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1、A good read教学To learn to use question words +to-infinitives correctly.目标To learn to use question words +to-infinitives correctly.重、难点教学设计详案二次备课内容Guide One1. 用括号里所给动词的正确形式填空。(3(1).Iwillreadsome foreignfamousnovels_(improve) my reading ability.(2).Thebesttime_(visit)Mount Huangisinsummer.(3).Ifound my

2、self unable _(move)becausemyarms and legs were tied to a chair.(4).It s good _ (see) the amazing changes in thetown.(5).Somestudentsdon tknowhow_(have)funnow.(6).Canyoutellmewhen_(hand)inourhomework?(7).Eddiedidn tknowwhat_(do)withthesebooks.We can use a question word with a to-infinitive after aver

3、b.2. 完成下列句子。 (5 (1). 米莉已经决定读什么了。Millie has decided _.(2 ).Sandy 正想知道去哪儿寻求帮助。Sandy is wondering _ for help.(3). Amy不知道怎样写报告。Amy doesnt know _ the report.(4).Kitty无法决定先选哪一个。Kitty cannot decide _ first.(5).Simon忘记什么时候遇到他朋友了。Simon forgot _ his friends.(6).Daniel没说和谁谈过这本书。Daniel didn t say _about this bo

4、ok.All question words can be used in this way, except why.3. 同义句转换。( 5(1).Gulliver did not know where he could find other people.Gulliver did not know _ other people.1 / 3(2).Gulliver wondered who he could ask for help.Gulliver wondered _help.(3).Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes.Gu

5、lliver did not _the ropes.(4).Gulliverfoundoutwhathecoulddo withthetinyman.Gulliver found out _with the tiny man.(5).Gulliver decided when he should leave Lilliput.Gulliver decided _Lilliput.Practice1. 完成课课练 P39 一 .1. how to use2.where to put3.who to talk to4.which to buy5.what to do6.when to start2

6、. 完成课本P55(about Reading week)(1). which to read(2).where to find(3). how to travel(4). when to hand in(5). what to write about(6).who to ask forGuide Two1. 完成下列句子。(1). 吴老师建议我们选择哪一项作为课外活动。Mr Wu _as after-school activities.(2).Millie向我们展示接下来做什么。Millie _ next.(3).Daniel自学如何使用电脑画画。Daniel _a computer to

7、draw.(4). 别忘了告诉你妈妈在哪里接你。Don t forget to _ you.We can also use a verb and an object before a questionword with a to-infinitives2. 完成下列句子(1). 他们正在讨论把这些墙涂成什么颜色。They are discussing _ the walls.(2). 你能问你的父母你可以随身带多少钱。You can ask your parents _with you.We can use a noun after what, which, whose, how many andhow much.3. 完成下列句子(1). Suzy不确信向谁寻求帮助。Suzy was not sure _for help.(2). 你清楚明天何时在门口见面吗?2 / 3Are you clear _ at the gate tomorrow?We can also use an adjective like sure or clear before aquestion word.完成课课练怕P39 三.1-4作业设计教学反思3 / 3


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