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1、.PMP考试用到的公式Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled = BCWS = Planned Value = PVBudgeted Cost of Work Performed = BCWP = Earned Value = EVActual Cost of Work Performed = ACWP = Actual Cost = ACBudget at Completion = BACEstimate at Completion = EACEstimate to Complete = ETCVariance at Completion = VACVariance

2、= Plan - ActualCost Variance CV = BCWP - ACWP = EV - ACSchedule Variance SV = BCWP - BCWS = EV - PVCost Performance Index CPI = BCWP / ACWP = EV / ACSchedule Performance Index SPI = BCWP / BCWS = EV / PVEstimate at Completion EAC = BAC / CPIEstimate to Completion ETC = EAC - ACWPVariance at Completi

3、on VAC = BAC - EACQ U A L I T Y - CoQ = ( ( Review Efforts + Test Efforts + Training Efforts + Rework Efforts + Efforts of Prevention) / Total Efforts) x 100 % PERT = O + 4ML + P - 6 MEAN -> Average MODE -> The “most found” number RANGE -> Largest - Smallest Measure. MEDIUM -> No in the

4、middle or avg. of 2 middle Nos STD. DEV. OF TASK = P - O _ 6 TASK VAR. = (P O) 2 = Std. Dev 2 _ 6 _ CP STD. DEV. = ² + ² + ² SIGMA 1 = 68.26 2 = 95.46 3 = 99.73 6 = 99.99 Channels of Communication - COMM = (N2 - N) / 2 = (N x (N 1) / 2 P R O J E C T S E L E C T I O N - PV = F V . - (1

5、+r) FV = PV x (1+r) NPV = S ( PV + PV + PV + PV ) - - - - (1+r) (1+r) (1+r) (1+r) Cash Flow = Cash Inflow Cash Outflow Discounted Cash Flow = CF x Discount Factor ARR = S Cash Flow / No. of Years ROI = (ARR / Investment) * 100 % BCR = Benefits / Cost Exp. Value = Probability % x Consequence $ Class

6、of Estimates - Definitive +5% Capital Cost +10-15% Appropriation +15-25% Feasibility +25-35% Order of Magnitude > +35% Contract Incentives - Savings = Target Cost Actual Cost Bonus = Savings x Percentage Contract Cost = Bonus + Fees Total Cost = Actual Cost + Contract Cost E A R N E D V A L U E A

7、 N A L Y S I S - PV (Present Value) = BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule) EV (Earned Value) = BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) AC (Actual Cost) = ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed) CV = EV AC CPI = EV / AC (efficiency) SV = EV PV SPI = EV / PV ETC = BAC EV or (BAC EV) / CPI EAC = AC + ETC

8、EAC = BAC / CPI VAC = BAC EAC % COMPLETE = EV / BAC x 100 % SPENT = AC / BAC x 100 CV% = CV / EV x 100 SV% = SV / PV x 100 EASY REFERENCE TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT COST EQUATIONSTheProjects Budget:PV:Planned Value (PreviouslyCalled BCWS:Budgeted Cost of WorkScheduled)Theplanned value is the project budg

9、etthat is part portion of the approvedcost estimate that is planned to be spenton the activity during a givenperiod.TheProjects Actual Cost:AC:Actual Cost (PreviouslyCalled ACWP:Actual Cost of WorkPerformed)The actual cost that is thetotal of direct and indirect costs incurred in accomplishing work

10、on theactivity during the given period.TheProjects Earned Value:EV:Earned Value (Previouslyand Interchangeably Called BCWP:Budgeted Cost of Work Performed)EV is the method for measuring projectperformance.§Itcomparesthe amount of work planned with what was actually accomplishedtodetermine if co

11、st and schedule performance is as planned.§Theearned value, previously and interchangeably called the Budgeted Cost ofWork Performed (BCWP), is a percentage of the total budget equal to thework actually performed.CostVariance:CV:Cost VarianceCV is any difference from the estimatedcost of an act

12、ivity and the actual cost of that activity.In earnedvalue analysis, CV = EV ACScheduleVariance:SV:Schedule VarianceSV is any difference from the between thescheduled completion of an activity and the actual completion of thatactivity.In earnedvalue analysis, SV = EV - PVCostPerformance Index:CPI:Cos

13、t Performance IndexCPI is the ratio of budget cost to actualcosts.In earned value analysis, CPI =(EV/AC)CumulativeCPI = (sum of all individual EV budgets / sum of all individual ACs)SchedulePerformance Index:SPI:Schedule Performance IndexThe SPI is used in some application areasto forecast the proje

14、ct completion date.SPI = (EV/PV)(Sourcefor above equations:PMBOKã, Section, Publishedby the Project Management Institute (PMI), 2000 edition)Valuable Hints NOT Written in Project Management BooksAbout Costs (Ormore succinctly “How to know youre in trouble”)When EVis used in a cost variance equation, it always goes first:CV = EV AC(ValuableHint:If you get a negative number, yourproject is over budget.)When EVis used in a schedule variance equation, it always goes first.SV = EV - PV(ValuableHint:If you get a negative number, yourproject will overrun its schedule.)*;


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