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1、http:/xuebao. jxau. edu cnE 一 mail: ndxb7775 sina com江西农业大学学报 2011,33(2) :0222 -0227Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis津巴布韦烤烟品种在云南中低海拔区域的比较试验吴兴富',肖炳光',寸锦芬2,李风丽',何元胜",卢秀萍"(I云南省烟草农业科学研究院.云南玉溪653100; 2云南省烟草保山市公司,云南保山678000 ; 3云南省烟 荒文山州公司沃南文山663()00: 4云南省烟草临沧市公司,云南临沧677000

2、)摘要:为了解津巴布韦烤烟品种特性在云南1 120 1 660 m中低海拔区域进行了 2个津巴布韦烤烟品种的比 较试验c结果表明:KRK23和KRK26品种打顶株高、茎围节距、最大叶宽及其叶面积比K326大,冇效叶数比 K326多;田间黑胫病、青枯病.普通花叶病自然发病率岛于K326,4种叶斑类病害的发病率低于K326.KRK26 对7种烟莘病害的田间综合抗性优于KRK23.从经济性状的丰产性及其稳定性看.KRK26较好.K326和 KRK23甬差。2个品种烟叶还原齋含僦比K326低,钾含址和多酚总帛比K326髙,总氮和烟緘含lit与K326相 当.KKK26烟叶主要化学成分含疑的协调性好于K

3、326和KRK23. KKK26综合表现优于K326和KRK23. KRK23 咬 K326 差。关键词:津巴布书;烤烟品种;云南:比较试验中图分类号:S572 文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-2286(2011)02 -0222 -06Comparitive Testing of Flue 一 cured Tobacco Varieties Introducedfrom Zimbabwe at Low and Mid Altitude Regions in YunnanWIJ Xing-fu1 , XI AO Ring-guang1 , CUN Jin-fen2,LI Feng-li3,

4、HE Yuan-sheng4, LU Xiu-ping1 *(1 Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences, Yuxi 653100, China; 2. Baoshan Company of Yunnan Tobacco Company, Baoshan 678000, China; 3 Wenshan Company of Yunnan Tobacco Companyt Wenshan 6630001 China; 4. Lincang Company of Yunnan Tobacco Company, IJncang 677000,

5、 China)Abstract : In order to understand the characteristics of flue - cured tobacco varieties introduced from Zimbabwe ,a comparative experiment on two varitiesj. e KRK23 and KRK26 was carried out in low and mid altitude regions ( from 1 120 m to 1 660 m) in Yunnan with K326 as the control. The res

6、ults showed that the height of topping plant of the two varieties from Zimbabwe were higher than that of K326, the stalk circumference, the internode length, leaf width of the biggest leaf were th<! same and the curable leaf number of the two varieties from Zimbabwe were larger than those of K326

7、 The field occurrence of Black shank, Granuville wilt and Tobacco mosaic virus in the two varieties were higher than in K326, and the incidences of four kinds of leave spot diseases in the two varieties were smaller than in K326 Viewd from the economic traits high-yield and stability, KRK26 performed better than K326 and KRK23. The contents of the reducing sugar in the收稿日期:2010-12-01修回日期:2011 -02 -15基金项目:云南省烟草公司科技讣划项H(09YN001t08A07)作者简介:吴富(1970),男,刚研究员主要从事烟草品种与品质研究;E - mail ynyxwxf sina. com; 通讯作者: 卢秀萍研究员,E - mail xp)u!970 163. com。


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