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1、.用外语打电话确实是件棘手的事情,因为您无法看见其他人的脸或观察他们嘴唇的动作。  但不要担心! 以下这些用语将帮助您开始和结束通话,还带有您可能听到的对方回答的示例。如何开始通话这样: 拨号码。 当有人回答时,说:(您): “您好,我是 Taro Yamada,从东京打来。(Hallo, this is Taro Yamada, calling from Tokyo.) 我想找一下 Nadia Lawrence。(Could I please speak to Nadia Lawrence?)”如果您恰巧接通了要找的人,他们将会这样说:(他们): “我就是,请讲!(Yes

2、, speaking!) 您好吗?(How are you?) 我可以帮您什么?(What can I do for you?)”如果您要找的人不在那里,接电话的人可能会说:(他们): “他(她)现在不在这里。(Im afraid he/she isnt here at the moment.) 他(她)正在开会。(Hes/shes in a meeting.) 我可以带个口信吗?(Can I take a message?)” “您可以留言吗?(Would you like to leave a message?)”“您大约二十分钟后再打过来好吗?(Could you possibly ca

3、ll back in about twenty minutes?)”“请稍等,我给您接过去。(Hang on, please, Ill put you through.)” (“稍等 (Hang on)”的意思是等一下。) “请稍等,我帮您接通。(Just a minute, please, Ill try to connect you.)” 您可以说:(您): “请您让他尽快给我打回来好吗?(Could you please ask him to call me back as soon as possible?)” “请让他打给我吧。(Could he call me back, plea

4、se?) 我有急事。(Its quite urgent.)” “请您给她带个话好吗?(Could you please give her a message?)”(他们): “请问您的姓名?(What was your name again, please?)” “请留下您的号码。(Could you give me your number?)” “是关于什么事情?(What was it in connection with?)” 一旦接通要找的人,请说明您打电话的目的(您): “希望没有打扰您。(I hope Im not disturbing you.) 您有空讲话吗?(Hav

5、e you got a minute to talk?)” “抱歉打扰您,我对(新流程)有一个很紧急的问题。(Sorry to bother you, but I have a rather urgent question about (the new process).)” “我想跟您讨论一下(新系统的交付日期)。(Id like to discuss (the delivery date of the new system) with you.)” “我想知道我们是否可以讨论一下(协议中的一些问题)。(I was wondering if we could discuss (a coupl

6、e of points in the agreement).)” “我打电话来是为了:(The reason Im calling is this:) ” (他们): “好的,没问题!(Yes, no problem!) 现在可以/合适/很方便。(Now is fine/good/perfect.) “我可以帮您吗?(How can I help you?)” “什么事情?(Whats up?)” “我能为您做些什么?(What can I do for you?)”“事实上,我现在正在开会。(Actually, Im in a meeting at the moment.) 我十分

7、钟后打给您好吗?(Can I get back to you in ten minutes?)” “我现在正忙 - 半小时之内我打给你好吗?(Im busy right now - could I call you in about half an hour?)”如果您想安排一次会面(您): “我想知道是否我们可以安排个见面时间。(I was wondering if we could arrange a time to meet.)”“您什么时间方便?(When would be good for you?)” “什么时间适合您?(What time would suit you?

8、)”“21 号,星期一,两点半如何?(How about Monday the 21st, at two-thirty?)” “您星期五有时间吗?(Do you have any time on Friday?)” “星期二九点有空吗?(Could you do Tuesday at nine?)”(他们): “可以,那太好了。(Yes, that would be great.)”“对不起,不行啊,那时我没空。(No, sorry, Im busy then.) 不过,十点半可以。(But ten-thirty would be good.)”如何结束通话(您): “好的,期待着与您星期四见

9、面!(Good, well I look forward to seeing/meeting you on Thursday!)” “好的,非常高兴与您交谈,保持联系!(Well, it was great talking to you, and well be in touch!)” “太好了,非常感谢您的信息。(Great, thanks very much for the information.) 再见!(Bye!)” (“再见 (Bye)”是“再见 (goodbye)”的简略表达。)请记住: 毫无疑问,您的英语比他们的日语好,而他们将感谢您为了讲他们的语言所做出的努力。 然而,有些时

10、候,以英语为母语的人会忘记您不是以此为母语的,因而说话太快。 为了让他们慢下来,请尝试如下对话:1. 说,“对不起,您可以讲慢一点吗?(Im sorry, could you possibly speak slower?) 我听不太懂。(Im having trouble understanding you.)”2. 当对方说话时,重复每一条信息,如:“好的,19 号四点钟,(OK, the 19th at four oclock,)” 或,“请问怎么拼写?(How do you spell that, please?)” 或,“请稍等,我找支笔记下来。(Hang on, let me jus

11、t get a pen and write that down.)”3. 如果您不明白,不要害怕要求他们重复,如:“对不起,您可以重复一下吗?(Sorry, could you please repeat that?)” 或,“对不起,我没有听清楚,(Sorry, I didnt quite catch that,)” 或,“对不起,请重复一下最后一点好吗?(Sorry, could you say that last bit again?)”最后讲一个语法点“在 (At)”用于时间。 “在四点钟见面。(See you at four oclock.)”“在 (On)”用于某一天。 “在星期三见面。(See you on Wednesday.)”“在 (In)”用于月份/季节/年份/城市: “我们可在二月/春季/2011 年/在东京交付项目。(We can deliver the items in February/in the spring/in 2011/in Tokyo.)” 我们希望您喜欢该系列的第一部分。 敬请期待下一部分,我们将提供在工作中使用英语的更有用的技巧。*;


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