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1、题解 外源性凝血系统是由于损伤组织细胞释放出组织因子并与凝血因子结合而开始的。B 凝血因子 E 凝血因子借:银行存款 l0 000万元在合并报表中甲公司应收乙公司款项在合并报表中不应该反映,因为属于内部的交易,认为集团内部不存在内部之间的应收款和应付款。2004年1-12月应计折旧额=270+37.83=307.83(万元)(3)根据资料(3),判断甲公司202年12月31日发行可转换债券的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由;如果甲公司的会计处理不正确,请编制更正的会计分录。D.编码、系统测试、系统安装和新旧系统转换A凝血酶原 D因子答题要点 血小板和凝血因子消耗性的减少;继发性纤溶系统的激活; F

2、DP的形成; 微血管的损伤。理由:售后租回交易形成经营租赁,售价低于资产公允价值且损失将由低于市价的未来租赁付款额补偿,不能在出售时将售价与账面价值之间的差额确认为当期损益,而应当确认为递延收益。课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Starter Unit 3 What color is it ? 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly learn letters S-Z and make the students learn to identify colors .教学目标知识与技能1. Learn the le

3、tters of S-Z2. Learn to identify colors.过程与方法By listening , working in pairs and practicing , make the SS master them.情感态度价值观Arouse their interest and make them be confident学情分析In primary school, the students have learned the colors .Its helpful for them to learn .教学分析教学重点1. The letters of S- Z2. Wh

4、at color is it ? Its 教学难点难点Use language goal.解决办法Listen , work in pairs 教学资源Textbook , recorder , tape 板书设计Starter Unit 3 What color is it ? Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz What color is it ? Its red / yellow / blue / black /white /brown/ purple.教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 warm up and revise St

5、ep 2 present Step Practice Step 4 pronunciationStep 5 Homework Revise the letters and language goals they learned 1. Present the letters of S-Z2. Present language goals : 3. What color is it ? Its 1.1a Look at the picture . Write the letter for each color .2.1b listen and repeat 3.1c Practice the co

6、nversations in the picture with your partner .Then make your own conversations 4.2a. listen and repeat 5.2b. listen and number the letters you hear. 6.2c look and copy 7.2d Write the missing big letter or small letters for each pair. 8.2e Talk about what these letters mean 9. 3a listen and color the

7、 things 10.3b listen again .Complete the sentences .11.3c listen and complete the chart 123d Make conversations using the things in 3a-3c13.4a Find the letters from A- Z . Write the small letter next to each big letter .4b listen and sing the alphabet song .4c listen and repeat 4d. listen and read t

8、he chant .Do workbook Revise the letters and language goals they learned Learn the letters of S-ZLearn What color is it ? Its Look at the picture . Write the letter for each color .listen and repeatwork in pairs listen and repeat listen and number the letters you hear.Look and copy Write the missing big letter or small letters for each pair.Listen and color the things Complete the sentences .listen and complete the chartLearn to sing the alphabet song. Listen and repeat 复习旧知呈现新知小组活动练习语言目标掌握字母歌掌握五个元音字母的发音。教 学 设 计 评 价


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