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1、课时巩固提升. 单词拼写1. He finally achieved his目标()at the last exam.2. Metals such as iron膨胀()when they are heated.3. He was the first comedian I ever saw on the舞台( ).4. How did they 反应()when they heard the news?5. We have the best modern 设备()in our factory.6. We were dressed up for the party but she was sti

2、ll in her(平常的)clothes.7. You have added too much liquid to the混合物( ).8. Most substances will收缩( )when they get cold in winter.9. You can dt raw any ( 结 论 )until the end of theexperiment.10. Things that weigh less than water will漂浮()on it.答案: 1. aim2. expand3. stage4. react5. equipment6. ordinary7. m

3、ixture8. contract9. conclusion10. floatn.完成句子1. I want toif you got my e-mail last night.我想确定一下你昨晚有没有收到我的邮件。2. I can _ta better place for our party.我想不出一个更好的聚会的地方。3. Pleasemy namethe list.请在名单上加上我的名字。4. strangersof that room.不要让陌生人进那个房间。5. Has hethe room?他把房间收拾好了吗?6. On the top of the hill在那座山顶上矗立着一

4、座高塔。答案: 1. make sure2. think of3. add; to4. Keep; out5. put ; in order6. stands a tall tower. 选词填空 add. . to. . /add to/add up/add up to1 .a few more names the list.2 .all the figures and you will find the expenses 166.3 . The girls danced to the light music, which our enjoyment.4 . Even small savings can.答案:1. Add; to2. Add up; to3. added to4. add up5. 6.


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