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1、人教版二年级语文下册生字组词第1课 脱 脱掉 脱落 脱皮 冻 冻结 果冻 冷冻 溪 小溪 溪流 溪水 棉 棉衣 棉花 棉被 探 探头 探听 打探 摇 摇动 摇头 摇荡 野 野花 野外 田野 躲 躲开 躲闪 躲雨 解 解冻 解开 解说 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increa

2、se its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 第2课 未 未来 未必 未知 未曾 前所未有 追 追赶 追查 追问 追求 店 客店 商店 书店 饭店 枯 干枯 枯井 枯燥 枯草 徐 徐徐 徐缓 烧 烧水 发烧 高烧 烧火 荣 光荣 荣幸 荣誉 欣欣向荣 菜 菜园 青菜 饭菜 油菜 宿 住宿 宿舍 宿愿 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car a

3、re forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 第3课 冈 山冈 高冈 世 世界 世代 今世 来世 举世闻名 界 眼界 边界 各界 界限 轰 轰鸣 轰响 轰炸 轰赶 轰走 笋 竹笋 笋芽 春笋 芽 发芽 豆芽 肉芽 喊 喊叫

4、叫喊 呼喊 呐喊 呼 呼吸 呼唤 呼气 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Rou

5、nd 唤 唤起 召唤 叫唤 唤醒 第4课 弟 子弟 表弟 姐弟 哥 哥哥 表哥 哥俩 骨 骨头 骨干 软骨 抽 抽取 抽出 抽空 抽打 拐 拐弯 拐角 拐骗 拐杖 浇 浇水 浇花 浇地 终 终于 终点 终生 终年 终究 终结 静 安静 清静 冷静 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will

6、 increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 躺 躺下 躺椅 谢 感谢 道谢 谢绝 谢客 凋谢 渐 渐渐 逐渐 渐变 微 微风 微笑 稍微 微小 轻微 第5课 瓦 瓦片 瓦房 瓦盆 砖瓦 泉 泉水 温泉 泉眼 然 然后 忽然 突然 显然 结 结实 结果 领结 集结 团结 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbi

7、dden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 股 股票 股份 一股 脆 干脆 清脆 脆弱 塔 灯塔 塔楼 水塔 宝塔 佛塔 杜 杜绝 杜鹃 防微杜渐 鹃 杜鹃 杜鹃花 第6课 冒 冒险 冒烟 冒犯 雷 雷雨 打雷 雷电 需 需要 需求 军需

8、 必需 迈 迈步 迈进 年迈 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 迷

9、迷路 迷失 球迷 歌迷 昏迷 迹 足迹 古迹 事迹 踪迹 叔 叔叔 大叔 表叔 锋 锋利 刀锋 前锋 锋芒 滴 汗滴 滴落 滴水穿石 水滴 洒 洒水 洒落 飘洒 洒脱 泥 泥土 泥沙 泥泞 印泥 泞 泥泞 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspect

10、ions, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 第7课 扑 扑面 扑打 扑灭 托 托付 委托 依托 摸 抚摸 触摸 摸底 利 锋利 吉利 名利 铃 铃声 门铃 电铃 弱 脆弱 强弱 弱小 末 期末 周末 年末 芬 芬芳 芬香 清芬 芳 芳香 芳名 芳草 夏 夏季 夏天 夏季 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the buil

11、t-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 应 应该 应当 应允 该 应该 该当 活该 第9课 岛 宝岛 岛屿 小岛 海岛 展 展开 开展 展现 展览 铺展 建 建设 建筑 建国 修建 建立 纱 纱布 棉纱 纺纱 纱帽 环 环境 环保 环绕 环球 绕 绕弯 绕远 环绕 cont

12、rol of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 胜 名胜 胜利 取胜 名胜古迹 隐 隐藏

13、隐患 隐身 隐秘 难言之隐 隐姓埋名 约 大约 预约 约定 省 省略 省市 省吃俭用 节省 茂 茂盛 茂密 图文并茂 盛 盛开 盛情 盛名 盛会 盛行 盛大 第10课 吾 吾国 吾辈 维吾尔 季 季节 四季 淡季 雨季 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its

14、inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 留 留念 保留 留步 留学 留洋 留校 停留 杏 杏树 杏花 山杏 银杏 密 茂密 密度 密切 精密 机密 稠密 蜜 采蜜 蜜桃 蜂蜜 蜜蜂 甜言蜜语 坡 山坡 坡度 坡地 搭 搭车 搭船 搭配 搭桥 摘 采摘 摘花 摘抄 文摘 摘要 钉 钉钉子 钉扣子 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forb

15、idden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 沟 水沟 山沟 河沟 够 足够 够本 够格 第11课 龙 巨龙 龙舟 龙头 恩 感恩 恩情 恩赐 寿 祝寿 长寿 寿命 柏 松柏 柏树 泼 泼水 活泼 特 特别 特长 特意 特产 敬 敬礼 敬

16、爱 敬重 尊敬 鲜 鲜艳 鲜花 鲜明 新鲜 鲜control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place.

17、Round 美 鲜红 脚 脚印 脚面 脚力 脚夫 度 温度 风度 季度 度量 凤 龙凤 凤凰 第12课 束 花束 约束 拘束 勾 勾画 勾销 勾结 勾搭 府 府第 王府 总统府 单 单独 孤单 单号 单数 简单 单元 单位 名单 夺 夺取 定夺 光彩夺目 争control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector

18、 will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 分夺秒 抢夺 宫 王宫 皇宫 宫廷 故宫 宫殿 扮 打扮 假扮 扮演 装扮 雄 雄伟 雄壮 雄鸡 英雄 伟 伟大 伟业 宏伟 伟岸 丰功伟绩 烁 闪烁 辉 光辉 辉映 煌 辉煌 第13课 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within th

19、e built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 另 另外 另眼相看 志 志气 立志 志向 志愿 标志 杂志 题 题目 问题 习题 题名 题词 主题 提 提出 提问 提醒 提高 提取 提水 漫 漫画 漫出 漫长 漫步 漫不经心 朗 朗读 朗诵 晴朗 明朗 哄 哄骗 哄劝

20、哄逗 喝 喝水 喝药 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 骗 骗人 受

21、骗 骗术 欺骗 第14课 刀 刀片 菜刀 冰刀 刀把 刀山火海 尔 尔后 偶尔 求 请示 求助 精益求精 要求 追求 实事求是 寻求 需求 供求 仍 仍然 仍旧 使 使用 使劲 使唤 天使 使者 便 方便 简便 便利 便车 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase it

22、s inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 英 英雄 英雄 英杰 英国 英语 票 车票 邮票 门票 钞票 整 整齐 整洁 整理 完整 式 公式 正式 式样 形式 而 而且 然而 且 并且 而且 暂且 第15课 丹 仙丹 牡丹 丹心 丹青 丹药 乌 乌黑 乌云 乌鸦 化为乌有 艺 文艺 艺术 艺人 工艺 手control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are

23、 forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 艺 才艺 显 明显 显然 显示 显露 忽 忽然 忽视 忽略 丝 丝巾 雨丝 粉丝 丝线 杆 旗杆 杆子 笔杆 眨 眨眼 眨巴 涛 波涛 海涛 浪涛 陈 陈旧 陈列 陈述 转 转动 转

24、椅 旋转 打转 转圈 斜 斜视 斜阳 斜线 倾斜 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place

25、. Round 第17课 吴 吴国 东吴 姓吴 含 含义 包含 含片 窗 窗帘 窗帘 窗外 窗口 窗明几净 门窗 炉 火炉 炉台 炉子 炉火纯青 岭 山岭 鸣 鸣叫 鸣笛 鸣谢 鸣放 绝 绝技 绝招 绝路 绝种 灭绝 绝对 银 银河 银行 银色 金银 烟 烟火 烟雨 云烟 香烟 冒control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transport

26、ation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 烟 泊 停泊 漂泊 流 流动 流汗 流浪 流星 气流 电流 柳 柳树 柳条 柳枝 第18课 垂 垂柳 垂挂 下垂 垂死 乱 忙乱 动乱 战乱 扰乱 混乱 沉 下沉 沉没 沉重 沉痛 压 压力 压下 气压 电压 高压 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged c

27、ar are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 逃 逃走 逃跑 逃命 逃学 逃脱 越 越冬 超越 跨越 越国 越级 阵 阵地 阵雨 阵亡 彩 色彩 彩色 喝彩 彩旗 丰富多彩 虹 彩虹 虹桥 蝉 蝉鸣 蝉衣 蝉联 蜘

28、蜘蛛 蛛 蜘蛛 蛛网 蛛丝马迹 第19课 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Ro

29、und 册 名册 手册 纪念册 书册 岩 岩石 岩层 岩洞 宝 宝贝 宝贵 宝石 宝刀 宝物 珍宝 趴 趴下 印 脚印 印象 印章 复印 刨 刨土 刨去 刨根问底 埋 埋没 埋葬 掩埋 埋藏 陆 陆地 陆军 大陆 陆续 铁 铁路 铁道 铁矿 质 质量 品质 本质 质问 质control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation

30、 sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 疑 性质 厚 厚度 厚望 厚礼 厚道 忠厚 浓厚 深厚 底 年底 井底 摸底 海底 底部 第20课 忠 忠实 忠诚 忠心 导 导入 引导 向导 领导 开导 导电 教导 盏 灯盏 杯盏 酒盏 积 积劳成疾 积少成多 积极 积累 积雪 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagge

31、d car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 稠 稠密 稀 稀饭 稀世珍宝 稀少 稀有 针 针头 时针 指南针 针线 碰 碰见 碰到 碰坏 碰撞 慌 慌张 慌乱 惊慌 第21课 兄 兄弟 兄长 兄妹 呆 呆子

32、呆若木鸡 惊呆 发呆 商 商店 商人 商量 商议 商场 经商 抹 抹黑 涂抹 抹杀 抹零 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume polluti

33、on solution in place. Round 挤 挤车 拥挤 排挤 拱 拱手 拱桥 拱门 拱形 决 决定 坚决 决口 价 价格 价钱 代价 物价 无价之宝 钱 价钱 值钱 付钱 金钱 购 购物 购买 采购 订购 邮购 批 批改 批评 批发 批语 评 评语 好评 评论 评选 评定 第22课 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the

34、transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 报 报纸 报告 报信 电报 海报 报名 玻 玻璃 璃 琉璃 拾 拾起 拾金不昧 收拾 破 破坏 破格 破损 破旧 碎 细碎 闲言碎语 破碎 粉碎 滑 光滑 平滑 滑雪 滑冰 滑头 滑倒 滑行 滑动 继 继续 继承 继任 续 续集 连续 陆续 继续 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution

35、in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 封 信封 封闭 封条 查封 骄 骄傲 骄阳 骄子 傲 傲慢 高傲 傲气 傲骨 第23课 拎 拎水 拎包 桶 水桶 油桶

36、木桶 停 停止 停留 停泊 停放 聪 聪明 失聪 耳聪目明 胳 胳膊 甸 沉甸甸 草甸 晃 摇晃 晃动 晃悠 摇头晃脑 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four co

37、al fume pollution solution in place. Round 荡 动荡 坦荡 飘荡 第25课 叭 喇叭 玲 玲珑 小巧玲珑 狗 花狗 猎狗 走狗 糟 糟糕 楼 楼房 楼梯 楼道 茶楼 酒楼 梯 楼梯 梯田 梯形 梯子 肯 肯干 中肯 肯定 脑 头脑 大脑 脑袋 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transpo

38、rtation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 筋 钢筋 脑筋 筋疲力尽 第26课 讶 惊讶 讶然 谈 谈话 谈论 谈天 谈笑 奇谈 派 派出 派人 分派 气派 派头 引 引力 引人注目 引路 引导 列 陈列 排列 列队 罗列 列车 列国 蜂 蜂蜜 蜜蜂 蜂拥 敲 敲打 敲击 敲门 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yel

39、low tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 附 附近 附设 附带 依附 近 近处 远近 亲近 接近 平易近人 第27课 守 防守 守护 守法 守时 守卫 守门 守株待兔 看守 丢 丢下 丢掉

40、 丢失 丢脸 丢三落四 焦 焦急 焦点 焦黄 烧焦 费 浪费 费用 花费 学费 望 渴望 盼望 渴望 愿望 希望 一望无际 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four

41、coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 算 算术 总算 笔算 打算 盘算 算盘 算计 此 长此以往 此时此刻 此人 从此 桩 树桩 木桩 桩子 肥 化肥 肥胖 肥料 第28课 灰 灰色 灰尘 灰心 讨 讨厌 讨论 研讨 厌 贪得无厌 厌烦 厌倦 冰 冰川 冰山 冰冷 冰凉 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic

42、police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 蛋 鸡蛋 鸭蛋 鸟蛋 壳 蛋壳 贝壳 外壳 脑壳 弹壳 鸭 鸭子 鸭蛋 野鸭 欺 自欺欺人 欺骗 欺负 欺压 负 负伤 负担 负责 负重 胜负 鹅 鹅毛 天鹅 企鹅 翅 翅膀 振翅 鱼翅 膀 翅膀 肩膀 臂膀 7、课堂上多设计一些力所能及的问题,让他们回答,并逐步提高要求。第29课 七、学困生辅导和转化措施c

43、ontrol of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角

44、函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。勺 勺子 汤勺 饭勺 经过同一直线上的三点不能作圆.斗 北斗星 战斗 斗争 玉 宝玉 亭亭玉立 玉石 组 组织 组合 组装 珍 珍珠 珍品 珍视 山珍海味 珠 珠宝 露珠 泪珠 鱼目混珠 数 数不胜数 如数家珍 数落 钻 钻研 钻山洞 钻空子 研 研究 研修 研习 13.13.4入学教育1 加与减(一)1 P2-3睡 睡觉 睡眠 睡衣 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-u

45、p area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 距 差距 间距 相距 六、教学措施:离 离开 分离 距离 第30课 油 油灯 汽油 豆油 检 检查 检讨 检阅 检点 查 查访 调查 查阅 团 团结 团圆 团队 斥 斥责 排斥 充斥 责 责备 责任 责怪 负责 责令 炎 发炎 消炎 炎热

46、夸 夸奖 自夸 夸口 11.利用三角函数测高control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. R

47、ound 奖 奖品 领奖 奖励 函数的取值范围是全体实数;第31课 对称轴:x=亡 家破人亡 亡羊补牢 死亡 伤亡 逃亡 肉 肌肉 果肉 肉皮 耐 吃苦耐劳 耐心 耐用 忍耐 谜 谜团 谜语 灯谜 字谜 传 传送 传递 宣传 传染 染 污染 印染 染料 推论2 经过切点且垂直于切线的直线必经过圆心.类 种类 类别 分类 类似 分control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traff

48、ic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections, found one, and deal with one. Four coal fume pollution solution in place. Round 门别类 严 严寒 严密 严冬 严重 庄严 尊严 严格 寒 寒冷 贫寒 天寒地冻 control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in place. Yellow tagged car are forbidden within the built-up area of the county seat, traffic police, the transportation sector will increase its inspections,


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