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1、立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本Un i4 现在进行时的被动语态 am/is/are be ing do ne“正在被。”完成句子 At present , lots of food ,water,tents ,andmedicine(正在运往)from all over China and otherparts of the world to the earthquake stricke n areas.(tra nsport) Would you please keep sile nt? The weatherreport(正在播放)and I want to listen.(broadca

2、st) Look! The foreig n guests( 被带领参观)around the factory by Mr. Zhang.(show around) I have to go to work by taxi because my car(正在修理)at the garage.( repair ) Howmanybridges (修建)in the village ? ( build )翻译这辆小汽车正在被设计。(design)我的小汽车正在被修理。(repair )许多有趣的实验正在被进行。(carry out )手机正被越来越多的青少年使用这些房间正在被粉刷三选择1. A n

3、ew cinemahere. They hope to finish it next month.A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built2. Rainforestsand burned at such a speed that they will disappear fromtheearth in the near future.A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut3Have you moved into the new house?Not

4、yet. The rooms.A. are being painting B. are paintingC. are paintedD. are being painted4. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology so rapidly.A. is changingC. will have changed5. It is said that pandaA. are being disappearedC. will be disappearedB. has changedD. wi

5、ll changein our country year after year.B. are disappearingD. will disappear6 The buildi ngnow will be our dormitory.A. build B. bei ng built C. built D. build ing7 The patie ntnow. He will come out soon.A. is exam inedB. is being exam inedC. is exam ining D. has exam ined8 New Year' s Day is co

6、ming and Children ' s Parkfor it.A. is preparedB. is being preparedC. has preparedD. is prepari ng9 Cellph onesby more and more tee ns.A. are usingB. is used C. are being usedD. being used10 Much progressin scie nee and tech no logy in China.A. is makingB. has made C. is being made D. is made11

7、I have to go to work by taxi because my earat the garage.A. will be repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. has bee n repaired12 Since your bike, you can use mine.(A) has bee n repaired (B) is repaired(C) has bee n repairi ng (D) is being repaired13 Hi, Tom, can I use your computer for a while

8、this after noon?-Sorry.(A) It ' s repaired (B) It has been repaired(C) It ' s being repaired(D) It had been repaired14 A lot of tall buildings(set)up, and people will movein Sometime n ext year.A is set up B are set up C is being set up D are being set up15 I'm sorry, sir. Your recorder

9、isn't ready yet. Itin the factory.A. is being repaired B. is repairedC. has been repaired D. hasn't repaired16 Some measuresto protect wildlife resources.A. are taking B. are taken C. are being taken D. being taken17 A new buildingat the other side of the street. Work started last yearand the building is expected to open next year.D. will be builtA. is built B. is being built C. has built


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