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1、逍林初中初一上月考英语试卷听力部分 (20 分 )一、听小对话,回答问题。( 5%)() 1. Is Gina Tom s friend?A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she is.() 2. What s the mans brother s name?A. Sorry, I don tknow.B. Tom Green.() 3. Is the mans sister a doctor or a teacher?A. No, she isn t.B. Yes, she is.() 4. Who is that man?A. Tom s dad.B. Tom s uncle.(

2、) 5. How many children are there in Jenny s family?A. twoB. three二、听长对话,回答问题。( 5%)听下面一段较长的对话,回答6-7 两小题。() 6. What color is Linda s pencil case?A. Red.B. Green.() 7. Is this Lucy s pencil case?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn t.听下面一段较长的对话,回答8-10 三小题。() 8. What class is Alice in?A. Class 1.B. Class 2.() 9.

3、 Are Tom and Alice in the same ( 同样的 ) class?A. Yes, they are.B. No, they aren t.() 10. What s Toms phone number?A. 8583567.B. 8657565.三、听短文,回答问题。( 10% )C. No, he isn tC. Tim Green.C. A doctor.C. Tom s teacher. C. fourC. Blue.C. No, it s Mary s.C. Class 3.C. I don tknow. C. 8567538.() 11. There are

4、_ people in Tom s family.A. sixB. sevenC. eight() 12. Tom s grandparents are in _ .A. EnglandB. ChinaC. America() 13. Lucy is Tom s _ .A. motherB. auntC. grandmother() 14. Tom has a brother. His name is _ .A. JoyB. JimC. John() 15. Tom s family name is _ .A. JimB. KingC. Tom笔试部分( 100 分)一、选择填空( 15%)(

5、)16. What s that in English? -_ a clock.A. That sB. This isC. ItsD. It s()17. Please call Mary435-9879.A. inB. atC. onD. to.()18. How do you spell _“baseball”?A. /B. aC. theD. this()19.brother is Tom.A. YouB. IC.HerD. She()20. Isyour uncle? What sname?A. she ,herB. he, hisC. she, hisD.he, her()21. I

6、s Guo Peng your brother? -.A. Yes,it is.B. No , it isnt. C. Yes, she is.D. No, he isn t.()22. What are those? -_ .A. They are apple trees.B. They are apples trees.C. Those are apple trees.D. Those are apples trees.()23. I m Jack Brown. Brown is my _ name.A. EnglishB. lastC. firstD. color()24. That s

7、et of keysGinas.A. amB. areC.beD. is()25. Is your name Brown? -.A. Yes,it is.B. Yes,I am.C. No,I m not.D.Yes,you are.()26. Is this your desk or his desk? -_.A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn tC. It s my desk.D. No, it s his desk()27.Thanks _ your birthday presents.A. ofB. fromC. forD.to()28. Your uncle s

8、son is your _ .A. brotherB.sisterC.auntD. cousin()29. This is _ pencil case.A. Kay B. Kay sC. of KayD. of Kay s()30. Mary, this is my father.-_.A. I m fine.B. Thank youC. Nice to meet youD. Good morning二、从 A 栏中找出与 B 栏相对应的答语(10%)AB() 31. What s that in English?A. Thank you.() 32. Is this your backbac

9、k?B. OK.() 33. How do you spell that?C. Yes, it is.() 34. Please call me at 63672535.D. It s a school ID card.() 35. How do you do?E. Goodbye!() 36. Good afternoon!F. Yes, I am.() 37. Goodbye!G. P-E-N, pen.() 38. Sit down, please.H. Good afternoon!() 39. This is Li Lei.I. How do you do?() 40. Are yo

10、u Wei Fang?J. Nice to meet you, Li Lei.三、完型填空( 10%)My name is Wang Li. My English teacher41 Linda. She is from the USA.42has a son anda daughter. 43is Ben.44is Maria. Her husband is45. Mr Black is46, too.He and his son are47New York now. Mrs Black and Maria are in China.48are classmates,and we are49

11、 . I teach her Chinese and50 teaches me English.() 41. A. beB. isC. amD. are() 42. A.SheB. HerC. HeD.His() 43.A. His sonB. His daughterC. Her sonD. Her daughter() 44.A. His sonB. His daughterC. Her sonD. Her daughter() 45.A. Black PaulB. Paul BlackC. Black AnnaD. Anna Black() 46. A. a studentB. an E

12、nglish studentC. a Chinese teacherD. an English teacher() 47.A. atB. fromC. inD. on() 48.A. Ben and IB. I and BenC. Maria and ID. I and Maria() 49.A. good friendB.a good friendC. good friendsD. friend() 50.A. heB. sheC. theyD.her四、阅读理解(20%)AGood afternoon, boys and girls.I m Li Hong.I m an English b

13、oy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look,this is a family picture. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Martin. This is my mother, SandyJordan. Whos that little girl? She is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture?I m the boy in blue.() 51. This isfamily.A. a ChineseB. an EnglishC. a Japan

14、eseD. an American() 52. There arepeople in the picture.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four() 53.is my father.A. SandyB. KenC. Mrs MartinD. Mr Jordan() 54.is my mother.A. SandyB. KenC. Mrs MartinD. Mr Jordan() 55. What color am I in? I am in.A. brownB. blackC. blueD. redBLook at this. What s this in English,

15、 do you know? Ah, its a photo. Who s that in the photo? It s Li Yan.Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She is Chinese. Whos that? The boy in black? It s Jim. Heis an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan.Jim often Li

16、Yan and me English, and we often teach him Chinese.()56. What is this? It sA. a schoolB. a friendC. a photoD. an English friend() 57. Li Yan is.A. a good boyB. a cool boyC. a beautiful girlD. an English girl() 58. What color is Jim in?.A. RedB. YellowC. OrangeD. Black() 59. Who s English?.A. IB. Jim

17、C. Li YanD. Jim and Li Yan() 60. Who are in the same school?.A. Jim and Li YanB. Jim and IC. Li Yan and ID. Jim, Li Yan and I五、根据首字母或中文意思写出下列单词(10%)61. That is a boy. Hname is Bruce.62.Can I ask you a q_?63.Can you syour name? -Yes.T-O-M,Tom.64.My mother s dis my sister.65.What s your tnumber?66.Is

18、that her(电脑 ) game?67.Those are my(父母亲) .68.What color is your jacket? Its(蓝色的 ).69.These are my family(照片 ).70.I have two(字典 ).六、连词成句(5%)71. you, do, game, how, spell?72. your, the, for, of, thanks, photo, family.73. sisters, are, these, three, my.74.is, that, English, a, in, desk?75.that, not, her

19、, is, baseball.七、书面表达( 10%)假如你是David, 你的电话是32356824。你的字典丢失了,请写一则寻物启事。附加题( 20 分)一、句型转换。 ( 5%)1. I am Li Lei.( 改写同义句 )2. His son s name is David. (对划线部分提问)3. My phone number is 023-66256397. (同上)4. This book is red. (同上)5. Dave and Ann are my friends.( 改一般疑问句 )二、在括号中指出错误项并在横线上改正(5%)_ Li Lei._ his _ na

20、me?_ is _ phone number?_ is this book?_ Dave and Ann _ friends?6. HisnameisLinda. ()_ABCD7. Whatscoloris it?( )_ABCD8.I m fine,thanksyou .() _ABCD9. AreyouTom?-Yes,I m. ( ) _ABCD10.IamHanming .()_ABCD三、阅读理解(10%)Things ( 东西 )Phone NumberNameLosta baseball628-7419Soniaa dictionary255-1312Tonya set of

21、(一串 ) keys807-6651TimFounda watch410-9627Marya backpack588-7463Janea pencil case217-3693David() 11.lost a baseball.A. SoniaB. TonyC. TimD. Mary() 12.If ( 如果 ) you find ( 找到 ) a dictionary, you can call.A. 628-7419B. 255-1312C. 807-6651D. 410-9627() 13. Tony lost.A. a baseballB. a dictionaryC. a set

22、of keysD. a watch() 14.found a watch.A. TonyB. TimC. MaryD. Sonia() 15. A boy lost a pencil case, he can callat.A. David, 588-7463B. Jane, 217-3693C. David, 217-3693D. Tim, 807-6651_号证考准_名姓_号学_级班-逍林初中初一上月考英语试卷(201010)-听力部分( 20 分)-一、听小对话,回答问题。 ( 5%)-1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._-二、听长对话,回答问题。 ( 5%)-6._ 7._ 8._

23、9._ 10._-三、听短文,回答问题。 (10%)-11._ 12._13._14._15._-笔试部分( 100 分)-一、选择填空( 15%)-16._ 17._ 18._19._ 20._-21._ 22._ 23._24._25._-26._ 27._28._29._30._-二、从 A 栏中找出与 B 栏相对应的答语( 10%)-31._ 32._ 33._34._ 35._-36._ 37._ 38._39._40._-三、完型填空( 10%)-41._ 42._ 43._44._ 45._-46._ 47._ 48._ 49._50._-四、阅读理解( 20%)-51._52.

24、_ 53._54._ 55._-56._ 57._ 58._59._60._-五、根据首字母或中文意思写出下列单词(10%)-61._62._63._64._ 65._-66._67._68._ 69._70._-六、连词成句( 5%)-71._-72._-73._-74._-75._-七、书面表达 (10%)-_-_-_-_-附加题( 20 分)-一、句型转换。 (5%)-1._ _2._ _-3._ _4._ _-5._ _-三、在括号中指出错误项并在横线上改正(5%)-6. ()_ 7. ()_8. ()_9. () _ 10. ()_-三、阅读理解( 10%)-逍林初中初一上月考英语听

25、力材料(201010)一、听对话,回答问题1. Is Gina your friend, Tom?- Yes, she is.2. Whats your brothers name? -Tom Green.3. Is your sister a teacher? -No, she is a doctor.4. Is that your dad, Tom?-No, he is my teacher.5. Look, this is a photo of my family. She is my mother, the two boys are my brothers.-Oh, they look

26、 young, Jenny.二、听长对话,回答问题。听下面一段较长的对话,回答6-7 两小题。M: Hi, Lucy! Is this your pencil case?W: Oh, yes. It smine. Thank you.M: That s OK.听下面一段较长的对话,回答8-10 三小题。M: Excuse me. What s your name, please?W: My name is Alice. Your name, please?M: Tom. Nice to meet you, Alice.W: Nice to meet you, too.M: Are you in

27、 Class 1, Grade 7, Alice?W: Yes. What about you?M: I m in Class 2, Grade 7.W: Great.M: Alice, what s your phone number?W: I t s8583567. What s yours?M: My phone number is 8657565.三、听短文,回答问题。Look! This is a picture of Toms family. This is a big family. The man in a brown coat is Tomsgrandfather. His

28、name is Jim King. The old woman is Toms grandmother, Natasha King. They areEnglish. But now they are in China. The young woman is Toms aunt Lucy. She s his father s sister.She is in England. Tom s mother is in China now. Tom has a brother John and a sister Joy.Tomsfather is an English teacher in Chi

29、na now.逍林初中初一上月考英语参考答案(201010)一、听小对话,回答问题。( 5%)1._B_ 2._B_ 3._C_ 4._C_ 5._B_二、听长对话,回答问题。( 5%)6._C_ 7._A_ 8._A_ 9._B_ 10._B_三、听短文,回答问题。(10%)一、选择填空(15%)二、从 A 栏中找出与B 栏相对应的答语(10%)三、完型填空(10%)四、阅读理解(20%)五、根据首字母或中文意思写出下列单词(10%)61._His_62._question_ 63._spell_64.daughter65._telephone_puter 67. parents68.blue69.photos70.dictionaries六、连词成句( 5%)71.How do you spell“game”?72.Thanks for the pho


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