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1、,外研版四年级上册,Merry Christmas,Lisa,L,E,Listen and answer,1.Who is coming?,Father Christmas,L,E,Listen and tick(听音后选择),2.What do you do at Christmas?,1,2,3,4,5,6,L,E,Lets match,B. We sing songs.,A. We give presents,C.We eat lots of food,D.We have a Christmas tree,1,2,3,4,We sing songs.,Jingle bells ring,

2、We wish you a Merry Christmas,We have a Christmas tree.,L,E,Lets watch!,We give presents.,We eat lots of food.,Turkey,Christmas Pudding,Chocolates,Sweets,Cake,Cookies,L,E,Listen and repeat,L,E,Lets read,组长带领小组自由读,( 选择你喜欢的方式过圣诞节,尽可能多的活动),1.Discuss in groups. (小组讨论)2.More activities, more better. 3.Sh

3、ow your party (分小组活动展示,展现形式不一)4.Groups PK(小组PK),Christmas Party,1.Everyone takes part in. 2.Activities more than four. 3.Accurate language,小组每人参与,一颗星,Christmas Party,语言准确,三颗星,活动形式多于4种,两颗星,Marking Standards,(评分标准),Dear Alan,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!,From Lisa,Make a card !,Homework,Make car

4、ds for your family members(为家人制作圣诞贺卡),L,E,Listen and repeat,La la la la .Im wishing on a starAnd trying to believeThat even though its farHell find me at Christmas EveI guess Santa is busyCause he never comes aroundI think of him when Christmas comes to townThe best time of the yearWhen everyone com

5、es homeWith all this Christmas tearIts hard to be alonePutting up the Christmas treeWith friends you come aroundIts so much fun when Christmas comes to townPresents for the children wrapped in red and greenAll the things Ive heard about, but never really seeNo one will be sleeping on the night of Ch

6、ristmas EveHoping Santas on his way“我向星星许愿,并坚持相信,圣诞老人确实存在。我想,他一定很忙,不然不会不来看我。圣诞来临时,我总会想到圣诞老人,那是一年中最好的时光,所有的人都回家团聚,朋友们聚在一起竖起圣诞树。平安夜里,没有人睡觉,大家都翘首盼望圣诞老人的降临。他驾着的雪橇铃声响起,我听到了,四周全是鹿铃声”Presents for the children wrapped in red and greenAll the things Ive heard about, but never really seeNo one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas EveHoping Santas on his wayWhen Santas sleigh bells ringI listen all aroundThe herald angels singI never hear a soundAnd all the dreams of childrenOnce lies will all be foundThats all I want when Christmas comes to town,Thanks!,


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