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1、完形填空Seven years ago, whe n I was visit ing Germa ny, I met with an oficial who expla ined to me that the country had a perfect soluti on to its econo mic problems. Watch ing the US economy _J duri ng the '90s, the Germa ns had decided that they, too, n eeded to go the high-tech no logy _2 . But

2、how? In the last '90s, the an swer seemed obvious: In dia ns. 3 all, In dia n en trepre neurs acco un ted for one of every three Silic on Valley start-ups. So the Germa n gover nment decided that it would 4 Indians to Germany just as America does: by 5 green cards. Officials created someth ing c

3、alled the Germa n Gree n Card and 6 that they would issue 20,000 in the first year. 7 , the Germa ns expected that tens of thousa nds more In dia ns would soon be beggi ng to come, and perhaps the 8 would have to be in creased. But the program was a failure. A year later 9 half of the 20,000 cards h

4、ad bee n issued. After a few exte nsions, the program was 10.I told the German officcial at the time that I was sure the 11 would fail. It ' not that I had any particular expertise in immigrati on policy, 12 I un derstood somethi ng about gree n cards, because I had one (the America n13 ). The G

5、erma n Gree n Card was misn amed, Iargued, 14 it never, under any circumstances, translated into German citizenship. The US gree n card, by con trast, is an almost 15 path to beco ming America n (after five years and a clea n record). The official 16 my object ion, say ing that there was no way Germ

6、a ny was going to offer these people citizenship. We need young tech workers, ” he said. That's what this program is all 17.” So Germany was asking bright young 18 to leave their country,culture and families, move thousands of miles away, learn a new Ianguage and work in a strange land but witho

7、ut any 19 of ever being part of their new home. Germany was sending a sig nal, one that was20 received in In dia and other coun tries, and also by Germa ny ' ownimmiga nt com mun ity.1、 A. soarB. hoverC . amplifyD .inten sify2、A. circuitB. strategyC . traitD .route3、A. OfB. AfterC .InD .At4、A. i

8、mportB . kid napC. conveyD .lure5、A. offeri ngB . in stalli ngC . evacuat ingD .formulat ing6、A.con ferredB .in ferredC .announcedD .verified7、A.SpeciallyB .NaturallyC .ParticularlyD .Con siste ntly8、A.quotasB .digitsC .measuresD .scales9、A.in variablyB .literallyC .barelyD .solely10、A.repelledB .de

9、letedC .combatedD .abolished11、A.adve ntureB .responseC .in itiativeD .impulse12、A.andB .butC .soD .or13、A.heritageB .revisi onC .n otio nD .versi on14、A.becauseB .uni essC .ifD .while15、A.aggressiveB .automaticC .vuln erableD .volu ntary16、A.overtookB .fasci natedC .submittedD .dismissed17、A.toward

10、sB .rou ndC .aboutD .over18、A.dwellersB .citize nsC .professi on alsD .amateurs19、A.prospectB .suspici onC .outcomeD .desti natio n20、A.partiallyB .clearlyC .brightlyD .vividly答案及解析本篇材料属于时文,作者通过与一位德国官员的交流引出主题German Green Card(德国绿卡)。文章分析了德国绿卡的起源、目的、特点,然后通过作者与德国官员的交流指出这种绿卡的弊端。本篇材料采用了对比法,通过将德国绿卡和美国绿卡进行

11、对比,清楚地阐明了德国绿卡不成功的原因。考生如果对绿卡一词以及德国、印度、美国等国的相关背景知识有所了解的话对解题会有很大的帮助。另外,材料虽然是六级题,但并不见得就一定比四级题难,克服畏难情绪是做好题目的基础。从这篇材料看,文章长而不涩,生词量不大,长句不多,设空规范,但是选项设置的时候,对词义辨析的要求很高。1、A soar的意思是rise rapidly,指经济腾飞,快速发展。前文说德国"had a perfectsoluti on to its econo mic problems ”,后文说 “ the Germa ns had decided that they,too,

12、 n eeded to go the high-technology _2_”,意思很明显,德国要模仿,因为德国也想取得如同美国般的 经济快速发展。2、D go the high-technology route意为"走高科技路线” ,strategy 一词意思正确,但是 不能做 go 的宾语。3、 B 本题考查词义辨析。of all是"在所有的范围内” ,after all表示"毕竟,终 究”, in all 是“总共、合计” , at all 通常和 not 连用,表示“根本不” 。这里要理清文句之 间的逻辑关系,德国人认为吸引印度人到德国工作是解决问题的好方

13、案,毕竟,硅谷中三 分之一的创业公司都是由印度企业家掌控的。4、D lure,意思是 provoke some one to do someth ing through ( ofte n false orexaggerated) promises or persuasio n,本句的意思是通过许诺和劝说使印度人移民。与后文的德国绿卡相 吻合。 import 意为“引入” ,表示“进口”只能和 into 或 from 搭配, kidnap 意为“诱拐, 绑架,劫持” , convey 的意思是“运输,表达,转达” ,都与题意不符。5、A 德国政府效仿美国是指效仿美国“提供”绿卡。6、C conf

14、er 的意思是“授予,颁发( on, upon 学位、头衔等) ”,而根据上下文,德 国政府应是"宣布(announce)”第一年发行20000张绿卡的消息,故 confer与文章不符。7、B 德国人很 “自然地” 认为这一政策是有效的, tens of thousands more Indians would soon be begging to come。 specially 和 particularly 均有“特别地” 的含义, 应排除。 consistently 指“一贯的,一致地” ,不符逻辑。8、 A 德国人很乐观地认为原来拟定的20000 “配额(quota)”还会增加

15、。9、C barely 意为“仅仅,勉强” , by a small margin ,是具备一定的否定意义的,符合 题意。仅仅一半的绿卡被发放。也暗合作者的态度。10、 D 在经过a few extensions (扩展)之后,方案最终的命运是“被废除”了。repel 意为“排斥、驱除、拒绝” ;delete 意为“删除” ; combat 意为“战斗,斗争” ,可与 with 或 against 搭配; abolish 意为“废除,废止,取消” 。11 、 C initiative 意为 action taken to resolve a difficulty ,和 solution to

16、its economic problems 相符。12、 B “ It'snot that I had any particular expertise in immigration policy , but I understood something about green cards”的意思是“这倒不是因为我在移民政策上有什么专长,而是我了解绿卡” 。not that,but意为“不是而是”。13、 D 括号里面是补充说明前面单词one,即green card,美国版的。version (版本) 符合题意。14、A 根据下文,德国官员没有弄清失败的原因,在此问题上与作者观点有分歧

17、。作者的观点是:德国绿卡命名有误,因为它绝无可能转化成德国公民身份(translated into German citizenship )。即德国绿卡政策不可能成功,除非德国绿卡可以代表一种公民身份。15、B 分析德国绿卡和美国绿卡的区别,与此相反的是美国的情况:美国绿卡特有者若无犯罪纪录,可在 5年后“自动”成为美国公民,automatic符合题意。德国绿卡和美国绿卡的区别即在于有无公民身份。16、 D 前文说到argue,德国官员对作者的看法不予理睬。overtake意为“赶上,超过,突然遭遇”,fascinate意思是“使着迷,使极感兴趣”,submit意为“服从,认输,提交,主张”,

18、dismiss意为“解散,解雇,不再注意或谈论”,理解为 bar from attention orcon sideratio n。17、 C 德国人只关注引进人才, all about意为“关于 的一切” ,“That' what this program is all 17 .”意思是“那就是这个计划所关注的一切” ,all over意为“到处”,all round指“周围,四处”。18、 C 德国人说: We need young tech workers,所以德国需要的是 professionals。19、 A 前文提至U: there was no way Germany was going to offer these people citizenship , 德国是绝对不会给印度人公民身份的,他们需要的只是高级技工,所以,这句话可理理解为:尽管印度人来到这片新土地,却没有任何希望(prospect)成为这个国家的公民。20、B 德国人发出的信号(包括其内在目的)被很清楚( clearly)地接收,所以很少有印度和其他国家的人才去德国,导致德国绿卡政策的失败。


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