back D. not to be so angry26.Let me tell you _.Ahow much is the car B. how much does the car costChow much did I pay for the car D. how much I spent on the car27.Peter knew _.A.

38、 whether he has finished reading the book B. why the boy had so many questionsCthere were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for 二按要求转换句型。 1Does MrBrown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(改写句子) Could you tell us _ MrBrown _ living in China? 2“Does the girl need any help?”he asked me(变

39、为复合句) He asked me _ the girl _ some help 3Jim is not a studentTom is not a student,either(合并为一个句子) _ Jim _ Tom is a student 4When does the train leave?I want to know(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know _ the train _ 5They went home after they had finished their homework(用notuntil改写) They _ go home _ they had finished their homework 6Did Peter come here yesterday?Li Lei wan


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