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1、小学英语单元整体教学设计 三年级下册 Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting一、教材分析及学情分析Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting 本单元是继6上Unit9单元之后,进一步学习形容词比较级。通过Some stories are more interesting句型了解部分双音节及多音节形容词比较级的表达。项 目 主 要 内 容A. Lets listen and say对话。重要句型:That piece of meat is better than mine.Some stories are more

2、interesting.B. Lets learn单词。A piece of meat/better/dropC. Lets practise活动。练习句型I like.more than. D. Lets read内容:Reading is good for us. E. Lets write对话。What books does Peter/Anne/Lingling/Mingming like?F. Lets have fun。二、单元整体目标学生在之前通过学习句型This bird is bigger than the first one. 的功能与意念,熟悉掌握了部分单音节形容词比较级

3、。并能初步运用句型对两事物进行比较。能用Ilike.表达自己的喜好。此外,也学习了部分动词的过去式,如went,gave,took,walked,was,had,thought,opened。这些为新旧知识的仙界打下了基础。1、能听懂会说、会读、会写单词a piece of meat/better/drop2、能理解并初步运用句型A be(am,is,are) more .than B.3、三、课时、教学内容、课型能听懂理解本课故事,能复述故事。第一课时:A B 词句教学第二课时:C D E阅读教学第三课时: F 综合拓展课四、各课时的教学设计课时 The First Period教学内容Pa

4、rtsA and B课型 Word-sentence Teaching教学目标1. Grasp the new words: a piece of meat/better/drop2. Be able to understand and use the sentence patterns :“That piece of meat is better than mine.Some stories are more interesting.”重点难点1. The new words and sentence structures. 2. Be able to understand and read

5、 the story.教具学具words cards,CAI 教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up(5 mins) 1.Song“Ten Little Indians”,2. Assessment wayIIPresentation and drill(19mins)Learn Part BStep3 Practise and consolidationLearn Part AHomework1.T: Morning, boys and girls. Can you sing the song “The more we get together.2.Int

6、roduce the assessment way: See which group can get the more stars between boys group and girls group. CAI出示下列形容词的原级和比较级:tall-taller big-biggersmall-smaller long-longerCAI出示可比较的图片如姚明和潘长江Yaoming is taller than Pan Changjiang.师以讲故事的形式引出PartB。引出A部分的动词原形和过去式。CAI出示上述动词原形和过去式,要求学生将原形和过去式对应连线。师问:Do you like

7、 the story?Is it interesting?教“interesting 。师示范用interesting说句子。English is interesting.Chinese is interesting.But Chinese is more interesting than English.板书:-is more-than-.CAI出示游泳和跑步图片CAI出示两条漂亮程度不一的连衣裙。阅读和听音乐图片唱歌和跳舞图片逐段学习课文,出示下列问题1.Who gave a piece of meat to the dog?2.How did the dog cross the rive

8、r?3.What did the dog see?4.What did the dog do?5.What happened at last?Copy the new words.Retell the story.1. Sing the song with the actions together. 2. Listen and get ready for the new learning tasks. Read them aloud. Make sentences after the model.-(am/is/are)比较级than -. Read and match.跟读例句。模

9、仿例句看图说句子。Swimming is more interesting than running.Answer the questions.Listen to the tape and follow.Finish thehomework.营造快乐的气氛,既活动了身体,又为接下来引出more打下基础。设计的评价手段采用男女生分组比赛赢星星star,通过画星星来激励学生努力学习,在统计与总结时又与more紧密相连。复习旧知,引入新知这个环节为A部分的学习打下埋伏。引入本课课题及下一环节。分组比赛,画星星奖励。先听两遍,再跟读。然后分组读,比赛读对本堂课的比赛结果做个总结。Boys group

10、has more stars than girls group.读写单词,背课文是巩固知识的手段。培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。板书设计Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting。A dog a piece of meat better dropped-is -er than-is more interesting/beautiful than-评价设计把全班分成男女生两个组,进行组与组之间的竞赛。采用的手段是画星星,看哪组得到的更多。通过画星星来激励学生努力学习,在统计与总结时又与多音节形容词的比较级紧密联系。 评价形式,有师评、他评、自评。使得评价的过程

11、变成了真实运用所学知识教学反思(亮点与不足)课时 The Second Period教学内容 Parts C, D,E课型 Reading drill Teaching教学目标1. Be able to use the sentence pattern“I like- more than -”freely.2. Be able to understand and read “fariy tale,science book,space story”重点难点 Be able to read the story in Part D. 教具学具 Some word cards and some sto

12、rybooks and CAI.教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up IIPresentation and drill IV. PracticeLearn part E V. Consolidation Homework1. Greetings.2. Revision.(1) Listen and doT says:swim,read,play basketball,sing,dance,run,jump . Ss do the action.(2)Ask and answerT:I like reading stories.Ilike dancing,t

13、oo.But I like reading more than dancing.板书:I like -和I like- more than -”带读“more than”并释义T:What do you like doing?1.CAI出示游泳和跑步的图片,引导学生按例句表达自己的喜好。出示看书和玩游戏的图片2.Learn part C3.Do a survy.4. Learn Part D出示实物Teach:science book,space book,fairy talesCAI出示问题:Do you like reading?Which book dou you like ?Which

14、 book is more interesting ?T ask the Ss read part D by themselves.Get the Ss to listen to the tape and follow.Let the Ss read the four sentences by themselves.Get the Ss finish the exercises.Check their answer.CAI出示A部分的四幅图。homework.:1) Retell the story to your parents.2)Write some sentences to intro

15、duceYourself.Use “ I like -和I like- more than -”Listen to the teacher and do the action.Practise speaking “I like swimming.-和I like swimming more than running.”模仿说。Listen to part C and follow.Say sth you like in groups of four.Follow the teacher.Answer the questions.Read part D by themselves.Guess t

16、he meaning of “Reading is good for us.”Finish the exercises on page 7.Listen to the tape and follow.Read the four sentences by themselves.Discuss the exercises in pairs.Finish the exercises.Check the answer.1.Read after the tape .2.四人小组合作学习Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks according to the

17、 text. 这是一个很受欢迎的常见游戏,有效地训练学生的听说的技能。通过复习动词为新知打下埋伏。师强调like后的动词要带ing旧知到新知,输入到输出,听说读全到位。鼓励孩子们多读书,博览群书此环节由扶到放,水到渠成。培养合作意识,发挥各自长处,获得不同的快乐体验板书设计 Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting.I like -I like-more than-. 评价设计分男女生比赛。每组各有一只宠物狗,看哪组能为自己的宠物赢得更多的meat,这组就获胜。教学反思(亮点与不足)课时 The Third Period教学内容 Part F/A课型 R

18、evision Teaching教学目标1. Be able to practise the sentence pattern”A is more-than B. 2. Be able to talk about two thongs with sentence“I like- more than -”3. Be able to retell the story of part A. 重点难点Be able to retell the story of part A. 教具学具 Recorder,CAI教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up1.Greetin

19、gs and free talk.2.Say the chantRevise the verbs 3.Part F IIPresentation and drill1.look at the picture .Read out the sentences.Retell the story. Practice1.Do a survy.Play a guessing game.Look at the pictures and say out the English sentences.V. Consolidation Disscuss:Which hobby is better,why?Homew

20、ork1.Recite the text.2.Write three sentences with “A is- more than B.T devides the class into two groups. T says the model and shows the CAI.big,bigger;small,smaller;beautiful,more beautiful;interesting,more,interestingT shows the CAI of Part F. T shows the CAI,gives the Ss some pictures and revise

21、the text of part A.T helps the Ss to retell the story with the help of the pictures and sentences below.T gives out a model about the survy:I like drawing.Drawing is more interesting than writing.How about you ,A?This is my friend.,A.She likes swimming.Swimming is more exciting than drawing. T shows

22、 CAI,and gives a model.Tell the students the rules of the game.Sing a song2. Listen to the tape. Ss read out and chant together.Pair work.Help Dino to find a safe way to the lake.Look and read. revise the text of part A.According to the pictures and sentences.Retell the storySs finish the survy and

23、talk in groups.通过歌曲把学生快速引入学习中。chant播放出来,引出要学的内容。通过以上环节的热身,既复习了上两个课时的重点单词和本单元最重要的语法点。通过课件提供的图片和课文故事内容天空的句子提示,学生复述整个故事,完成对本单元听说内容的巩固和复习。有了图文的提示,降低了复述故事的难度,大大提高了他们的自信心和积极性。让学生以各自的兴趣爱好为话题进行对话练习以及对好朋友的爱好调查活动运用互动交流汇报的方式,巩固本单元的重点句型,做到活学活用,使教材内容得到拓展。设计一个看图猜一猜的游戏,课件出示一部分两件物体部分两件物体,让学生用英语比较,在出示全部,看猜的是否正确。让学生在轻松的游戏中进行语言交际,增长他们的参与意识和竞争意识。出事一些当前孩子们兴趣爱好,如玩电脑,骑自行车,等。分组讨论什么爱好是健康向上的,是我们应该坚持的,什么是消极的,是应该舍弃的。让学生通过讨论得出结论,有利于他们正确看待事物,培养积极的兴趣和爱好。作业的布置是对课堂内容的巩固和运用。是课堂活动的延续。板书设计画一座桥,两面红旗分别代表男女生两个大组,比哪队先过桥。评价设计男女生比赛哪组先过河。教学反思(亮点与不足)


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