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1、精品文档英美文化与概况期末考试 填空与简答 复习题1、 正误判断题 : ( 40 题 )判断下列题目的正误:1. Ireland was an independent kingdom before the Anglo-Saxon invaders came. ()2. State-run school in Britain is also called public school. ()3. Britain is an island country, with its coastline running about 8,000 kilometers. ()4. Most British fam

2、ilies are extended families. ()5. Great Britain 'coasstline is highly regular with many bays and inlets that provide lots of harbors and shelters for ships and boats. ( )6. Hispanics refers to the Spanish-speaking people from Latin America. ()7. To the north of Great Britain the seaway is open a

3、nd leads to the Arctic Ocean. ()8. Most Jews went to America during the First World War. ()9. Most English weather experts find it easy to give a correct and reliable weather forecast. ( )10. Both Welsh and Scottish people are descendents of Celts. ()11. Noble class has already disappeared in Britai

4、n since the first industrial revolution. ( )12. Nowadays, a majority of British people believe in the Church of Rome. ()13. Nowadays, marriage is still regarded as a holy relationship and can not be terminated till death. ( )14. The development of Middle English was greatly influenced by French and

5、Latin. ()15. Like U.S.A, the United Kingdom is also a melting-pot of different cultures. ()16. London, the capital of the UK, is situated on the Severn River near its mouth. ()17. Asian and black minorities are no longer suffering from discrimination and disadvantages. ( )18. The Constitution of the

6、 United States provides that vice-president shall be President of the Senate. ( )19. English people originate from the descendents of English-speaking Anglo-Saxons and the Jutes. ( )20. The Supreme Court is the highest court of the United States. ()21. The expansion of the British Empire helped to s

7、pread English into many countries and places all over the world. ( )22. Henry VI was responsible for the establishment of the Church of England. ()23. In terms of structure, the British central government includes three parts: the monarch, Parliament, and the cabinet. ( )24. Britain was the first na

8、tion to establish a nuclear power station. ()25. Parliament is the supreme legislative organ of the United Kingdom. It consists of three parts: the prime minister, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. ()26. Brita in produced many great scie ntists, such as Newt on, Faraday, Darwin and Ein s

9、te in. ( )27. The nationalized industries in Britain include coalmining, electricity, telecommunications,railways, etc.()28. One of the basic prin ciples of En glish law isnatural law ”,which meansmorallaw.()29. Britain has more than 90 universities,and about one-third oftheirstudents arepostgraduat

10、es.( )30. Easter Day always arrives in summer.()31. To expa nd higher educatio n, Britai n foun dedthe TV Un iversity in 1969.()32. British uni versities gen erally aim to develop stude nts' creativity and an alytical skills forcareers.()33. British universities, different in size and academic l

11、evel, are governed in a different way. ()34. Most stude nts, poor or rich, try to earn some money by tak ing jobs in win ter for six weeks.()35. In British legal system, the prin ciple of habeas Corpus” serves as a protect ion aga instarbitrary arrest and impris onment.()36. More tha n 81 Oxford mat

12、hematicia ns and scie ntists have won Nobel prizes.()37. Prime ministers from 1945 to 1974 were once students at Cambridge. That is why theCambridge University is calledthe cradle of British prime ministers. ” ()38. Nowadays, Than ksgiv ing Day has gen eralized to be a remin der of being grateful fo

13、r all youhope to possess.()39. Easter Day is the second most important religious holidays for Christians in the United States.()40. The life of con gress is two years, and Represe ntatives come up for re-electi on every four years()2、知识填空题:(40题)在下列空格中填入正确的信息词,使其句子意思完整正确:1. Of all these isles, the la

14、rgest one is called . For the sake of convenience, GreatBritain is often shortened to .2. United Kingdom is made up of four parts, , Scotland and3. The isla nd of Great Brita in can be divided in to two parts accordi ng to itsgeographic features: the in the north and west and the in thesouth and sou

15、theast.4. In America, The presid ing officer of the sen ate is the of theUn ited States who serves as chairma n whe n the Sen ate is in sessi on.5. Brita in did not produce cott on and textile in dustry used to rely onas the prin cipalfiber.6. In Britai n, the cityis well known for its product ion o

16、f automobiles, electricityequipme nt, electr oni cs, mun iti ons, and arms.7. British gover nment is produced through con test betwee n two major political parties everyyears8. British can enjoy higher education in three ways: , polytechnics and9. Mai nla nd America is situated in the souther n part

17、 of North America with two land Neighbors,to the n orth andto the south.10. The Iongest river in Britain is the River , which runs 355 kilometers and emptiesin to the Bristol Strait.11. is the place where America n Preside nt lives and works.12. British population is overwhelmingly , with about 90%

18、living in urban areas and10% living in areas.13. Brita in inven ted the locomotive and was the first country to build a in the world in1825.14. One of the most important US government principle is Checks and ”.15. The majority of the British people believe in , which is the religion of the followers

19、of .16. The most important and Iongest river running through the middle plain of America is17. The U.K. has two churches: the Church of and the Churchof .18. Important heavy industries in Britain include and .19. is the official language of the United Kingdom as well as the first Ianguage ofthe vast

20、 majority of its citize ns.20. The power of Federal Government in America comes from the power delegated from gover nment.20. In Brita in, the place where parliame nt has sessi ons in London is.21. The US Con gress has two chambers, theand the. TheSen ate comprisesSen ators,from each of the 50 state

21、s22. In early times, British nobility can be divided into nobility and nobilityaccord ing to the amount of the land they possessed.23. In Brita in, the nu cleus of the gover nment is known as the , which is headed by theprime min ister.24. In the Un ited Kin gdom, politics is un der the con trol of

22、political , and this is knownas party politics.25. The US Constitution protects freedom of and freedom of so thatcom mon people can make their opinions known.26. The highest court in Brita in is.27. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous agreement, it becomes known as a jury.28. The English legal prof

23、ession is divided into two branches: and .29. Britai n was the first country to in troduce a new econo mic system known as en terprise.30. To meet the in creas ing n eed and protect environment, Brita in has begu n to develop somenew en ergies, such as, derivi ng from waste and crops.31. Traditi on

24、ally, the British culture has bee n characterized by its requireme nt of and civility in doing thin gs.32. To the south of San Fran cisco locates a famous valley, n amed, whichhas now become the center of America ' electronic industry.33. The Mississippi River V alley, also known as the, consist

25、s of the large areabetwee n theon the east and theMountains on the west.34. Brita in has traditi on ally bee n a manu facturi ng n ati on and was once known as the “of the world. ”35. One of the most famous natural park in America, Yellow Stone National Park, is situated in thestate.36. , the most s

26、triking gambling city in America, completely relies on the waterfrom the Colorado River.37. Everything related with family life, including family meals, is regarded as in Britain.38. The working class people usually have a “ tea" with hot dishes at about 5 o 'clock inthe after noon; while t

27、he middle-class people no rmally have an early “ tea" at about 4 or5 o'clock in the after noon.40. Private schools in Britain are officially called schools because they are independentof the gover nment.2、简答问题:(15题)简要回答下列问题:1.2. Why is America compared to a melt in g-pot?3.3. What are the c

28、haracters of typical British people?5.4. Why do British people like to talk about weather so much?5. What changes have taken place in British families? What are the possible causes for those cha nges?6. Who are the famous Quee ns in British history? Please write dow n their n ames.7. What are the ad

29、va ntages and disadva ntages of Jury Trial?10.8. What are the popular festivals in America? Please list two or three names of them.9. What is the fun cti on of mon arch in Brita in?10. Why is British government system calledConstitutional Monarchy "?14.11. Please list some famous rivers in Amer

30、ica.12. What measures can government take to adjust the development of economy?17.18. Why do some Historians call black Americans“ unwilling immigrants”?19. What are the factors that can help you decide social status of a man in British society?20. What are the spirits American People worship?21.22. How does American government system demonstrate the principle of “Checks and Balances”?精品文档


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