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1、莆加拿大目前种植的葡萄品种蒁Cabernet Franc(品丽珠/卡本妮弗兰克)蒈别名卡门耐特、原种解百纳,原产法国。为法国古老的酿酒品种,世界各地 均有栽培,是赤霞珠、蛇龙珠的姊妹品种。她特有的个性是浓烈青草味,混合可 口的黑加仑子和桑椹的果味, 因酒体较轻淡, 在当地她的主要功能是调和赤霞珠 (Cabernet -Sauvignon和梅乐(Merlot),是制作冰红酒最常见的品种。温度低而湿润的泥土的地区较适合品丽珠的生长, 她钟情大陆型气候, 且不怕在收割期碰上 恶劣的天气。薇 Cabernet Franc, the sister variety of Cabernet Sauvigno

2、n and Cabernet Gernistcht under the name of Cabernet, is one of worldwide planted wine grapes that could trace its originality to the remote antiquity of France. Typically somewhat spicy in aroma, sometimes reminiscent of green, blended savory of blackcurrant and mulberry, and light bodied, Cabernet

3、 Franc is mainly used for blending with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in the ice wine style. It is adaptable to a variety of weather conditions, even undaunted in ravage of inclement weather, but seems to thrive more vitally in cold and moist soil and continental climate.膅Pinot Noir (黑皮诺)薀 Pinot Noi

4、r 被公认为是最难酿造的葡萄品种。 最好的种植区在法国的勃艮第(Burgundy),在法国的香槟区也有不错的表现。除了难以种植,黑皮诺的品质 也不甚稳定, 对产量的敏感度很高, 在勃艮第用来酿造顶级红酒的特级葡萄园的 产量都控制在每公顷 3500 公升。衿 Recognized worldwide as the most difficult ” vine grape to grow, to deal with in winery, Pinot Noir thrives most vitally in Burgundy, France, and Champagne, France also re

5、gisters a good performance in this regards. Not only being the toughest vine grape to grow, Pinot Noir is also genetically unstable, therefore the most reputed vineyard, when producing grand wine with Pinot Noir, would limit the output per hectare to 3,500 liter.艿新世界黑比诺的主要种植地在美国加州和澳大利亚。由于黑比诺喜欢凉爽的 气候

6、,所以加州的黑比诺葡萄园都集中在受到海雾影响的地带,比如 Russian River Valley、Oregon和中央海岸包围的 Sants Barbara而海拔高的葡萄园(如 Santa Chalone Calera等地方)贝唯出产很棒的黑比诺。这些地方黑皮诺的果香在挂枝时就已非常明显,而勃艮地的黑皮诺需要陈放一段时间,才能散发出来。 加州黑比诺在年轻的时候通常有着红色水果、玫瑰花、红色李子、红色樱桃的 香气,而成熟黑比诺有着烟熏味、香料、绿茶、菇子以及干树叶的气息。袄 New World Pinot Noir is mainly planted in Calif. America and

7、Australia. Because Pinot Noir prefers cool weather, the vineyards in California concentrate on the sea fog belt, such as Russian River Valley, Oregon and Sants Barbara, and Pinot Noir of premium class can be produced in Vineyards with high altitude such as Santa Chalone, Calera. The flavor of Pinot

8、Noir in these areas is very substantial even before harvest, while the aroma of the kind in Burgundy will wait to be released until a certain period of ferment. Pinot Noir in Califonia, before becoming ripe, is intense with the flavor that suggests red plum, red rose and red cherry, and the aroma of

9、 mellow Pinot Noir is frequently accented by a pronounced spiciness that smacks of smoky tang, green tea, mushroom and dry wood.蚀 Cabernet Sauvignon (赤霞珠)芀Cabernet Sauvig non可以被称为世界上最著名的葡萄品种, 被成为红葡萄之王 并不言过其实。 很多顶级的葡萄酒都是由这种葡萄酿制的。 在新世界产区, 如美 国的纳帕谷(Napa Valley),都盛产赤霞珠葡萄酒。蚇 Caber net Sauvig non is one o

10、f the world 'most recog ni zable vine grapes, and it can not be overstated to call it as the king of red vine grape. Many vines of premium class are made of this grape. In the New World production sites, such as Napa Valley, America, Cabernet Sauvignon vine is produced in abundance.蚃赤霞珠(Cabernet

11、 Sauvignor)酿制的酒具备非常出色的陈年潜力,并具 有浓烈的黑色浆果香气、酒体偏重,丹宁高、结构强的特点,可酿成浓郁厚重 型的红酒, 适合久藏。 但也恰恰因为这些特点, 用赤霞珠( Cabernet Sauvignon) 单一葡萄酿制的酒口感过于强硬,也会非常涩口,所以往往与其他葡萄品种, 如品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)和梅乐(Merlot),进行混合调配,才能获得口感 平衡的优质葡萄酒。螀 Caber net Sauvig non, fruity, heavy-bodied, rich in tannin and stable in structure, makes the

12、 most dependable candidate for aging, more often improving into a great red wine with succulent bouquet right for treasuring up. However, it is because of these features that the vine only made out of Cabernet Sauvignon tastes bitter and astringent, henceforth, it has to be blended with other variet

13、als, such as Cabernet Franc and Merlot to make a harmonious and palate-pleasing quality vine.蚁Merlot (梅乐)葿梅乐的特点是皮薄、丹宁较低、酸度也相对较低,酿出的红酒有圆润肥美、 柔顺的口感,果香足,香气与赤霞珠近似,以黑色浆果为主,从黑莓、蓝莓、 黑醋栗,到李子等等。 梅乐红酒比赤霞珠红酒较为容易成熟, 一般陈年能力略逊 赤霞珠红酒,但整体上仍是可以耐于久存,在酿酒时常与其它红葡萄品种调配。 也正因为美露的温和可亲,所以对于初识红酒的人将会使一个非常合适的开始。蚆 Merlot is rela

14、tively thin-skinned and has slightly lower tannin and natural acidity. Merlot-based wine is mouth-filling, voluptuous in palate and its complex fruit flavors of berry, plum and currant is aromatically similar to Cabernet Sauvignon. Earlier to be ripe than Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, however, is not

15、as much fit for aging as Sauvignon, though it can still be put in storage for a long time. Merlot is frequently used as a blending grape. Because of its softness and fleshiness, it is the most appropriate one with which the beginner can start to come to know vine.袀 Merlot 自十八世纪以来便在波尔多种植,是波尔多种植最广泛的品种

16、,覆盖 了 50%的波尔多葡萄酒产区。 虽然赤霞珠的名气比它更大, 但是你有可能在一瓶 波尔多红酒里找不赤霞珠, 但是不可能在一瓶波尔多红酒里面找不到梅乐。 原因 很简单,波尔多左岸是赤霞珠的天 下, 但需要用梅乐进行调配以使口感圆润。波 尔多右岸却又是梅乐的天下。螈 Ever since 18th century, Merlot is planted in Bordeaux, and it is a widely planted variety there, taking up 50% of the total output of Bordeaux vine. Although it is

17、less famous than Cabernet Sauvignon, it is possible to notice the absence of Sauvignon in Bordeaux vine, but impossible to do the same the thing in terms of Merlot. It is simply because that the left bank of Bordeaux is dominated by Sauvignon whose bitter tastes needs to be offset by Merlot and the

18、right bank is the domain of Merlot.袇在新世界,很多酒都是用单一的梅乐来酿造的。新世界的酒一般不宜陈年, 很新年份的酒一般就可以喝的。 在智利, 梅乐找到了自己的家园, 品质普遍都表 现不凡,而且还不贵。在美国,澳大利亚、新西兰和南非都有梅乐的身影。In New World, many vines are brewed only with Merlot. Vine produced in New World is not for aging. In Chile, Merlot registers a remarkable performance, satisf

19、ying in quality and lower in price. Merlot also thrives in America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellZwecken verwendet werden.Pour l ' e tude et la recherche uniquementa des fins personnelles; pasa des fins commerciales.to员bko gA.nrogeHKO TOpMenob3ymrnflCH6yHeHuac egoB u HHuefigoHMucno 员 B30BaTbCEb KOMMepqeckuxqe 员 ex.


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