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1、人教版初二语文上册的知识点八年级语文上册生字词注音和成语练习 一、给下列加点字注音。 第一课: 芜( )湖 荻( )港 泄( )气 锐不可当( ) 殷( )切 溃( )退 督( )战 莽( )歼( )灭 绥( )禧( ) 要塞( ) 阌( ) 聿( ) 濂( ) 遏( )制 第二课: 寒噤( ) 黄梢( ) 趴在( ) 蹿( ) 张皇失措( )仄歪( ) 飒飒( ) 吆喝( ) 浸( )悠然自得( ) 第三课: 地窖( ) 揣( ) 迫击炮( )瓦烁( )堡( )削去( ) 耸立( )枕( ) 鞠躬( )( )匍匐( )腋窝( ) 闪烁( )僵硬( ) 屏障( )烛芯( )颤巍巍( ) 第四课

2、: 缀满( ) 赞誉( )晨曦( )鹭( )恍若( )瞥见( )珐琅( )( )箱箧( )绸缎( )琉璃( )( )赃物( )惊骇( ) 第五课: 泄( ) 粹( )雕( )旭( )恍惚( )( )耶( )坟( )苓( )荒谬( )( )憧憬( )( )缭绕( )( )穆( ) 蜿蜒( )( ) 第六课: 鼹鼠( )毛苌( )孤孀( )郝懿( )行 震悚( )疮疤( ) 霹雳( )( )憎恶( )( )惧惮( )渴慕( )骇( )粗拙( )诘问( )掳( ) 第七课: 踌躇( )( )狼籍( )赋闲( )籁籁( )惦( ) 蹒跚( )( )拭泪( )颓唐( )栅栏( )琐屑( ) 第八课: 涎

3、水( )揩一把( )尴尬( )( )嘎( )凹凼( )黏性( )唿嗒( )( )硌( ) 第九课: 惶恐( )取缔( )攥( )凑合( )荒僻( )伛( )塌败( )镶( )嵌( )湙 翳( )愧怍( )骷髅( )( ) 滞笨( ) 第十课 克扣( )吹嘘( )稀罕( )( )噩耗( )( )呵斥( )诘问( )焦灼( )伎俩( ) ( )颠沛)( )吊唁( )( )跋涉( )诺( ) 十一课: 悠久( )洨河( )匀称( )( )和谐( )鷟( ) 惟妙惟肖( )漳州( )郦道元( )朝野佥载( ) 十二课: 煞风景( ) 魅力( ) 销魂( ) 颐和园( )点缀( ) 驻足( )险峻( )

4、重叠( )飞瀑( )摄影( )斟影( )媒介( )和谐( )孕育( )搏斗( ) 十三课: 对称( ) 嶙峋( )( )镂空( )池沼( )轩榭( )( )川嶂( )阑干( )斟酌( )丘壑( )琢磨( )( )檐漏( )蔷薇( )( ) 十四课: 磐( )藻井( )矗立( )额枋( )挥霍( )攒( )蟠尢( )螯头( )湛蓝( )檀木( )妃嫔( )肃穆( )( )翊坤宫( )池馆水榭( )迥然不同( )金銮殿( ) 乾清宫( )琉璃( ) 十五课: 擅长( )帷幕( )韶光( )伧俗( )屏风( ) 纳凉( )缓冲( )造型( )雅俗共赏( )流萤( )不禁( ) 十六课:萌发( )翩然

5、( )纬度( )悬殊( )海棠( ) 刺槐( )鳞片( ) 十七课: 蟾蜍( )( )鄞县( )濒临( )脊柱( )两栖( ) 十八课: 遗骸( )劫难( )追溯( )鸟臀目( )潮汐( )褶皱( )( )驮( )金属铱( )陨( )二氧化硅( ) For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medi

6、um has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than . In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the fin

7、al pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate

8、 into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined i

9、n after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examine

10、d again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for

11、test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of blank test, Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with me

12、thod operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of and will titration of results with blank test correction, Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculat

13、ion. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, me

14、ans a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in hig

15、h temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity . Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (suc

16、h as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 十九课: 归咎( )藩篱( )陌生( )繁衍( )斑斓( )( ) 蜥蜴( )( ) 二十课: 啃( )喷嚏( )面颊( )

17、嘈杂( )噗( )聆听( )啄米( ) 五六单元: 垂髫( )( )俨然( )诣( )馨( )苔( ) 牍( )蕃多( )濯清涟而不妖( )( )亵( )罔( ) 箬蓬( )( )糁( )壬戌( )( )篆章( )椎髻( )( )与能( )矜( )决眦( )簪( )泣幽咽( )( )曦月( )素湍( )飞漱( )属引( )泅水( )艨艟( )( )舸( )雾淞沆砀( )( )( )荷锄( )( ) 成语练习: 一、根据意思写成语。 1、比喻说话、做事不直截了当。( )2、形容夜晚的天气晴和美好。( ) 3、慌慌张张,不知怎么办才好。( ) 4、(姓名、事件、精神等)永远流传,不可磨灭。( )

18、5、不能够用语言形容。( )6、宏伟美丽。( ) 7、形容原有的东西完全失去。( )8、伟大的功绩。( ) 9、脸色像泥土一样,形容极端惊恐。( ) 10、深得难以测量。比喻对人或事物的情况捉摸不透。( ) 11、上天不会断绝人的生路,比喻身处绝境,终能找到出路。( ) 12、形容人老实本分。( )13、微小而不值得一提。 14、离开了队伍。( ) 15、穷困愁苦,颓丧失意。( ) 16、形容十分精妙逼真。( ) 17、精巧美妙到了极点,其他的无法与之相比。( ) 18、没有料到,形容意外。( ) 19、没有相同的;没有可以相比的。( ) 20、根据不同地区的具体情况,指定适宜的办法。( )

19、21、重重叠叠的山峰、峭壁。( ) 22、另有一种子巧妙的心思。( ) 23、设计者和工匠师的胸怀中有山水风景的构思布局。( ) 24、比喻人民极其痛苦的生活处境。( ) 25、形容整齐有秩序。( )26、相差很远,很不相同。( ) 27、形容东西精致,造型奇特巧妙。( ) 28、形容不断地,循环往复。( )29、本领高强,无所不能。( ) 30、形容非常赞赏。( )31、相处没有冲突。( ) 32、永远没有尽头。( )33、比喻事物没有一点破绽。( ) 33、命中洽谈室要遭受祸害,逃也逃不掉。( ) 34、灿烂多彩。( )35、比喻没有办法。( ) 36、事物要适应自然的选择。( ) 37、

20、心里一点不受感动,一点也不动心。( )38、说起来没完没了。( ) 39、赛住耳朵不听。形容不愿听取别人的意见。( ) 40、虽然看见了却好像没看见一样。显然对眼前事物漠不关心。( ) 41、一点不打折扣。表示完全、十足的。( ) 参考答案:成语练习答案: 1、转弯抹角2、月明风清3、张皇失措4、永垂不朽5、不可名状6、富丽堂皇7、荡然无存8、丰功伟绩9、面如土灰10、深不可测11、天无绝人之路12、老实厚道13、微不足道14、失群落伍15、穷愁潦倒16、惟妙惟肖17、巧妙绝伦18、意想不到19、独一无二20、因地制宜21、重峦叠嶂22、别具匠心23、胸中有丘壑24、水深火热25、井然有序26

21、、迥然不同27、玲珑奇巧28、周而复始29、神通广大30、拍案叫绝31、相安无事32、永无止境33、天衣无缝34、在劫难逃34、五彩斑斓35、束手无策36、物竞天择37、无动于衷38、唠唠叨叨39、充耳不闻40、视而不见41、不折不扣 八年级上册 1新闻两则(人民解放军百万大军横渡长江选自人民日报,中原我军解放南阳选自东北日报)。作者毛泽东,伟大的革命家、军事家、思想家,文学家,书法家,新中国的缔造者。 2.芦花荡选自孙犁文集。作者孙犁,原名孙树勋,现代小说家,散文家。小说散文结集白洋淀纪事之一荷花淀,之二芦花荡。 3. 蜡烛选自阅读和欣赏。作者西蒙诺夫,前苏联作家。代表作剧本我城一少年,Fo

22、r example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. I

23、t contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than . In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 min

24、utes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique

25、and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilizatio

26、n, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be

27、 discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent)

28、 deduction. 3. test in the of blank test, Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of and will titration of results with blank test correction, D

29、epartment refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test result

30、s, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety

31、in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity . Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be c

32、arefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified

33、 container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 长篇小说日日夜夜友与敌等。我城一少年日日夜夜俄罗斯人等均获斯大林奖金。 4.就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信选自雨果文集。作者雨果,法国作家。代表作品有小说巴黎圣母院悲惨世界九三年等。 同心圆:圆心相同,半径不等的两个圆叫做同心圆。5.亲爱的爸爸妈妈选自人民日报。作者聂华苓,华裔旅美女作家,作品有小说集失去的金铃子桑青与桃红千山外,水长流,散文集三十年后梦谷集等。萨特(19

34、05,1980)法国哲学家、作家、评论家。 著有哲学著作存在与虚无等 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习26. 阿长与山海经选自朝花夕拾。作者鲁迅, 7.背影选自朱自清散文全集。作者朱自清,原名自华,字佩弦,号秋实,江苏扬州人。散文家、诗人、学者。诗文集踪迹,代表作品有背影欧游杂记等,收在朱自清全集里。 8.台阶选自小说集台阶。作者李森祥。 9.老王选自杨绛散文。作者杨绛,原名杨季康,作家,文学翻译家。翻译有堂吉诃德洗澡钱钟书,现代文学研究家,作家,文学史家,古典文学研究家。作品围城 10信客选自秋雨散文。作者余秋雨,浙江余姚人,作品有文化苦旅,山居笔记,霜冷长河等,后收在秋雨散文中,信

35、客就出自文化苦旅。 11、中国石拱桥选自人民日报。作者茅以升,字唐臣,江苏镇江人。中国桥梁学家、教育家。他主持修建了钱塘江公路铁路两用桥。著有中国古桥与新桥等。 12、桥之美选自吴冠中人生小品。作者吴冠中,江苏宜兴市人,当代世界画坛具有极大影响的画家、美术教育家、散文家 。 圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.13、苏州园林选自百科知识。作者叶圣陶,原名绍钧,字圣陶。江苏苏州人。现代著名的作者、教育家、编辑家。代表作有长篇小说倪焕之,中短篇小说多收了三五斗,童话稻草人古代英雄的石像等,后都收在叶圣陶集里。 1、第一单元“加与减(一)”。是学习20以内的退位减法,降低了一年级上学期孩子们学习数学的

36、难度。退位减法是一个难点,学生掌握比较慢,但同时也是今后竖式减法的重点所在。所以在介绍的:数小棒、倒着数数、凑十法、看减法想加法、借助计数器这些方法中,孩子们喜欢用什么方法不统一要求,自己怎么快怎么算,但是要介绍这些方法。14、故宫博物院选自地理知识。作者黄传惕。 15、说“屏” 选自陈从周散文。作者陈从周,浙江杭州人,古建筑园林专家。著有说园等。 16、大自然的语言根据科学大众1963年第一期竺可桢的一门丰产的科学物候学一文改写。作者竺可桢,浙江上虞人。气象学、地理学家。 17、奇妙的克隆选自中学科技。作者谈家桢。 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角

37、三角形内切圆半径公式.18、阿西莫夫短文两篇选自新疆域,孟庆任译。作者阿西莫夫,美国著名科普作家和科学幻想小说家。 19、生物入侵者作者梅涛。 64.24.8生活中的数3 P30-3520、落日的幻觉选自科学与生活。作者黄文祥。 对称轴:x=21.桃花源记选自陶渊明集。陶渊明,又名潜,字元亮,浔阳柴桑人,东晋著名诗人。(二)知识与技能:代表作归去来兮辞、桃花源诗并序、归园田居、五柳先生传等 22.陋室铬选自全唐文。作者刘禹锡,字梦得,洛阳人,唐代诗人,哲学家。世称刘宾客。有刘禹锡集。爱莲说选自周元公集。作者周敦颐,字茂叔,北宋哲学家。元公是周敦颐的谥号。著有太极图说通书等。 23核舟记选自清张

38、潮编辑的虞初新志。作者魏学洢 ,字子敬,明末嘉善人。明朝散文家。 24.大道之行也选自礼记礼运。礼记,儒家经典著作之一,西汉戴圣对秦汉以前各种礼仪论著加以辑录、编纂而成,共49篇。儒家经典著作“四书”指论语、孟子、大学、中庸,“五经”指诗经、尚书、礼记、易经、春秋。儒家学派创始人孔子,名丘,字仲尼,春秋时期鲁国人,著名的思想家、教育家。 4.垂径定理:垂直于弦的直径平分这条弦,并且平分弦所对的两条弧。25.望岳春望石壕吏选自杜诗详注。作者杜甫,字子美,诗中自称少陵野老,后人称他杜少陵,唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,诗风沉郁顿挫。他的大量诗篇广泛而深刻地反映了“安史之乱”前后唐代社会由盛而衰的真实历史

39、面貌,尤其是他的“三吏”(新安吏、潼关吏、石壕吏)“三别”(新婚别、垂老别、无家别)春望、北征等一系列具有高度人民性和爱国思想的不朽篇章,达到了现实主义的高峰。他的诗因此被后人称为“诗史”,他本人也被尊为“诗圣”。 26、三峡选自水经注疏。三峡,“瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡”的总称。郦道元,字善长,范阳涿县人,北魏地理学家。 1、第一单元“加与减(一)”。是学习20以内的退位减法,降低了一年级上学期孩子们学习数学的难度。退位减法是一个难点,学生掌握比较慢,但同时也是今后竖式减法的重点所在。所以在介绍的:数小棒、倒着数数、凑十法、看减法想加法、借助计数器这些方法中,孩子们喜欢用什么方法不统一要求,自己

40、怎么快怎么算,但是要介绍这些方法。27、答谢中书书选自全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文全梁文。作者陶弘景,南朝梁代人,字通明,号华阳隐居,丹阳秣陵人。有陶隐居集。记承天寺夜游选自东坡志林。写于作者被贬黄州期间。作者是苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,北宋文学家。他的词首开豪放之先河。散文创作成就也很高,是“唐宋八大家” 之一。 28、观潮选自武林旧事。作者周密,字公瑾,宋代湖州人。 29、湖心亭看雪选自陶庵梦忆。作者张岱,字宗子,又字石公,号陶庵,又号蝶庵居士,明末清初山阴人。出身世家,少为富贵公子,爱繁华,好山水,晓音乐、戏曲,明亡后不仕,入山著书以终。有陶庵梦忆西湖梦寻等。 30、归园田居选自陶渊明集。作

41、者陶渊明。使至塞上选自王右丞集笺注。作者王维,字摩诘,因官至尚书右丞,所以人称王右丞。是盛唐极负盛名的诗人,画家。渡荆门送别选自李太白全集。作者李白,字太白,号青莲居士,唐代诗人,伟大的浪漫主义“诗仙”,其诗的艺术特色是想像丰富,气势奔腾,风格豪放飘逸。 登岳阳楼选自陈与义集,作者陈与义,宋代诗人,字去非,号简斋。 For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the ident

42、ification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than . In a small jar, with the media and

43、sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot in

44、gredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic

45、 technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation

46、 done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to

47、 solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of blank test, Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try l

48、iquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of and will titration of results with blank test correction, Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, doe


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