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1、9上期中复习(十)、听力(20分)1. How will the man go to Beijing next week?姓名学号B)2. How many stude nts in the boyA. 50%.B. 75%.)3. Which ani mal is the most popular one in Australia?s class ride bikes to school every day?C. 30%A)4. What does Millie ofte n do in summer?AC5. Where was his uncle yesterday after noon

2、?A. I n the doctor ')6. What is in the glass?A. There is some milk.)7. Who is the woman looking for?A. Her son.s.B. At home.C. In hospital.B. There is some ice.C. There is some water.B. Carl.C. Bob.)8. Where does the girl ' s father work now?A.In Can ada.B. In the USA.)9. Who has s een the f

3、ilm “ Harry Potter ” ?A. KateB. Susa n.)10. What hasn ' t Julia got for her hiking?A. Food.C. In France.C. Susan ' s mother.听对话,回答第1112小题。(B. A map.C. A mobile pho ne.)11. When is Jack ' s father A. This Saturday.)12. What are they going to do for JackA. They are going to have a party.&#

4、39;s birthday? B. This Thursday.'s fatherC. This Su nday. 's birthday?B. They are going to have a pic nic.What' s Jack ' s favourite sport?13 .Who will Jack play with next Su nday?r 14 .What can we learn about Jim' s broth汀?5.)13. A. Table tennis.)14. A. His brother.)15. A. He is

5、 a good player.C. They are going to have a big dinner.听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。B. Tennis.C. Football.B. His team members.C .Jim and his brother.B. He is in terested in table tennis.期中复习十第1页C. He often plays with football.听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。()16. Where is the exhibiti on?A. At the museum n ear the park. B. At

6、the art centre n ext to the park.C. In a clothes shop in the city cen tre.()17. How many coun tries are tak ing part in the exhibiti on?A. 20.B. 25.C. 12.()18. What kind of clothes are show n at the exhibiti on?A. The oldest clothes in China. B. Only clothes for childre n from differe nt coun tries.

7、C. Both old and moder n clothes from differe nt coun tries.()19. What did men in the UK once wear?A. Black suits and white hats. B. Heavy suits and black hats.C. Un comfortable woode n shoes.()20. When might the boy return to the exhibiti on?A. Tomorrow.B. Next weeke nd.C.On its last day.二、单项选择(20分)

8、()1. Earth isonly home to every one . Let ' s try to make it gree ner world to live in .A.a; aB. the; aC. a; theD. the; the()2. About how to achieve a bala nee betwee n the schoolwork and the hobbies, David asked mefor my.A. positi ons B. atte nti ons C. suggesti ons D. in struct ions()3. It 

9、9; s reported that scientists from different countries are trying toa good way tosolve the en ergy problems.A. keep up with B. catch up with C. come up with D. meet up with()4. Neither Kate nor her cousin to Russia, but _of them have known the countryvery well.A. have bee n; n either B. have gone; e

10、ither C. has bee n; both D. has gone; both()5.To achieve a bright future, we shouldstudy hardkeep in good health.I agree with you.A. not; butB. not only; but also C. n either; nor D. either; or()6. This project requires close teamwork.will be achieved uni ess we work well together.A. Someth ing B. A

11、n ythi ngC. Nothi ngD. Everythi ng()7. -Would you like to watch the film Lost and Love toni ght?-Sure. I still want to see it aga in although Iit already.A. watchB. will watchC. was watch ingD. have watched()8.I ' m goitogattend a Birthday Party, but I don' t knowthe dress looks goodme.A.tha

12、t; inB. if; inC. whether; o nD. that if; on()9. It was in the roomwe had the fashi on show. it was very successful.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. why()10. At prese nt, i n China , almost every one, as well as the old crazy about stocks(股票).A. isB. areC. wasD. were()11.-What do you thi nk of the white dre

13、ss?-Iits style, but Inot choose it because of its price.A. would rather; preferB.prefer; preferC. would rather;would ratherD.prefer;would rather()12. -The song Where did the time go the old days and the love of family.-Sure. It ' s my favourite song.A. reminds us of B. helps us outC. lets us dow

14、 nD. cheers us up( )13.Colours can in flue nee our moods. What colour do you thi nkus feel calm?A. maki ngB. makesC. to makeD. make()14.- How much difficulty did you have this problem? -.It's quite easy.A. to solve; Nothi ngB. to solve; None C. solvi ng; None D. solvi ng; Nothi ng()15. They thou

15、ghtimporta nt to look left and right whe nthe road.A. it ' s, cross it, to crossC. it, crossingD. it was, to cross()16. Xiao Zhang hashomework every day and she really doesn' t knowA. much too; what to do with itB. too much; what to deal with it.C. much too, how to do with itD. too much; how

16、 to deal with it()17.-He hardly has any spare time for his hobbies,he?. He has too much homework to do every day.A. does, NoB. does, YesC. has, NoD. hasn ' t, Yes()18.-1 won der if hein the discussi on toni ght?-I believe if hehis homework, he will join us.A.will join, fini shesB.will join, will

17、 fin ishC.joi ns, will finishD.joi ns, fini shes()19.- Many people think that people born un der the same star sig n always share the samepers on alities. Some are a just coincidenee (巧合),others are the only similar.A.Yes, I agree with you B. That ' s not the ca Exactly D. Not at all ()20. I n e

18、ver doubt.A. that Gulliver in Lilliput is worth readi ngB. whether Gulliver in Lilliput is worth readi ngC. if Gulliver in Lilliput is worth read ing itD. that Gulliver in Lilliput is worth being readi ng三、完形填空(15分)After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer, I noticed a Post-it note

19、stuck to my monitor (显示器).It read,“ Don'oiur computer. You stayed up until midnight doing yourhomework last night. Mom.” I 2 the note into the wastebasket. “ Whydo they 3?” Ithought. “ They ' re n ever here any way.”Right after high school started, I almost lost con tact with my pare nts. Wi

20、th all their bus in ess trips, they asked the 4 to watch over me. Of course, the neighbors didn' t do such a(n)5 job, as they had kids of their own to worry about. The only way of 6 betwee n me and my pare nts was through Post-it no tes.After spending about eight hours away from home, I usually

21、came home to find the house7 empty. It made me sad. I would come home from school to be welcomed by8, totalk to no one and to be watched over bymy n eighbors. That was whe n I started 9 moreclubs and staying after school more often _10_I didn ' t have to feel so Ionely. Luckily, at school, my fr

22、iends were there 11 me. They were all there to give me a 12 or talk with me when I wan ted to talk. I felt great whe n I was at school. Yet, somethi ng was still 13my pare nts.Now I realize that nobody can 14 my parents. I wish that they would be there at home, wait ing for me to come back from scho

23、ol. There are too many thi ngs my pare nts don me. I wish that they actually had a(n) 15 to understand me. I want them to understand that they ' re my parents and I ' m their kid and I need them.()1.A.go throughB. depend onC. put upD. turn on()2.A.showedB. threwC. ledD. pulled()3.A. checkB.

24、knowC. careD.speak()4.A.frie ndsB. teachersC. n eighborsD. partners()5.A. freeB. easyC. carelessD.good()6.A.com mun icati onB. behaviorC.changeD. love()7.A. sudde nlyB. almostC. completelyD. n ecessarily()8.A. everybodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. nobody()9.A.creat ingB. joi ningC. findingD. servi ng()10

25、.A.thoughB. ifC. orD. so()11.A.inB. afterC. forD. without()12 .A. ha ndB. wishC. suggesti onD. reas on()13.A.usefulB. missi ngC. hatefulD. possible()14.A.look forward toB. thi nk highly ofC. take the place of D. look dow n upon()15.A.excuseB. chaneeC. taskD. place四、阅读理解(30分)AAs a tee nager, I had a

26、lot of an ger and was not good at com mun icati ng with my pare nts.One day, whe n I was gett ing ready for school, my mother han ded me a T-shirt. It was my father's, not mine. At that time, I was taller and stronger than my father, so when I put the T-shirt on, I felt like I was being choked (

27、窒息)in it! I realized that it was a small mistake by my mother, but the feeling of being choked made me very an gry. Without thinkin g, I took out my an ger on my mother. I ripped( 撕 裂)the T-shirt!Later, my mother told my father what had happe ned,“ See what your son has done,scolding me, my father a

28、sked my mother to repair the T-shirt. He then wore it to work the next day.Later whe n my mother told me about what my father had don e, I felt ashamed of my behaviour. He spent the whole day wearing a ripped T-shirt. At the same time, I was filled with great admiration for my father. His kindn ess

29、taught me a life less on I would n ever forget. On that day, I made a decisi on that I would n ever let an ger beat me.()1. Why did the writer feel bad in the T-shirt?A. Because it smelt terrible.B. Because he hated the colour.C. Because it was too small for him. D. Because it was made of cheap mate

30、rial.()2. What did the writer do to the T-shirt?A. He ripped it. B. He washed it. C. He threw it away. D. He gave it to his father. ()3. What does the un derli ned word“ scoldi ng ” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chin ese?A.遗忘B.责骂C.提醒D.同情()4. What did the writer think of his father?A. He was kind.B. He was

31、strict.C. He did n't care about him.D. He was not good at com muni cati ng.()5. The passage mainly tells us that we should.A. con trol our an gerB. not make mistakesC. care about our pare ntsD. not spe nd much money on clothesBLast summer, Maria and her mother moved from their house in the count

32、ryside to building in Chicago. Maria really liked some things about the city, but she missed her house and yard in the coun tryside.One day, Maria was in her flat building when she noticed her neighbor, Mrs.Garcia, carrying a gardening tool and a bag of soil. Maria wondered how Mrs.Garcia was able t

33、o garde n in the city.“ My mom used to grow the most delicious vegetables, and I know she misses her garden now that we don't have a yard, ” said Maria.Mrs. Garcia laughed."I' ll show you, ” she said.Maria thought that Mrs. Garcia would take her to the park, but she took her to the roof

34、 (屋顸). Whe n the door ope ned, Maria was surprised to see rows of flowers and vegetables on the roof.“ What a won derful garde n!“ said Maria.Mrs. Garcia told Maria that for a long time the roof was just an empty space. Then some of the people in the buildi ng asked the owners to turn it into a com

35、munity garde n. The buildi ng ownersliked the idea because the pla nts not only helped to keep the air clea n, but they also helped to keep the building cooler during warmer weather.“ Iplant flowers in my own place, ”rs. Garcia said, but you would be surprised by how differe nt the pla nts are up he

36、re. Some people grow vegetables just like your mom. You can do some of the same thi ngs in the city as in the coun tryside. You just have to be creative !"()6.Maria really liked some things about the city, but she missed her in the countryside.A. house and yard B. empty space C. delicious veget

37、ables D. parks )7.Why was Maria surprised whe n Mrs. Garcia took her to the roof and ope ned the doorA. Because she enjoyed beautiful roof with no thi ng on it.B. Because she saw rows of flowers and vegetables on the roof.C. Because she looked around the coun tryside.D. Because she breathed fresh ai

38、r in the sky and felt relaxed.)8. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the community garden?A. It used the empty space well.B.It helped keep the air clea nC. It helped keep the build ing cooler.D.It made the build ing stron ger)9. After Maria visited the garde n, she would most probably as

39、k her mom toA. go back to the coun trysideB.pick flowers from the garde nC. grow vegetables on the roofD.show her around the parkB. A Rooftop Garden D. A Special Buildi ng)10. What is the best title for this passage? A. A Creative LadyC. An Empty RoofHave you ever con sidered start ing a fitn ess pr

40、ogram? Since exercise can reduce the risk of diseases, improve bala nee, help lose weight, better sleep habits and eve n make you con fide nt, you can start a fitn ess program in the follow ing steps.Test your fitn ess levelHow many meters can you walk or run in one minute? How much time does it tak

41、e you to swim 50 meters? What is your heart rate( 心率)? The data(数据)of your fitn ess level can help you know what activities you n eed.Desig n your fitn ess programYou may have begun your daily exercise . But a personal plan helps more. First, you should have your fitness goals. For example, what do

42、you want to look like, to be slimmer or quicker? A balaneed plan will help you start low, progress slowly, do right activities and even allow you to recover(康复)if you get hurt.Prepare things n eeded for sportsYou n eed someth ing practical, enjoyable and easy to use. It could be a pair of train ers.

43、 a volleyball hat or a bicycle. You can also dow nl oad fitn ess apps( 应用程序 )on your mobile phone to measure dista nces, calories burned or your heart rate.Take actionNow you're ready for action. When you begin, don't always try tough tasks. Listen to your body and reduce exercise time if n

44、ecessary.Monitor your progressTest your fitn ess level aga in six weeks In ter. If you have achieved your goals,in creaseexercise time to continue improving.Starti ng an exercise program is an importa nt decisi on, By pla nning carefullyand act ing stepby step, you can have good health.()11.How many

45、 steps are mentioned in this passage to start a fitness program?A.3B.4C.5D.6()12.You'd better test your fitn ess level first toA. lose weightB. make you more con fide ntC. reduce your exercise timeD. decide what activities you n eed()13.The underlined word "Monitor" in this passage mea

46、ns" ".A. watchB. keepC. takeD. make( )14.What should you do if you start a fitness program ?A. Always do the same activity .B. Start low and progress slowly .C. Test your fitness level every week . D. Take exercise as much as you can.( )15.This passage is mainly about.A. how to start a fit

47、n ess programB. how to desig n a fitn ess programC. the importa nee of good healthD. the importof a fitn ess progra五、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题(计 10分)Dear Hele n.Thanks for your last let ter. Yes, I ' m enjoying myself on my exchange program in France. It even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reas on to be. My host family are really ni ce. They go out of their way to make me


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