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1、A Trip Along the Three Gorges 根底知识督导单词1. Wine is absolutely f to all the children.2. Mary and I work in the same office and we are c.3. A university student called Xu Benyu works as a teacher in a r mountain village.4. The villa is s by many beautiful flowers.5. You should keep your d from the fierc

2、e dog.6. We should protect the 肥沃的 land from being polluted.7. They all went up some 狭窄的 steps and entered a large room.8. The house insurance will not cover your personal . 货物9. We need to do a better job of 开发 our natural resources.10. 贸易 with other countries is important.短语、句型I. 在的边缘 2.至少3. 有大量的

3、4. 敲诈 5. 从 之中得到乐趣 6. 远处的 7. 放了四周假 8. 利用9. 遵守规那么 1 0. 穿过 II. 绕道而行 12. He and a colleague were .将在那里的一所师范学院任教两年 .13. His latest one, from the Malvinas islands, 上 面 写 着 good fishing.1 4有许多红色的小图钉钉在上面 .15. 远山上 was a sign in 20-foot characters.解析以下句子 Paraphrase the following sentences16. The first semeste

4、r finished at the end of January and they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival.17. The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.译以下句子 Translate the following sentences into Chinese 18. Men rode bamboo rafts along the river s edge and coal boats went pas

5、t.19. Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past.20.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20- foot characters. Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploitthe Yangtze River, it said.用以上的 4,5,6,8,10,12 短语、句型造句.1 .2.

6、语法 复习情态动词1. Im afraid _我不能按时到达2. My father was ill, so 我不得不照顾他 at home3. As a senior high student, we 应该帮助那些处在麻烦中的人4. Boats 不能到达长江的上游 . It is too dangerous.5. You ( 不应该去 ) in winter. The water is too low6. We (必须遵守法律) , or we ll be punished.用以上语法结构造句.1. .2. .二、知识拓展词的拓展与延伸1. forbid forbade forbidden

7、forbidding1) forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事2) forbid doing sth 禁止做某事3) forbid+ 双宾语 禁止(某人)拥有(某物 )完成句子:1) 我不准你告诉任何人.2) 禁止在音乐厅吸烟.3) ( 他禁止孩子们吃糖果 ) because he didn t want their teeth to be ruined.Key: 1) I forbid you to tell anyone. 2) We forbid smoking in the concert hall.3) He forbade his children sweets2

8、. exploit v. 利用;开发;剥削exploit n. 英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹exploitable adj 可利用的;可开发的;可剥削的exploitation n 开发;利用;剥削练习:1) You must (利用一切时机) to learn new things.2) We need to do a better job of ( 开发我们的自然资源 )3) ( 一个新国家的开发 )Key: 1) exploit every opportunity 2) exploiting our natural resources3) the exploitation of a new

9、country3. shorein shore 近岸;靠岸 off shore 离岸;在离岸不远处on shore 在岸上;在陆上shore, bank, coast, beach 禾口 seaside的辨析:shore指海、湖、河的岸边,常有较强的与水相对的意味;bank指河流的两岸;coast意为海岸,海岸线,常指海洋与陆地的分界线,是一个谈及地图、气侯、海岸防卫时的用 语;beach通常指平坦、坡度小、有沙子和小石子的水、滩地;seaside与beach同义,但通常指海边供旅游、疗养的地方.选词填空:(shore, bank, coast, seaside, beach)1) There

10、 are a lot of islands off the .2) We waited until we were on before repairing the sails.3) They walked hand in hand along the .4) His house is on the south of the river.5) They are spending their holiday at the .Key: 1) coast 2) shore 3) beach 4) bank 5) seaside4. trade1) trade A for B 用 A 换取 B2) tr

11、ade with sb in sth 和某人做某方面的生意3) trade sth in for sth ( 以折价方式 )以某物换购某物译句子:1) 早期的殖民者用羊毛换取谷物.2) 他们和伊拉克做丝绸方面的生意.3) 他用旧车以折价的方式换取一辆新车.Key: 1) The early settlers traded wool for corn. 2) They traded with Iran in silk.3) He traded his old car in for a new one.5. distance 远处at a distance 有相当距离 from a distanc

12、e 从远处 /方 keep one s distanee (fron与 保持一定距离keep (sb) at a distance (与某人)保持距离.distant adj 遥远的;远处的 辨析 distant &remotedistant 有较强的间隔长度的含义,强调两物相距的间隔,也可引申为时间上的遥远,关 系、态度上的遥远. remote 强调偏僻的,含有不易到达的意思,也可引申为无关的、性质 不相容的,感情、兴趣等方面距离很大的,疏远的,关系冷漠的.单项填空:1) It is said that a famous person onee lived on the island .A.

13、 within distanee B. at a distanee C. in the distanee D. from a distanee2) I should keep your distaneethe black horse -he tends to bite.A. at B. through C. away D. from3) Our sehool is 20 miles from my home.A) distant B) distanee 3) farther 4) far away 用 distant &remote 填空.4) Instead of stopping to s

14、peak, she passed by with only a nod.5) They live in a house from any town or village.Key: 1) C 2) D 3 )A 4) distant 5) remote 句型的拓展与延伸1. The next day we went through the big gorges on the Yangtze River.1) go through 穿过 2) go through 经历;仔细查看;完成 完成句子:1) , (当我们穿过山谷的时候),we saw many beautiful birds.2) He

15、 (经历了很多困难) during the WWII.3) (搜遍了所有的房间) by the poliee.4) He sdetermined to (完成这婚事)in spite of his parentsopposition.Key: 1) When we went through the valley2) went through a lot of diffieulties3) All the rooms have been gone through4) go through with the marriage2. There are hundreds of little red p

16、ins stuek in it.There be 句型中的主语后常常接 v-ing 和过去分词短语,表示 “某人在做某事或“某事被 做了.译句子:1)由 220 多个学生在附近的艺术学校学习.2)她想知道今晚上是否方案了任何事.Key: 1) There were 220 students studying in the art sehool nearby.2) She wants to know if there is anything planned for tonight. 三、经典例题例 1 On top of the booksthe photo album you re looki

17、n上海o2005 春)AisB. are C. has D. have解析:选A.本句为一个完全倒装结构.介词短语作状语置于句首时应用完全倒装结 构.例 2 One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a highrise is that you ean get a good . (上海 2000)A. sight B. seene C. view D. look 解析:选C.此题考查词义辨析.view多指从高处或远处的某个角度能看到的景象或景色; sight 指供游人游览的地方,包括自然的和人文的景观; seene 指具体、某处周围

18、一时的景 色; look 面貌,表情.例3-May I smoke here?- If you , ehoose a seat in the smoking seetion.(NMET 2006 山东卷 )A shouldB. could C. may D. must解析:选D.if you must do sth表示虽不赞同,但可允许,意为如果你一定要那么做单词 1forbidden 2.colleagues. 3.remote 4. surrounded 5. distance 6. fertile 7. narrow 8. goods 9. exploiting 10. Trade短语、

19、句型 1. at the edge of 2. at least 3. be heavy with 4. rip off 5. get a kick out of 6. in the distance 7. have four weeks off 8. take advantage of 9. follow the rules 10. go through11. make a detour 12. to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college 13. reads good fishing. 14.

20、 There are hundreds of little red pins stuck in it. 15. On a distant mountain 解析以下句子16. At the end of January, the first semester finished and they had a four-week holiday for the Spring Festival.17. At the two-mile-high mountains, the gorge becomes as narrow as only 350 feet and the waterof the riv

21、er flows very fast.译以下句子18. 男人们在江边划着竹筏,运煤的小船来来往往.19. 块块巨石形象各异,条条支流流淌着传说,座座小山承载着过往.20. 远山上写着 20 英尺见方的汉字: “建造三峡大坝,开发长江资源 .语法 复习情态动词1. couldn t arrive on time2. I had to look after him3. should help those who are in trouble4. can t reach the upper part of the Yangtze River.5. shouldn t go6. must obey the law


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