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20、膆螈罿膅蒂蚄羈芇芅薀羇羆蒀蒆薄聿芃莂蚃膁蒈蚁蚂袁芁薇蚁羃蒇薃蚀膅艿葿虿芈膂螇蚈羇莈蚃蚈肀膁蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆袂腿莁螅羄莄蚀螄肆膇蚆螃艿蒃薂螂羈芅蒈螂肁蒁莄螁膃芄蚂螀袂葿薈衿羅节蒄袈肇蒇莀袇腿芀蝿袆罿肃蚅袆肁荿薁袅膄膁蒇袄袃莇莃袃羆膀蚂羂肈莅薈羁膀膈蒃羀袀莃荿羀肂膆螈罿膅蒂蚄羈芇芅薀羇羆蒀蒆薄聿芃莂蚃膁蒈蚁蚂袁芁薇蚁羃蒇薃蚀膅艿葿虿芈膂螇蚈羇莈蚃蚈肀膁蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆袂腿莁螅羄莄蚀螄肆膇蚆螃艿蒃薂螂羈芅蒈螂肁蒁莄螁膃芄蚂螀袂葿薈衿羅节蒄袈肇蒇莀袇腿芀蝿袆罿肃蚅袆肁荿薁袅膄膁蒇袄袃莇莃袃羆膀蚂羂肈莅薈羁膀膈蒃羀袀莃荿羀肂膆螈罿膅蒂蚄羈芇芅薀羇羆蒀蒆薄聿芃莂蚃膁蒈蚁蚂袁芁薇蚁羃蒇薃蚀 2012年职称英语卫生类

21、A级辅导:补全短文试题及答案为了帮助广大考生系统的备考2012年职称英语考试,更好的掌握职称英语考试的重点内容,小编特编辑汇总了2012年职称英语考试的辅导资料,希望对您参加职称英语考试有所帮助。 补全第短文题 Success Stories One of the most successful fashion companies in the world is Benetton. The Benetton family opened their first shop in Italy in 1968. (1) Benetton followed four marketing principl

22、es in order to achieve their success. The first principle is Consumer Concept. To build a successful business, you have to develop products around things people value, especially quality. (2) He created clothes to match people's wants: the style is casual; the colors and patterns are bold; and t

23、he quality is excellent. The System Link is another feature of good marketing. For Benetton, this means waiting to get information about what customers like and what they dislike before making the clothes. (3) The Information Link means making sure the company responds quickly to people's demand

24、s. (4) This information is then sent to the main office in Italy. Benetton can use this information to identify popular products and to continue making them; it can also identify less popular products and stop making them. A final important marketing principle is the Retail Link. There are Benentton

25、 stores in countries around the world. All the stores have the same clothing, the same window displays, and the same approach to sales. (5) The things people like about Benetton stores are that the quality is always high and the prices are generally low. And that spells success. A The founder of Ben

26、etton began by asking people what they wanted B There used to be a good reason for this C When something is sold at a Benetton store, the store records information about the type, size, and color of the item. D Today, there are Benetton shops in major cities all over the world. E This means that cus

27、tomers can go into any Benetton store in the world and be sure of what they are buying. F In other words, Benetton's clothes are made to order. 【查看答案】 1. D 2. A 3. F 4. C 5. E2012职称英语卫生类A级辅导:阅读理解为了帮助广大考生系统的备考2012年职称英语考试,更好的掌握职称英语考试的重点内容,小编特编辑汇总了2012年职称英语考试的辅导资料,希望对您参加职称英语考试有所帮助。 阅读理解题 Stress at

28、Work and Still Healthy The term could yet become the word of the year: stress is on everyone's lips these days and everywhere. Not only managers, officials and teachers are complaining nowadays, housewives, children and pensioners now also have their own problems. They too sacrifice themselves f

29、or others, feel under- or overworked and quickly lose their inner balance. Irritation, tiredness and exhaustion quickly follow.-But that is only the negative aspect. Stress, after all, is also linked to positive terms such as joy of life, tension and vitality (活力). "Firstly, stress is healthy,&

30、quot; says Wolfgang Stehling from Eltvelle. The doctor and management consultant says: "It occurs when the body loses its inner balance, but then stress hormones are produced to re-establish the balance." Thus stress is nothing more than a positive reaction of the body to pressure. It is u

31、navoidable as part of our nature: "There is no such thing as a stress-free life." But whether stress leads to tensions in the mind or .to tenseness of the muscles depends on the duration (持续时间), its cause or causes and the sufferer's personal situation. People who have trouble sleeping

32、 or suffer from bad moods or simply the flu will not be on top of the world and will take every little strife as negative stress. Others, people who feel refreshed at every new turn, are relaxed and successful, will view a difficult round of negotiations or competition at work more as a positive cha

33、llenge than a cross to bear. Exercise, healthy eating and relaxation are thus the three pillars by which stress can be conquered almost every time. These factors form a unit, explains Marita Voelker-Albert, spokeswoman for the government's Nutrition Advice Center in Cologne. Its campaign "G

34、ut Drauf' (Feeling Good) is targeted at young people. The government agency's research suggests that three out of four adolescents feel tired, overtaxed (负担过重) and under stress. Eating disorders and complaints such as migraines (偏头痛) and indigestion (消化不良), nervousness and concentration prob

35、lems have increased among 12- to 16-year-olds. But even the best solutions don't work if they are not put into practice, says Stehling. Anybody who goes jogging regularly, practices yoga (瑜伽功) and prescribes good literature as a cure for negative stress, may well end up under more pressure as he

36、 tries to find the time for it all. Sometimes, says the consultant, it helps to take time out to reduce stress levels over a weekend. 6 Which of the following is NOT a correct view on stress? A Stress has both positive and negative aspects. B Stress is only a positive reaction of the body to pressur

37、e. C Stress is unavoidable as part of our nature. D Stress only leads to serious problems. 7 A person who has lost his inner balance may soon feel A fit and healthy. B under-or overworked. C irritated, tired and exhausted. D relaxed and happy. 8 Who will easily take every little strife as negative s

38、tress? A Those who are in good moods. B Those who suffer from the flu. C Those who are successful. D Those who feel refreshed at every new turn. 9 All the following complaints are said to have increased among children aged 12 to 16 EXPECT A painful headache. B indigestion. C loss of memory. D nervou

39、sness and concentration problems. 10 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible cure for negative stress? A Reading good literature. B Practicing yoga. C Working overtime. D Having a healthy diet. 【参考答案】 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C2011年全国职称英语考试卫生类A级考前模拟试题7时间:2011-1-16 下午 01:48:24 来源:互联网收集 2

40、011年全国职称英语考试卫生类A级考前模拟试题7 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant WomenA recent study in Tanzania found that when pregnant women took vitamins every day, fewer babies were born too small. Babies that weigh less than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a greater risk of dying. Those that surviv

41、e are more likely to experience problems with their development. And experts say that as adults they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization1 estimates that every year twenty million babies are born with low birth weight. Nine out of ten of

42、them are born in developing countries.The new study took place in Dares Salaam. 4, 200 pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills contained all of the vitamins in the B group along with2 vitamins C and E. They also contained several times more iron and folate than the levels advised for women

43、in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods in their diet.The scientists compared the findings with results from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive the vitamins. A report by the scientists, from th

44、e United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. 3 Wafaie Fawzi of the Harvard University School of Public Health4 led the study. None of the women in the study had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost

45、 way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes increase the bodys immunity against infection.The new study in pregnant women who were not infected wi

46、th the AIDS virus found that multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. Just under eight percent of the babies born to women who took the multivitamins weighed less than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and one-half percent in the group of women who received a placebo, an inactive pill

47、, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to reduce the rates of babies being born too early or dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.词汇:multivitamin/7mQlti5vaitEmin/adj.多种维生素的 urge/E:

48、dV/v.促进/v.极力主张;强烈要求;敦促 pregnant/5prenEnt/adj.怀孕的,妊娠的Tanzania/7tAnzE5ni:E/n.坦桑尼亚(非洲国家) diabetes/7daiE5bi:ti:z, -ti:s/n.糖尿病,多尿症 Dar es Salaam/5dB:r es sE5lB:m/n.达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚首都)folate/5fEuleit/n.叶酸盐 mineral/5minErEl/n.矿物质;无机盐adj.矿物质的;无机的 fetal/5fi:tl/adj.胎儿的, 胎的lymphocyte/5limfEsait/n.淋巴球, 淋巴细胞immunity/

49、i5mju:niti/n.免疫力;免疫性 infection/in5fekFEn/n.传染,感染;传染病 placebo/plE5si:bEu/n.安慰剂;安慰剂治疗 inactive/in5Aktiv/adj.无作用的 pill/pil/n.药丸,丸剂fetus/5fi:tEs/n.胎,胎儿练习:1. How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?A 20,000,000.B 18,000,000.C 2,000,000.D 38,000,000.2. A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the following substances EXCEPTA all vitamins in th


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