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1、Unit 4 HiStOry and traditions 练习解 + 析版I单词拼写。1. They have(宣布,发布)that they Will hold their Wedding Ceremonynext Week .2. The best(方法)to building UP your body is to do exercise every day .3. On the Way to school , Tom Came across One of his classmates, and they(问候)each other bySay ing“ Good morning ”4.

2、 After being questiOned by the police, She WaS released WithOUt(扌旨控).5. The BritiSh and the AmeriCans not only SPeak the Same Ianguage but (also) Share a large number of social (风俗).6. They Said goodbye to the villagers, With tears( 滚动)down their CheekS .7. Bill is a慷慨的)PerSon, who has given milliOn

3、S of dollars to help those people in the disasterhit area.8. The company made an(宣布 ) that they decided to introduce their PrOdUCtS to ASia .9. With the SPring FeStiVaI( 靠近),the StUdents are beginning to talk about their plans .10. I will try my best, but Can' t 确保)that I (will SUCCeed this time

4、 .【答案】1.a nnounced2. approach 3. greeted 4. Charge5. CUStOmS6. rolli ng 7. gen erous 8. announ Ceme nt 9. approach ing 10. en SUre本题考查单词在语境中的适当形式。选词填空break away from; bel Ong to; as well as; keep your eyes ope n; in charge; add to1 . You mustif you are going to make your trip to the Un ited Kin gdom

5、 enjoyableand WOrthWhiIe .2 . The doctortold US that our father WaS recoveri ng from his ill ness day by day .3 . Only the n did I realize that it WaS foolish of me toall of my friends andn ever Con tact them .4 . China is rich in CUItUre as well as natural resources .5 . Chinese, Maths, English, Ph

6、ysics, ChemiStry and Biology all the College EntranCeEXamination SUbjeCtS .6 . The short film will SUreIyyour further Understanding of the development of ourschool .【答案】1. keep your eyes ope n2. in charge3. break away from4. It is well known that5. belong to6. add to 本题考查短语在语境中的适当形式。III. 语法与写作1Mr. B

7、rown 's room, (fill) with all kinds of books, looks as if it is a small library 2 To tell the truth, you must make every effort to improve you (speak) English 3 To his surprise, Jack found his son (dress) as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve4 I once found my cell phone (miss) during my stay in the ci

8、ty 5 If you want to make yourself (respect), you are above all to respect yourself 6 The student likes reading stories (write) by the famous writer 7 Many (use) computers will be sold in this market 8 Prices of daily goods (buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices 9 Today, there are ma

9、ny people (visit) the park every day 10 We should pay attention to the physical and mental health problems (cause) by a lack ofsleep11 My cell phone has broken down and I have to get it (repair) soon 12 I was (surprise) to find my hometown (change) so much 13 John received an invitation to dinner, a

10、nd with his work (complete), he gladly accepted it 14Don' t leave the water(run) while you are brushing your teeth15 The yoga club, (open) last month in our school, is popular among women teachers 【答案】 1.filled 2.spoken 3.dressed 4.missing 5.respected 6.written 7.used 8.bought 9.visiting 10.caus

11、ed11. repaired 12.changed 13.c-o/mpleted 14.running 15.opened本题考查过去分词短语的用法。IV. 完成句子 1由于你的慷慨帮助,我相信我会更好地了解你的国家和文化。, I do believe that I will have a better understanding of your country and culture 2彼得很可能迟到,因为他才刚刚出门。Peter late, because he has just left home3这位科学家正在讲如何做那个实验,有很多学生围着他。The SCientist is exp

12、laining how to do the experiment, .4爬山的时候,我们可以享受到温暖的阳光和美丽的风景。We Can enjoy the Warm SunShine and beautiful SCenery .5.关于如何保护中国传统文化,学生们观点不一。Thehow to PrOteCt traditional Chinese CUItUre .【答案】1. ThankS to your gen erous help2. is likely to be3. With many StUde nts surro Unding him4. While CIimbing the

13、mountain,5. StUde nts hold differe nt OPinionS about本题考查学生综合运用语言的能力。V. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。IjuSt Coun ted how many foreig n Ian guages rve StUdied so far in my life and it's bee n twelve!I always follow my interests and find WayS to PUt my Ianguage learning into things I'

14、;m already interested in. I like to read blogs ( 博客)in Other Ianguages. _3±. . For the most part, bloggers tend to Write the Same Way they speak, so I don't have to worry much about adopting Strange terms that are Only USed in Writing.MOVieS are also a really good tool, especially if you Ca

15、nfind SUbtitIeS in the Ianguage you're Iearning. _32_,they will still keep your brain Iiste ning and readi ng in the Same Ian guage. MUSiC is ano ther Way to Start Iiste ning to things in your new Ianguage. PerSOnally, rm so bad at Understanding IyriCS (歌词)even in English, so this One does n'

16、;t really work for me, but I have friends who Iear n a Ian guage through lyrics. GameS are of COUrSe also an excelle nt Way of StUdy ing a new Ian guage. A lot of Ian guage Iear ning COmPUter PrOgramS in clude games. I'm SUPer COmPetitiVe and if I play any Of them, I Can be hooked for hours. _33

17、_.When the in itial exciteme nt of Iear ning a new Ian guage beg ins to fade, it Can be hard to StiCk With it. The hardest bit for me is Whe n rm comfortable eno Ugh With a Ian guage to Un dersta nd most things and make myself Un derstood. I'm actually StUCk at this Stage in NOrWegia n. _34_. Id

18、eally I should Sig n UP to take a big Ian guage exam. EaCh time I Start getting self- satisfied, it's time to take a new COUrSe or Sign UP for onIine lessons, or take UP some sort of challenge that will require me to level UP my skills.35. The best Ian guage class I've ever take n WaS my beg

19、 inn er's RUSSia n COUrSe at Un iversity Where myPrOfeSSOr never USed any English. It got to the Point Where I would kind of just forget about English while in RUSSian class, WhiCh helped me to really immerse myself in the RUSSian Ianguage and do a whole lot With the Iimited RUSSia n I had.A. Th

20、at's really UncomfortableB. WhateVer Ianguages they're tranSIated intoC. I also try to think in the Ianguage I'm IearningD. It's time Well SPent if I'm Iearning the IanguageE. COmPUter games always make me feel Worn OUtF. ThOUgh they don't always exactly match what's bein

21、g SaidG. I found them the PerfeCt learning tool because they're usually Written in oral Ianguage篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在学习外语的过程中尝试过的各种各样的方法。【答案】:GFDAC31. G 根据空后一句 “ For the most part, bloggers tend to Write the Same Way they speak, so I don't have toworry much about adopting Strange terms that

22、 are Only USed in Writing. 可知,通常,博主们倾向于用他们说话的 方式来写博文;据此可推知,我”发现博客是学习语言的好工具,因为它们常常是用口语的方式写作的,故G项正确。32. F 根据该句中的 “ they will still keep your brain listening and reading in the Same Ianguage 并结合常识可推知,电影中的字幕虽然有时和所说的话不是很一致,但是仍然会让你的大脑用同样的语言听和看,故F项与此处匹配。33. D 根据空处前两句“ A lot of Ianguage learning COmPUter Pr

23、OgramS include games. I'm SUPer COmPetitiVeand if I play any of them, I Ca n be hooked for hours. 可知,许多语言学习电脑程序中包括游戏,而我"是一心求胜,如果 我”玩任何一个,我”都能玩上好几个小时。据此可推知,如果 我”在玩的过程中学习这门语言,花费的时间是值得的,故D项符合语境。34. A 根据空处前两句 “ ThehardeSt bit for me is When rm comfortable enoUgh With a Ianguage toUnderstand mos

24、t things and make myself Understood. I'm actually StUCk at this Stage in NOrWegian. 可知,对 我" 来说,最难的部分是当我”足够自信能用一门语言来理解大多数东西并使自己被理解的时候。在学挪威语时我”实际上被困于这种状态了;据此可推知,那让我”感到很不舒服,故 A项正确。35. C 根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段的主题句;该段讲的是我”回忆了当时在大学上俄语课时的感受:课堂上老师从来不用英语,我也完全沉浸于俄语中;据此可推知,该段主要介绍我”也使用 我”正在学的语言来进行思考,故C项正确。V

25、I.第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Eight years ago, I Went to a Won derful school, WeSt Catholic High School, i n the Un ited States. I WaS lucky eno Ugh to have an OPPort Unity to StUdy as a(n) 36 StUde nt from Ukraine Whe n I WaS fourtee n years old.I remember my first day at that school 37 it WaS yes

26、terday. I WaS Very 38 as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach. My main 39 WaS that I would not be able to 40 myself due to the Ianguage barrier (障碍).I WaS trying to have as little 41 as I POSSibIy could. And I almost 42 ,until We had to in troduce 43 in front of the class.And the moment

27、the word“ international" flew o of IrinW as surroUnded by thirty people who Wereask ing questi OnS One after ano ther. It45 to be the opposite of less com muni Cati on, but it WaS so much fun.DUring the first three mon ths, I 46 experie need a little bit of CUItUraI shock. I think AmeriCa ns ar

28、e the 47_ people I have ever met in my entire life. They always smile and say,? ” Hi, how are youOne day, I 48 the StUdents Iooking at me With doubt. Finally, One CIaSSmate 49 to my locker (寄物 柜)and WhiSPered,“IS that true that you are a PrinCeSS andttlyou Came to StUdy here so that nObody would _50

29、you ? ” At OnePoint, I even had an image of myself 51 a crown and gracefully WaVing at the crowd. People do have a wild 52!I think it WaS a 53 one-year experience! I SaW a totally new world, experieneed great culture, met a lot of inCredibIe (极好的)people and 54 my Ianguage. ThiS trip inSPired me to l

30、earn foreign IanguageS. That iS One of the reasons 55 I SPeak five differe nt Ian guageS today. >36. A.internatiOnalB. com monC. friendlyD. CIeVer【答案】:A由本句中的“Ukraine可知,作者是一名国际学生。第三段第一句中的“the word internationalflew out of my 44_ "也是提示。international 国际的”。37. A.eventhoughB. as thoughC. now that

31、D. in CaSe【答案】:B首段谈到作者是八年前到美国留学的,本句中的“ yesterday比喻在那个学校的第一天就像昨天一样。此处用as though来引导状语从句,意为好像,似乎”。38. A.sadB. comfortableC. excitedD. nervous【答案】:D由下文中的 “ as if there had bee n many butterflies in my StOmaCh可知,作者当时的内心是紧张的。B. goalD. reasOn39. A.pointC. fear【答案】:C由上文中的 “as if there had been many butterfl

32、ies in my StOmaCh 以及本句末的“the Ianguage barrier 障碍)” 可知,作者害怕自己因为语言障碍不能表达自己的意思。40. A.helpC. ControlB. expressD. relax【答案】:B由于语言障碍,作者主要害怕不能表达出自己的意思。express Oneself 表达自己的意思 ”。B. ConneCtion41. A.c-o/mmunicatiOnC . emoti OnD . atte nti On【答案】:A由上文中的“ the Ian guage barrier障碍)"可知,作者尽可能不与别人交流。42A.failedB

33、succeededC forgotD won【答案】:B上文谈到作者尽可能避免与他人交流,因此这里指作者几乎成功避免与他人交流这件事。43A.myselfBthemselvesC ourselvesDhimself【答案】: C下文作者介绍自己是一名国际学生,故此处是说“直到我们不得不在全班同学面前介绍自己”。句中的We暗示着用 ourselves。44A.eyeBmouthC heartDmind【答案】: B“国际的 ”这个词一从作者的嘴里说出来,作者就被30 个人围起来,一个接一个问问题。只有mouth 符合语境 。45A.turned outBfigured outC pointed

34、outDmade out【答案】: A结果交流得更多了,但是也很有趣。 turn out 证“明是,结果是 ”,没有被动语态; figure out 弄“懂,弄清 楚,弄明白 ”; point out 向“某(人 )指出 ”; make out “看透,辨认清楚 ”。46A.hardlyB certainlyC suddenlyD finally【答案】: B因为初到美国,作者肯定会经历文化冲击。 certainly 无“疑,确定 ”。47A.funniestB nicestC smartestD worst【答案】: B下文中的“smile和“Hi, how are yo?"表明,

35、作者认为美国人是她见过的最友好的人。48A.caughtBnoticedC consideredD kept【答案】: B有一天,作者注意到学生们疑惑地看着她。notice 注“意,察觉 ”。49A.turned upBsent upCcame upDpicked up【答案】: C上文提到学生们只是看着作者,最后,一个同班同学走上前来询问。come up “走近, (为攀谈而 )走到跟前”; turn up 偶“然出现 ”; send up 使“(价值 )上升 ”; pick up 拿“起, 举起,提起 ”。50 A.recognizeBharmC acceptD blame【答案】:A作者

36、的同学问她来这里学习是不是为了没有人会认出她。 recognize 辨“别出,认出 ”。51 A.holdingBcarryingC wearingD dressing【答案】: C有那么一刻,作者甚至想到一幅自己戴着皇冠,优雅地朝众人挥手的景象。 wear 表示 “穿,戴,佩戴 句中的 crown 表示 “王冠,皇冠 ”。52 A.imaginationBsuggestionC requestD desire【答案】: A人们猜想作者是来自乌克兰的一位公主,因此这里指人们有丰富的想象力。53 A.valuelessBpricelessC terribleD similar【答案】: B下文中

37、的 “ experienced great culture, met a lot of incredible ( 极好的 ) people 表”明,作者认为在美国学习的 一年经历极其珍贵。 priceless 无“价的,极珍贵的 ”。54 A.practisedBsharedC improvedD spread【答案】: C作者通过在美国的学习提高了她的英语水平。55 A.thatBwhichC whyD how【答案】: C 那是作者现在会说五种不同语言的原因之一。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,修饰 reasons 并在从句中作原因状语,故选why 。VII. 微话题写作。用分词作补

38、足语的句子结构简要介绍你的家乡近年来的变化。1. 家乡发生了很大的变化。2. 道路变宽变平坦 , 高楼耸立。3. 生活更加便利 , 人们收入提高。4. 我们可以感受到人们正在享受幸福生活。【答案】We have found our hometown changed a lot over the past ten years. The roads are seen becoming wider and flatter. And we can notice high buildings finished one after another. Life in the town has become more convenient and comfortable than before. People can find their income increasing continuously. We can feel people enjoying their happy life.本题考查学生综合运用语言的能力。9


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