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1、必修三,Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、性和词义写出下列单词。1._ n. 天文学家 2._ n. 大气层3._ adj. 猛烈的 4._ vt.&vi. 使爆发5._ n. 系统 6._ adj. 有害的7._ n. 发展 8._ adj. 全球性的9._ vi. 依靠 10._ vi. 存在,exist,astronomer,atmosphere,violent,explode,system,harmful,development,global,depend,11._ n. 出席 12._

2、adj. 失望的13._ adv. 逐渐地 14._ n. 重力15._ vt. 减少 16._ n. 质量17._ vt.&vi. 使高兴 18._ n. 方法19._ adv. 一般地 20._ vt. 耗尽,presence,disappointed,gradually,gravity,lessen,mass,cheer,method,generally,exhaust,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. As a young man he didnt know he was _ world fame late

3、r on. (win)2. Most parents dont allow their children _ because it does harm to health. (smoke )3. he sent me a gift made me happy .4. he sent me made me happy .5. It is a surprise Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system.,to win,to smoke,That,What,that,6. A great dust cloud formed

4、in the sky out the sunlight. ( block)7. The universe began a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.8. As for me, you can pass the exam _on whether you will work harder than before .9. Zhang Ming as well as I the members of the foot team .both of us are of playing football.10. The rain preve

5、nt us from out for picnic this afternoon.,blocking,with,will depend,whether,is,playing,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. She him with her belief and her competence. (energy)2. With the of the society. We live a better life than before .(develop)3. Smoking is no doubt to your health. (harm)4. we are going to

6、hold a party on Saturday evening. we shall be very glad to have your .(present)5. Though he is an orphan,he leads a happy . (exist),energized,development,harmful,presentation,existence,6. Women and kids are often hurt in family .(violent)7. Although they are twins, they are very _ (like).8. The news

7、 _us. When we heard the _news, we felt _. (disappoint)9.Though he failed in the exam, the teachers words were a great _ to him. (encourage)10. Do you know the _who is talking to Li Mei, who studied in our school. (physics)0,violence,unlike,disappointed,disappointed,disappointing,encouragement,physic

8、ist,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1. 既然_ 2. 冷却_ 3. 依靠_ 4. 欢呼_ 5. 灭绝_ 6. 爆发_ 7. 轮流_ 8. 及时_,in time,now that,cool down,depend on,cheer up,die out,break out,in ones turn,9. as a result of_10. get the hang of_11. prevent from_12. block out _ 13. in all directions_ 14. give birth to_15. sooner or later_16. fall

9、 over_,摔倒,结果,掌握;熟悉,阻止;制止,挡住,各方向,产生;分娩,迟早,五、词组运用词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1. He got to school _ though it rained heavily.2. He was unable to go to work _ a result _ his fall from the horse.3._ you are a student, you should study hard as the parents and teachers wish.,Now that,in time,as

10、,of,翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。4. 她想存点钱买房,因此不想那么早生小孩 。 She wants to save some money for apartment. So she has no plan to to a child so soon. 5. 你能解释他们为什么吵起来了?你知道他们俩原是好朋友呀。Can you explain the reason why the quarrel _ between them .You should know they were close friends.6. 如果人类不注意保护环境,很多物种就会灭绝。If

11、 Man dont pay attention to protect the environment .Most species will _,give birth,broke out,die out,句子翻译 从上述短语中选择适当的短语翻译下列句子。7. 那男孩摔到了,摔破了头。_8. 掌握学习方法对每个学生都重要。_9. 我是否去旅游要视天气而定。_10. 从各方而来的人们欢歌起舞。_,People in all directions got together, sing and dancing.,The boy fell over, striking his head.,Getting

12、a hang of the way to study is important to every student.,Whether I will go to travel will depend on the weather.,六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 China has a fast-growing space program. A 1 _(success) Moon mission would be the third major event in the history 2 _ China

13、s space program, after the launch of their first orbiting satellite in November 1999 and first manned mission, 3 _Yang Liwei orbited(运行) Earth fourteen times on the Shenzhou V on October 15, 2003.,Successful,of,when,The Change program, named after a lovely girl in a Chinese story who 4 _ (take) a ma

14、gic potion(药)and flied to the Moon, will be a three-part series of missions 5 _ will finish in about 2020. In addition to the orbiter Change 1, the Chinese space agency is planning a mission to land a rover on the Moon, 6 _ (hope) to collect material that will be returned to Earth. 7 _ (final), thes

15、e missions may lead to manned expeditions to the Moon - or to the possible 8 _ (develop )of a permanent(永久的), manned Moon base.,takes,that,hoping,Finally,development,9 _ entire mission series should last about thirteen years, for a total cost of about 14 billion Chinese Renminbi (equal to 1.73 billi

16、on U.S. dollars). In addition, China may cooperate with Russia in its Moon exploration program 10 _ is tentatively planning on signing a ten-year cooperation agreement in 2007.,The,and,七、基础写作 用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子联成一篇5句话的连贯的短文。1. 神州六号的成功发射使李华很振奋,他决心更努力地学习,希望将来亲自到上太空。(cheer up;make up ones mind)_2. 李

17、华担心发生意外,因为强大的吸引力会阻止一般物体远离地球。(prevent.from)_3. 李华一直想掌握天文学方面的知识。(get the hang of)_,Knowing that the launching was very successful, he was cheered up and he made up his mind to study harder, hoping to go to space himself in the future.,Since the strong gravity will prevent ordinary objects from leaving

18、 the earth, he was afraid of something wrong would happen to it.,Lihua has been trying to get the hang of the knowledge of astronomy.,4. 李华不想只依靠老师从课本中学习理论知识。(depend on)_5. 有机会通过电视看到神州六号的发射,李华很激动。 (have a chance to)_,He Studies very hard at school but he doesnt want to depend on his teachers to learn

19、 from the textbook only.,When he got the news that he had a chance to watch the launching of Shenzhou- on TV, he became very excited.,Lihua has been trying to get the hang of the knowledge of astronomy. He Studies very hard at school but he doesnt want to depend on his teachers to learn from the tex

20、tbook only. When he got the news that he had a chance to watch the launching of Shenzhou- on TV, he became very excited. Since the strong gravity will prevent ordinary objects from leaving the earth, he was afraid of something wrong would happen to it. Knowing that the launching was very successful,

21、 he was cheered up and he made up his mind to study harder, hoping to go to space himself in the future.,重要考点突破,1. spread (spread, spread) v.伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布Who spread these rumours? 谁散布的这些谣言?She spread a cloth on the table. 她在桌上铺桌布。运用:用spread翻译下列句子。(1)消息传得很广。_(2)鸟展开翅膀。_(3)这种病正在迅速蔓延。_,The

22、disease is spreading fast.,The news spread abroad.,The bird spread its wings.,2. disappoint vt. 使失望 拓展:写出disappoint的适当形式。(1)_ adj. 令人失望的(2) _adj. 感到失望的(3) _n. 失望搭配:翻译下面搭配。(1)be deeply disappointed _(2)adisappointingresult_(3)bedisappointedat/about /in/with_(4)be disappointed to hear_(5)be disappoint

23、ed that- clause _,disappointing,disappointed,disappointment,深感失望,令人失望的结果,因听到 而感到失望,对失望,对某事感到失望,(6)to ones disappointment _(7)in great disappointment _(8)be a disappointment to sb. _(9)get over ones disappointment _运用:用disappoint的适当形式填空。 (1)Tom was very _ at the _ result.(2) But Henry proved a _.(3)

24、President James A. Garfield was shot by a _ office seeker on July2, 1881.(4)Myparentswillbe_withmeifIfailtogetthemasterdegree.,disappointed,让某人失望的是,非常失望地,(对某人来说)是个失望,克服失望情绪,disappointed,disappointing,disappointment,disappointed,3. force n.力量,暴力 复军队vt.强制,强迫The moral force is on our side.道义的力量在我们一边。Th

25、e policemen forced the criminals to give up their arms.警察迫使罪犯放下武器。搭配:熟记下列词组或句式搭配。force sb. to do sth./force sb.into (doing) sth.强迫某人做某事force ones way into the house强行闯入这座房子force ones way through the crowd强行挤过人群force ones way in/out挤进/出force a smile强作笑容force the door open用力把门撞开,make a forced landing(

26、飞机)迫降join/combine forces with与联合/通力合作by force用武力或暴力运用:用force翻译下列句子。(1)地心引力的力量使物体落地。_.(2)他们被迫一天工作12个小时。_.,They were forced to work twelve hours a day.,The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.,4. harmful adj.有害的, 伤害的Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。搭配:熟记下列搭配。be harmfu

27、l to对有害do harm to sb. =do sb. harm对某人有害处do mare harm than good弊多利少come to no harm没受损害运用:翻译下列句子。吸烟有害健康。_,Smoking is harmful to health.,5. development n. 发展The government is encouraging the development of small businesses. 政府鼓励发展小公司。搭配: mental development心理发育运用:翻译下列句子。随着工业的发展,空气污染变得越来越严重。_,With the de

28、velopment of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious.,重要词组1. depend on 取决于,信任,信赖;需要You have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 你要根据那个人所说的话准备下一个问题。搭配:熟记下列词组或句式搭配。depend on/ upon sb./sth. to do sth. 指望着某人/某物做某事depend on/upon sb./sth.doing sth. 指望某人/某物做某事de

29、pend on it that相信,指望That ( all ) depends.= It (all) depends 视情况而定depend on/upon it 无疑地,确信地运用:翻译下列句子。我可以信任你吗?_?,Can I depend on you?,2. cheer up (使)高兴起来,振奋起来The news cheered him up.这消息使他高兴起来。Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。运用:翻译下列句子。想办法高兴点儿, 生活并不是那么糟!_,Try and cheer up a bit

30、; life isnt that bad!,3. break out (战争、火灾等不愉快之事)突然发生,爆发Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。运用:翻译下列句子。第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。_联想:填入适当的介词或副词。(1)break _(机器)不了,失效了,失败了(2)break _拆散,解散,结束(3)break_挣脱,逃离(4)break _闯入,突然(接song, laughter等),World War II broke out in 1939.,down,up,away,into,4. now that 由于,既然(=si

31、nce)Now that the kids have left home, weve got a lot of extra space.孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽敞了运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1)既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。_, you should not rely on your parents. (2)既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。You ought to have a good rest _.,Now that you grow up,now that youve finished the work.,5. in time 迟早,最后(sooner or

32、 later, eventually);及时,不迟(=early or soon enough)They learned to accept their stepmother in time. 他们最后学会了接受他们的继母。Will we be in time for the six oclock train?我们来得及赶上6点钟那趟火车吗?运用:翻译下列句子。总有一天我会遇见她。_ 辨析 in time指在某个时限之内的“及时”;而on time指按时刻表中的某个时间点来说的“准时,按时”。,Ill see her in time.,联想:填入适当的词,完成下列短语。(1)_ times 有时(2)_ the time 一直(3)at _ time 一次 (4)at _ time曾经(5)at the _ time 同时(6)_ time _time 不时,偶尔(7)_ the first time 第一次(8)in _ time立刻(9)_ the times过时的(10)_ the time being暂时的,at,all,a,one,same,from to,for,no,behind,for,Bye-bye,


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