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1、1.How many seasons(季节) are there in a year(年)?,There are four seasons in a year(年),Lead-in,Lesson 37 Seasons and Weather,Spring 春天,Summer 夏天,Autumn 秋天,Winter冬天,Group work:Read part 1 of the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).,1、Wang Mei likes winter. ( )2、Li Ming likes snowy days. ( )3、Yang Hao

2、likes cool weather. ( )4、Li Lin doesnt like to go swimming. ( ),T,F,T,F,Ms Liu: Good morning, Class, What day is it today? How is the weather?Wang Mei: Its Monday today. Its snowing! I like winter weather.Ms Liu: Thats great ,Wang Mei. How about you? Class? What season do you like? Li Ming: I like s

3、pring. I love green grass and rainy days.Yang Hao: I like autumn. It is nice and cool.Li Lin: I love summer. I like to go swimming in summer.,spring春天,warm温暖的,fly a kite放风筝,hot 热的,summer 夏天,go swimming 去游泳,autumn 秋天,Cool凉的,play outside,winter冬天,Cold冷的,go skating 去滑冰,名词与形容词,名词(n.) 形容词(adj.)rain rainy

4、 下雨的snow snowy 下雪的wind windy 刮风的cloud cloudy 多云的sun sunny 晴朗的,1.What day is it today?今天星期几?,Its,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,周一周二周三周四周五星期六星期天,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Listen to the tape and match,Tuesday,Thursday,Monday,Wednesday,Gussing games:Read the clues and answer the questions using “it”.,W

5、hat season is it?1.This season is hot and sunny.It is summer. 2.This season is warm and windy.-Its spring,How is the weather?1.I want to fly a kite.-2.lets go skating!-,It is windy,Its snowy,Discuss:,What day is it today?How is the weather?What seasn do you like? Why?,换装秀(Change Show) n. - adj.cloud

6、 - _wind - _ - sunnysnow - _ - rainy,cloudy,windy,sun,snowy,rain,练兵场(practice)1 Look at the _, its _today. (sun)2 Its _. There is lots of_in summer. (rain)3 I like _ days .Ilike to play with _ (snow)4 The _is strong. I dont like _ days. (wind)5 He goes home on a _day. (cloud),sun,sunny,rainy,rain,sn

7、owy,snow,wind,windy,cloudy,举一反三(learning More)1 Lets go _ (swim).2 Would you like to go _(shop).3 I can go _(skate) in winter.4 He goes _(fish) on Sunday.5 They want to go _(boat).,swimming,shopping,skating,fishing,boating,Homework,1 Do the exercises in your Exercise Book.2 Think about your favourite season.,


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