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1、Unit12,期末复习资料,1. -露西,上个周末,你干什么来啊? 在上个周六的上午,我打羽毛球来。2. 用过去时表示:做作业 _ 去看电影_ 去划船_ 在湖边扎营_去沙滩_打羽毛球_3. 看望我姑姑/ 奶奶_ 做作业/ 做运动_ 准备英语/数学考试_ 去农场/ 沙滩_ 喂牛_ 喂羊_,4. 你上周末过得咋样?很好。谢谢!(how)5. 我在自然历史博物馆做导游来。( work as )6. 他们有一个200多种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆。( butterfly house with)7. 我告诉了游客关于蝴蝶的情况及其生活习惯。( living habits )8.你周末过得愉快吗?(have a goo

2、d time ),9. 我现在有点累,我熬夜看足球来。( stay up )10. 她和谁一块去的?她和她的同学一块去的。( go with ) 11. 你上个周末干什么来? 我在周六打羽毛球来。 听起来很有趣! 你和谁一块大的? 我和我爸爸一块打的。他很棒!12. 你周末过得怎么样? 很棒! 我过得很快乐。 你去哪里来?天气很好,我和爸爸去海滩了。,13. 吉姆丢了什么? 他丢了她的钥匙,他经常丢东西。 那可不太好。他什么时候丢的他们(钥匙)? 我听说是昨天。14. 再学一门语言是很重要的。,Say be climb see run away,A family of mice were in

3、 the kitchen on Saturday morning when they _ a big cat . Baby Mouse _ afraid and _ onto his father s back . Father Mouse shouted at the cat ,” woof ,woof ! “ The cat quickly _ . “ wow , Dad , youre good !” _ baby Mouse .” well , son , that s why its important to learn a second language ,” answered F

4、ather Mouse .,Section B 用过去时表示:唱歌和弹吉他_ 准备考试_ 和朋友一起吃晚餐_去图书馆_ 放风筝_ 在游泳池里游泳 _2人们有时会害怕哪种动物?( what kind of animals )3. 值得记住的一个周末4. 两周前,我姐姐高中毕业了。( finish),5. 作为一份特殊的礼物,我父母带我去了印度。 6. 上个周末很有趣却很恐怖。7.我去了印度的一个小村庄扎好帐篷(宿营)。( went camping ) 8.首先,我们做了很长时间的汽车来到了位于乡村的一个湖边。(take a long bus ride )9.在那里我们打起了我们的帐篷,生活取暖做

5、饭。,10在第一个晚上,我们只是坐在月亮下面,相互讲着故事。11. 但是,我是如此的累以致于我很早就睡觉了。( so.that) 12. 第二天早上,我妹妹和我都大吃一惊。( get a terrible surprise )13. 当我们朝我的帐篷外面看的时候,我看到一条大蛇睡在睡在篝火附近。(look out of , see.doing sth.,14. 我是如此害怕,以致于我都不能动了。( so .that )15. 我们大声喊叫让他们晓得这份危险。( shout to ) 16. 我爸爸开始在帐篷里跳动。( jump up and down )17. 这样吵醒了那条蛇,它窜进了湖边的

6、树林。( wake up , move into )18. 过了一会我爸爸告诉我蛇没有耳朵但是能感觉到动的东西。(feel things moving ) 19. 他还告诉我不靠近蛇是很重要的。( important) 20. 这对我来说是非常有用的经验教训。( lesson),Look at the pictures and complete the passage.,Writing,3a,21. I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I _. It was a litt

7、le difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and _ cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I _ with my friends. On Sunday night, I _. I saw an interesting talk show.,Unit12,1.I _( do) my homework last night .2. I _(go) to the cinema with parents

8、yesterday .3. I went _( boat) two weeks ago .4. I went to the _(海滩)last weekend . (电影院) 5. We _(camp) by the lake last Sunday .,What _you _(do) last weekend ? I played badminton .2. I told the visitors about them and their _(live) habits .3.I stayed up late _(watch) the soccer game .4.It is importan

9、t _(learn) a aecond language .5.My sister _(finish) high school two weeks ago,1.Last weekend was interesting but _(scare) 2. We put up our tents and made a fire _(keep) us warm and cook food on .3. We just sat under the moon and told each other _( story) .4. When we looked out of our tent, we saw a

10、big snake_( sleep) near the fire.5. I was so _( scare) that i couldnt _(move),We shouted to our parents _(let) them know about the danger .2. My Dad started _(jump) up and down in their tent .3. The snakes dont have ears but can feel things _( move) .4. It was important not _( go ) near the lake .5. This was a very _(use) lesson for me .,


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