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1、spend,take,cost,pay一、spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:二、(1)spend money/timeonsth.在土花费时间 /金钱例:I spent ten yuan on this book.(2)spendtime(in)doingsth.花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:Theyspenttwoyears(in)buildingthisbridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。二、cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示"值"(无被动),常见用法如下:(sb.)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:Anewcomputercostsalotofmon

2、ey. 一台新电脑值很多钱。This new computer cost me 3500 yuan.练习,用spend和cost的适当形式填空:1. The house him $100,000 . cost2. How much does the tea pot cost It too much .We c an' t afford itcosts3. Writing the composition him much time and patience . cost4. He much time reading .And he always plenty of money on bo

3、oks.spends;spends5. How long does the girl making tea spend6. He is always.spending7. How do you your spare time spend8. He too much money on clothes and shoes last year. spent三、take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种:(1)Ittakessb. +时间+ todosth.做某事花了某人多少时间。例:Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(2) . 十时

4、间,做某事花了某人多少时间。例:Repairingthiscartookhimthewholeafternoon.他花了一下午修车。练习,用take和spend的适当形式填空:1. How much time does it them to complete the task take5 days.* much money making our dream come true . spent me a bit of time for my sister helps with housework . takes2. How much time do you in watching films s

5、pend四、pay的基本用法是:(1)sb paymoneyforsth.付钱(给某人)买例:Ipaidthem20dollars forthis new coat.(2)payforsb .替某人付钱。例: Don 'tworry! I'llpayforyou.(3)pay sb.付钱给某人。例:Theypayuseverymonth.他们每月给我们报酬。*拓展:paymoneyback 还钱。例:MayIborrow12yuanfromyouI'llpayitbacknextmonth.你能借给我 12 块钱吗下月还你。payoffone'smoney 还清

6、钱练习,用 pay (for)和 spend ,take 填空:much time do you on the project spendmuch money did you these books pay formuch will you on the book spend$20 .will$1,000 for the project . payhim three months to finish this总结:take 一般用it做主语。spend 一般是人做主语。cost 一般物作主,表示某物值多少,或花了某人多少钱。pay 一般是人做主语。课后练习一、选择题1. Ihavetothem

7、20poundsforthisroomeachmonth.A. payB. paidC. costD. took2. They spend too much time the report3. -What beau tiful shoes youA. writingB. to write C. on writingD. write re wearing! They must be expensive .-No, they only 30 yuan .A. spentB. tookC paidD. cost4. -Would you please for my dinner, Peter-Sur

8、e!A.spendB.payC.cost5. It will me too much time to read this foreign book.A. takeB.costC. spendsciencebook mealot ofmoney.7. I twohoursonthismathsproblem yesterday.A. takeB. costC. payD .spent8. She usually much time shopping in the supermarkets.A spends B costs C takes D pays9. This kind of compute

9、r too much. I can't afford one.B. spends C. pays D. costs will us several years to learn a foreign language well.A. cost B. take C. spend D. use二、填空1 . It often me about 3 hours to get to school from my home. takes2 .-Who will for the bill payMaybe our boss.4. Since June 1st, 2008, when we want

10、plastic bags in the supermarket, we have to (付款)them. pay for5. He likes English. He spends lots of time(read) it every day. in reading6. 昨天他花了 10分钟乘公共汽车去动物园。It yesterday. took him 10 minutes to go to the zoo by bustook Alice five minutes to finish reading the book.Alice five minutes reading the ;in

11、/took him 40 yuan to buy the book Harry Potter.He 40 yuan the book Harry Potter. spent;onHe 40 yuan for the book Harry Potter. paidspent 20 minutes cleaning the room yesterday.It 20 minutes the room yesterday. took us;tocleanpair of glasses cost me five pounds.(保持句子意思)I five pounds this pair of ;for三.翻译句子1 .他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。(spend)He spent lots of time in remembering these words.2 .我花了 100元在这件外套上。(cost/pay)This coat cost me 100 yuan.I paid 100 yuan for this coat.


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