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1、英语 - 教学辅助资料- 打印版Lesson 8 Who is he?一、内容科普版三年级下册的第八课,Who is he? Let s learn二、教学目标1、知识目标:单词: brother,sister,father,he,mother who,she 会认读。句型:综合运用 Who is he /she ? He/she is 句型进行实际交流。2、能力目标:让学生在亲自体验、实践参与、合作交流、完成任务活动感受成功的同时提高学生的语言实际运用能力。3、情感态度、价值观:鼓励学生大胆表达,保护学生的自尊心,提高学生学习英语的积极性,使每个学生都享受成功的快乐。三、教学重点、难点1、教

2、学重点:运用 Who is he /she ? He/she is 介绍自己的家人并将句型运用于日常生活。2、教学难点: 如何运用所学知识将自己的家人介绍给大家。四、教学过程I 、 Warm up.师生同唱歌曲“ Hello,how are you? ”T: Hello,hello,hello,how are you?Ss: I ' m fine( x 2), I ' m fine,thank you.II 、 Revision.T:Let s play a game,OK?Ss:OK.T: Let s see who is the best. I say the senten

3、ces and you do the action. Are you ready?Ss:Ready.T: This is a pencil(pen,eraser,ruler,book).T: You are so good. Look,this is a beautiful stiker.It will be given to the best students in this lesson.Do you want to get it,come on!III 、 New lesson.T:Guess,Who is he ? He is ?(通过电脑显示一张遮住脸的教师教师的照片。)Ss: (

4、Guess) (调动学生参与积极性)T: Yes, you re so smart.T:讲授句型:Who is he /she ? He/she is(板书,鼓励学生参与板书拼写)使用多种形式,结合TPR 操练句型.Who who who is he ?T:出示Tutu背影图片,使用句型 Who is he ?询问。S: Tutu.T: Yes, he is Tutu. (板书,鼓励学生参与板书拼写)Step2:巩固练习教师出示明星图片,询问学生T: Who is he ?Ss: he is (Zhou Jielun/ Cai Yilun) 教师询问身边同学是谁,全班学生为教师做介绍。Ss:

5、she is Donald. 学生向老师介绍自己的朋友S1:This is my friend S2:This is my friendStep3:Listen to the tapeT:同学们,你们向老师介绍了自己的好朋友,老师也想向你们介绍我的好朋友,你们想认识他是谁吗?出示 Tom 的背影图片。T: Who is he ?Ss: He is TomT: Yes, this is my friend,Tom今天呀,Tom 邀请了小兰到他的家里做客,那ToM 向我们介绍了几位家庭成员呢?我们来听听故事吧! 讲授: my father /mother/sister/brother /teach

6、er.结合句型:he is 做扩展练习。跟读录音Step4.活动 播放四个孩子的声音片断,利用声音来激发学生兴趣,猜猜录音中的学生是谁?T:Who is he /she ?S1:He/she isS2:Yes, 播放课件,同时闪现8 张照片,让学生在指定时间内快速认清每张照片上的人物是谁?(图 1)T: Who is he ?S1: He is liuxiang.( 图 2)Ss: Who is she ?S1: He is my PE teather. T: OK, 拿出你的照片,合同桌之间,相互的介绍一下你的家庭成员T:我们要珍惜自己的家人,爱我们身边的同学,这样才能体会到生活的美好。OK

7、?S: OK!T: Great!Step4:作业(Homework )T: Today s homework.把你的家庭照片贴在作业本上,课后向老师和同学们介绍一下你的家人!It s time to say Goo-bdye!Bye-bye!板书设计:Lesson4 Who is he ?mom.Who is she?She issister.Who is he ? He isfathermotherteacherLesson8 Who is he ?于江丽1、内容科普版三年级下册的第八课,Who is he? Let s learn2、教学目标知识目标:(1).能听说认读人称代词 shehe

8、,并能正确使用.英语 - 教学辅助资料- 打印版(2) .会说句型who is she he ?并回答she is -He is - ,并能在实际生活中运用.(3) . 通过情境复习介绍某人和问候的表达。能力目标:培养学生小组的合作能力,鼓励学生多使用英语,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生在生活中应用英语进行交际的能力。情感目标:运用chant和情境教学,激发学生的学习热情,培养学生学习兴趣,增强学生学习的自信心。3、教学重点、难点(1)、对人称代词shehe有初步的区分能力。(2)、正确使用句型who is she he ? she is - He is -(3)、激发学生的学习兴趣和反应思维,促

9、其快乐体验,成功实践。4、教学过程Step 1 warm up1、 Song: who is he2、 Free-talk and revision3、 T: Hello , How are you?4、 S: Hello, I m fine. Thank you.5、 (Point to the photos of the student)6、 T: who is this? Is this your sister?7、 S: Yes , it ms y sister.8、 (Walk to another student)9、 T: who is this? Is this your br

10、other?10、 S: Yes, its my brother.11、 T; And is this your brother , too?12、 S: No , this is my friend.13、 Step 2 Teaching the new lesson14、 T: Look! I bring some photos, too. Do you want to know whom they are?15、 S: Yes.16、 T: Look, who is she?17、 S: who is she ?18、 T; she she she19、女的她she she she s

11、h e20、 S :she she she21、 she she she s h e write with their fingers,22、 T: Who can tell me? who is she?23、 S:T: Right, she is .S: She is .T: Now, look, who ishe?( S : who is he ?T: He he he 男的他 he he he h-e write with their fingers.T: Who can tell me? who is he?S: .T: Great, He is .S: He is Step 3 C

12、onsolidation and gameT: Now, You can ask “who is she he ? ” and answer she is He is with your friends in your group .The students ask and answer these sentence in their group, then act.T: Chant follow me,女的她 she she she s-h-e ,男的他 he he he h-e , who who who is she? who who who ishe ?Same: my father

13、/mother/sister/brother /teacher.Students chant together.T: My children. You are very good. Can you chant together in your group? I know you are the best, Come on! Students work in their groups.T: Good job! Now who can chant ?Students chant together in their groups and do some actions.T: Now, let s h

14、ave a rest. We llplay a game. Look! It s a picture.You can t see it, But you can guess sheor he. (任意拿一张卡通人物的图片,将图片背对着学生,让学生猜shehe 并注意引导学生问答who is she? /sheis 或者是 who is he? He is 以小组记分。)T: OK .The game is over.Now open your books to page 44 and 45.Read the text after the recorder.Students listen and

15、 speakStep 5 Short play.T: Now, give you 5 minutes to make a short play about this lesson. Then play it out. S: (Make a short play and act it out. 并根据表演效果分组计分。)Step 6SummaryT: OK ! This is our lesson. Look ! (Point to the blackboard) 女的她 she she she s h e ; 男的他 he he he h-e ; Who who, who is she ?Who who , who is he ?T: OK! It s time to say good-bye. Good-bye my children. See you.S: Have a nice day.Step 7HomeworkT: Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.Board:mom.Who is she?She issister.Who is he ?He isfathermotherteacher


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