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1、小学英语 5B Unit3 教学质量检测一、听录音,将听到的选项的序号填入题前括号内。( 10)() 1AmanyB anyC hobby() 2AgrowB hopeC get() 3AeveryB dayCtoday() 4AkeepB sameC week() 5AwaterB whyCminus() 6AauntB afterC take() 7AlookB bookCsoon() 8AcarefullyB beautifulCmedicine() 9AgoldfishB coughCshopping() 10AdontB doesntCcant二、听录音,选择正确的答语。 ( 18)

2、() 1Do you like cooking, Miss Li?A Yes, he does.B Yes, Iam.CNo, Idon t.() 2Can you make a dress formydoll?A Yes, I can.B No, I don t.CYes, I do.() 3Do you have any hobbies,Mike?A Yes, I am.B Yes, I can.C Yes, I do.() 4What do you like, Su Hai?A Ilike skating.B She likes skating. C Yes, she does.() 5

3、Yang Ling likesmaking clothes, right?A No,he doesn t. B Yes, she does.C Yes, he does.() 6Ben, show us your stamps, please.A OK,here you are.B Yes, I do.CNo,I don t.三、听录音,完成下列句子。( 18)1Do youhave any? Yes, Ido.2Do youlike collecting?Yes, Ido.3Look, this is my.He likestaking.4Do youlike going? No, I.5H

4、e likesmaking,right?Yes.6Her hobby is collectingstamps. Oh,it s.四、辨别下列各组单词划线部分的发音,相同的打( ),不同的打() 。(6)1collecthobby()2shipin()3takeafter()4photocold()5growhow ()6animalbad()五、选择填空。 ( 30)() 1 Do you have any? Yes, I do.A hobbyB hobbiesCsome hobbies() 2 Ilikegoldfish.AkeepingBkeepCkeeping with() 3Hemak

5、ingmodelplanes.AlikeBlikingClikes() 4Do you likegrowing?No, I dontAflowerBflowersCa flower() 5Wang Bing,where are you? I mthe garden.AinBonCat() 6Ilikedrawing pictures.Theyinteresting.A areBisC am() 7Showus these flowers,please.AHere youare.B Yes, Ido.C No, thank you.() 8My auntcookingandgrowingtrees.AlikeBlikesC is() 9His hobby isfootball.AplayBplayingCplays() 10 Whatare youthere? I mmaking cl othes.A doB doesC doing六、用下列句式造句并翻译成中文。( 12)1 Ilike .2 He likes 3 Do ?4 I like She likestoo,.七、回答下列问句。 ( 6)1 Do you have any hobbies?2 What do you like?3 Do you like playingthe piano?


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