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1、Lesson 7 and Lesson 8根据句意填空(10分)1. My is Robert.2. Nice meet you.3. Are you French?, I am.4. Are you German?No , I am .5. What is Sophie?She is French.6. Robert is not a .He is a student.7. What is her ?She is a keyboard operator.8. Robert is an engineer. is Italian.9. Are you a keyboard operator an

2、 engineer?10. is your name?二用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. (I) name is Robert.2. Nice (meet) you.3. What is (you) job.4. I am (a) engineer.5. Sophie is a keyboard (operate).6. The man is a taxi (drive).7. I am an air (host).8. He is a (police).9. Excuse (I).10. What (nation) are you?三根据答句写出相应的文句(10分)1. you a st

3、udent?Yes, I am. I am a new student.2. is your name?My name is Sophie.3. is his ?He is a hairdresser.4. are you?I am Number Five.5. you an ?No , I am not. I'm a nurse.6.is he?He is Italian.7. you a policeman an engineer?I am an engineer.8. Quxia ?Yes, she is Chinese.9. he ?No , he isn I He is Am

4、erican.10. this umbrella?No , it isn't my umbrella.四选择填空(10分)()1. is your name?A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. Where()2. Are you French?, I.()A. Yes, am not B. No , am3.my teacher, Mr. Blake.C. Yes, amD. No , notA. This'sB. ItsC. This isD. This are)4. How do you do! .A. Fine , thank youB. How do you

5、 doC. I'm OKD. Nice to meet you.)5. is she? She is Korean.A. WhatB. What nationalityC. What jobD. What name)6. ? I am a mechanic.A. What job are youB. What nationality are youC. What is your jobD. What is your nationality()7._ , are you Ling Feng?B. Excuse meC. HelloD. HiA. Sorry()8.name is Soph

6、ie. What isname.A. I , yourB. My , youC. My , yourD.I, you()9. She isair hostess.A. aB. theC. /D. an()10. What _ you job?A. amB. isC. areD. be五句型转换(10分)1. Robert is Italian.(就划线部分提问) is Robert?2. My name is Sophie.(就划线部分提问) is your ?3. The policeman is English.(就划线部分提问) What is the ?4. I am Number6

7、(就划线部分提问) is your ?5. Sophie is a keyboard operator.(就划线部分提问) is Sophie's?6. This car is a Mercedes.(就划线部分提问) is this car?7. She is a nurse.(变一般疑问句) she a?8. He is a hairdresser.(就戈U线部分提问) is his ?9. I am a mechanic.(变成否定句 )I am a .10. Sophie is a new student.(变成同义句) The is Sophie.六补全对话(10分)A: I

8、 1 a new student. My 2 is Robert.B: 3 to meet you. My name is Sophie.A: Are 4 French?B: 5, I am. Are you French ,6?A: No , I am not.B: What 7 are you?A: I'm Italian. Are you a teacher?B: No , I am not.A: What's your8?B: I'm a keyboard operator. 9 your job?A: I'm 10 engineer.

9、.6. 7.8.9. 10.七根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)1 .我的名字是罗伯特。My is Robert.2 .你是法国人吗? you ?3 .你是什么国籍?are you?4 .他是做什么工作的? is his ?5 .那个空中小姐是一个日本人。The is .6 .他是一个机械师。He is 7 .布莱克先生是一位英语老师。Mr. Blake is teacher.8 .它是什么牌子?is it?9 .我是一个邮递员。I am .10 .你是一个出租司机还是理发师? you a or a .八完形填空(10分)This is a 1.2 is a Japanese car. It is

10、 not 3 English car. This is4 bus. It 5 a Chinese 6.7, that is a 8. It is a 9 jeep,too. It is 10 Beijing jeep. I like Beijing jeep very much.()1.A. carB. busC. jeepD. bike()2. A. it'sB. This'sC. ItD. Its()3. A. aB. anC. theD. /()4. A. twoB. threeC. noD. a()5. A. isB. amC. areD. its()6. A. jee

11、pB. bikeC. carD. bus()7. A. GoodB. WellC. LookD. See()8. A. bikeB. carC. busD. jeep()9. A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. EnglishD. Korean()10. A. /B. aC. thisD. that九阅读理解(10分)Hello , I am Li Ming. I am in Row Four. I am Number Ten. I am in Class Six ,Grade One. Ann is in Row Four, too. But she is Number Two.

12、 She is in Class Five , Grade one.A.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F))1. My name is Ann.)2. I am Number Three.)3. Ann and I are in the same row.(同一排)4. Ann isn't in Class Six , but she is in Grade One.)5. I am not in Class Five. I am in Class Six.B.根据短文内容选择填空。)6. Ann is in Five.A. NumberB. Class)7. What class is

13、 Ann in? She is in ClassA. ThreeB. Four)8. What grade are you in?A. TwoB. One)9. Is Ann Number Two? .A. Yes, it isB. No , it isn't)10. Are you and Ann in the same row?A. Yes, I am B. No , I am not书面表达(10分)C. Row.C. FiveC. ThreeC. Yes, she is.C. Yes, we areD. GradeD. SixD. FourD. No , she isn'tD. No , we are not罗伯特遇见索菲娅,罗伯特也是一个新学生,他是一位意大利工程师。索菲娅是法国人, 她不是一位教师,她是一个电脑键盘操作员。Robert 1 Sophie. Robert is a 2 student,3. He is 4 Italian 5Sophie is 6 . She is 7 a 8. She is a 910 .1. 7.8.9. 10.


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