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1、牛津小学英语6B 第六单元测试卷一、听录音,给下列图片标号(8 分)()()()()()( )( )()二、听录音,选择符合所听内容的选项(10 分)()1. John s father_.A. is going to see a Beijing Opera show this WednesdayB. saw a see a Beijing Opera show last weekendC. saw a Beijing Opera last Wednesday.() 2. The boy with big eyes _.A. took part in a sports meeting yest

2、erday.B. is going to take part in the sports meeting tomorrow. C. took part in a singing contest yesterday.()3. _are going to have a picnic.A. Ann, John and MayB.Ann and MayC. Ann and John()4. Which of the following is right ?A. Peter s favourite season is autumn.B. Peter doesn t like spring, autumn

3、 and winter.C. Peter likes the four seasons.() 5.The man _.A.is going to back at home at ten past six. B. Is going to back at home at ten to six.C.Is going to back at home at ten to eight.三、听录音,将相关内容用线连接起来(8 分)五、中英互译1.周末作计划(10 分)_ 2.参加 _3.看话剧_4.在星期六早晨_ 5.在音乐会上_6. by the window _7. 上课、有课_8.去野餐_9.see

4、a Beijing Opera _10.去远足 _六、选择正确的答案将其序号填在题前的括号内(10 分)()1. The Sport Club is going to _a sports meeting this Sunday.A. giveB. givingC. gives()2. We _a Music lesson yesterday.A. hadB. havingC. have()1. My brother _aplay last Sunday. A. seesB. seeC. saw()2.The girl in theyellowdress_partin thesingingcon

5、test yesterday.A.tookB. taking C.totake()3. My mother is going to _delicious food for you tomorrow.A. cookedB. cooksC. cook()4. Im goingto have a picnic. Will you _?A. to join meB. joins meC. join me()5.The studentwith two big eyes is_the snow by the window. A.watchesB.watching C.towatch()6. Id like

6、 _ with my friends this afternoon. A. to goB. goingC. is going to go()7. Nancy is going to _ _ aunt this Sunday. A. visiting; her B. visit; herC. visit; she()8. My grandma likes_ Beijing opera show very much.A. seeB. seeingC. sees()9. Is that Gao Shan speaking ?_A. Yes, speaking.B. Of course.C. That

7、 s good.()10.- _are you going to Xi an? Next spring.A.WhereB. WhatC. When七、看图根据图意完成对话(10 分)1.A: Hello, _ _Mike? B: _, _.A: _ _ Liu Tao. What _ _ _to do this Saturday?B: _ _ _ _ a _.2.A: Are you going to _ a _thisweekend?B: Yes, we are .Will you _ _?A: Sure.B: _we _at eight o clock in front of the sc

8、hool gate?A: OK!八、找出有错的一项,并在横线上订正。(10 分)()1. It s eight o clock in Monday morning.ABCD_()2. My friend and I am going to see a play this evening.ABCD_()3. Where are you going to do tomorrow?ABC_()4. Would you like to join they?ABC_()5. Mr Smith is going to look at the Beijing opera with us.ABC_九、阅读短文

9、(20 分)A)阅读短文判断正误(5 分) What will the Weather Be Tomorrow?Lily:Mum, what will the weather be tomorrow?Mum: Maybe it ll be rainy. Maybe itll be sunny.Lily:Oh, I hate rains. Will it be sunny?Mum: Sorry,I don t know. Im not the weatherman.By the way, why do you care the weather tomorrow?Lily:Tomorrow is

10、Sunday. I want to fly my kite in the park.Mum: It sounds wonderful. I do hope the weather tomorrow will be fine. And you can enjoy yourself. Look!It s 7:20. Lets listen to the weather forecast. OK?Lily:OK! Thats a good idea. Ten minutes later, Ill know the weather tomorrow in Dalian. Thank you,Mum.(

11、 )1. Today is Saturday.( )2. Lily is going to fly a kite today.()3.Lilydoesn t likerainydays.()4.Wecan t know the weather about tomorrow from the dialogue.()5. The weather forecast begins at 7:20听力内容及参考答案听力内容一、听录音,给下列图片标号1. A: Is your brother going to take part in the sports meeting this Saturday?2.

12、 A : What is your brother going to do tomorrow evening?B: He is going to play the piano at the concert.3. A: What are the students going to do next week?B: They are going to have a picnic.4. A: What are you going to do?B: We are going to play football in the playground.5. A: What are you going to do

13、 tomorrow?B: Were going to go on an outing.6. A: Is your grandfather going to see a Beijing Opera this evening?B: Yes, he s going to listen to it on the radio.7. A: Im going to see a play. Will you join me?B: Sure. Shall we meet at 8: 00 in front of the theatre?A: OK.8. A: Are you going to see a pup

14、pet show this afternoon?B: Yes, we are.二、听录音,选择符合所听内容的选项1. A: What is your father going to do this weekend, John?A: Really? He just saw a Beijing Opera last Wednesday.B: Yes. He loves Beijing opera. He often goes to see it when he is free.2. A: Who s the boy?B: Which one?3. A: Hi, Ann, are you going

15、 to have a picnic this weekend?B: Yes, John is going to with me. Will you join us, May?B: Oh, I see. Have fun.4. A: Why do you like summer, Peter?B: Because I can go swimming in summer. I like swimming a lot.A: Do you like the other seasons?5.A: We re going to see a play this evening, dear.When are

16、you going to come home from work?B: What time will the play start?A: At about ten to eight.B: OK. I ll back at home at ten past six.三、听录音,根据所听内容,将相关内容用线连接起来It s Friday afternoon. Miss Li, Miss Green and their students are in the classroom. They are talking about their plans for the weekend. Nancy is

17、 going to give a puppet show on Sunday afternoon. Yang Ling is goingto take part in the singing contest. Liu Tao and Ben are going to see a Beijing opera show on Saturday morning. They like it very much. Gao Shan and Mike are going to take part in the sports meeting this Sunday. MissLi is good at pl

18、aying the piano. She is going to play the piano at the concert Saturday. Mr Green says he is going to see a play with his friends on Sunday.四、听对话,根据对话内容,回答问题。4%It s Friday evening. Jim and Mike are talking on the phone. They are making plans for the weekends.Jim: Hello, is that Mike.Mike: Yes, speak

19、ing.Jim: It s Jim here. I m free on Sunday. Are you free, too?Mike: Yes. What are you going to do?Jim: Nancy and I are going to see a play in the morning. Would you like to join us?Mike: Yes, I d love to. Where shall we meet?Jim: At nine thirty in front of the People theatre.Mike: OK. But Idont know

20、 the way.Jim. Well. You can take Bus No.9. There s a bus stop in front of our school. You can get off at the third stop.Mike: I see. Let s meet.参考答案一、二、三、 plansgive a puppet show take part in the singing contest see a Beijing opera showtake part inthe sports meetingis good atat the concertplay with

21、his friends四、 1. No, they don t. 2. They are talking about the plans for the weekends.3. They are going to see a play. 4. He s going to take a bus.五、 1. talk about the plans 2. join in 3. see a play 4. on Monday moening5. at the concert 6.在电影院们 7. 一场令人激动人心体育比赛8. 一场绘画比赛 9. 喜欢京剧 10. 我很乐意(做) .六、1七、 Is; that; Yes; speaking ; This ; is ; are; you; going; Im going; to see; play1. have; picnic; join; me; Shall ; meet八、 1. C on 2. B are going to 3. A What 3. C join them 4. B see the Beijing opera 九、A)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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