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1、高二年级第一学期英语学科教学案 (第 16案)Book V Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema (Period 5)Teaching aim: Everyday English and cultural corner1. He particularly enjoyed playing a trick on the three men. 他特别喜欢捉弄这三人.Play a trick/ tricks on sb. 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧We played a trick on tom yesterday.The kids are alw

2、ays playing tricks on their sth. by a trick 靠诡计做某事 play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 make fun of 取笑某人 2I decided to go to the next village and make up a story about the steamboat. 我决定去下 一个村子去编造一个关于汽船的故事.make up 编造(说法、解释)The boy made up a story; it was not true.He made up an excuse for his being l

3、ate.th3The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set in the USA in the mid-19 th century. ?哈克贝 利费恩历险记?是以 佃世纪中期的美国为背景的.set ( a play, novel, etc) in 设置(戏剧、小说等)背景The novel is set in pre-war London.That is a play set in the Cultural Revolution in China.4 Which film doesn t Billy feel in the mood for? 比利没心情看

4、哪部电影? mood 用作名词,意为“心情,情绪;心境,心态;气氛,气氛 .be/ feel in the mood for sth./ to do sth. 有心情做某事;有意做某事I m just not in the mood for joking. 我没有心情开玩笑.be in a good/ bad mood 情绪好 /不好be in no mood for stj /to do sth 没心情做某事be in a mood 心情不好be in one of ones moods 闹情绪;情绪不好Shes very tied, and in no mood for dancing.

5、她很累,没心情跳舞.The teacher is in a bad mood today. 她闹情绪了.(1) I wonder why he is ( 情绪这么坏 ) today. ( in such a bad mood)(2) I m not ( 心情 )to talk about it. ( in the mood)5. Mark Twain, who wrote The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventure of TomSawyer, was no exception.创作了?哈克贝利费恩历险记?和?汤姆索亚历险记?的 马克吐

6、温也不例外.exception n.除外;例外;反对;异议There is an exception to this grammatical rule. 这条语法规那么有个例外.Most children like sweet, but there are some exceptions. 大多数孩子喜欢吃糖果,但也有些例 外.take exception to sth.反对;因某事而生气with the exception of 除之外beyond exception 无可非议地make an exception 作为例外;按例外处理without exception 毫无例外的;一律We

7、all laughed at the good news, with the exception of Maggie. 听到这个好消息,除了麦琪 外,我们都笑了.Each plant, without exception, contains some kind of salt. 每种植物都毫无例外的含有盐.Children are not usually allowed in, but he is prepared to make an exception in this case. 儿童一 般不允许入内,不过这次他准备破例.I take great exception to the fact

8、 that you had told my wife before you told me. 你还没告诉我就 先对我妻子讲了,为此我非常生气.(1) The spelling of the word is ( 一个有趣的例子 ) ( to the rule.)(2) With one or two (著名的例外 ), there are few women conductors. ( aninteresting exception 或 famous exception)20. To start with, the author s name, Mark Twain, is itself an

9、invention, or “pen name. 首 先,作者的名字马克吐温或叫做他的“笔名就是一个创作.to start with / to begin with 起初;首先;第一 .在句子中做状语(插入语) ,后面不跟任何 宾语,可以放在句首或句尾,用来补充说明或作进一步说明.To start with, we had many difficulties, but later on, we had help from the teachers. 开始,我们 困难重重,但是后来,我们得到了老师们的帮助.to be sure 无疑的to sum up 总之to tell the truth 老

10、实说,说真的to be short 简单地to be honest/frank 老实说,坦率对说to make things worse 使情况更糟糕的是to make a long story short 长话短说to speak of 值得一提的是To make things worse, many of the skilled men have gone off to cities to make money.使情况更糟糕的是,很多有经验的人都到城里挣钱了.To make a long story short, do you agree to go with me? 长话短说,你同意和我

11、一起去吗? To be frank, I don t want to see her. 说真的,我不想见到她.(1) ( 毫无疑问 )your advice is of great value. (To be sure)(2) ( 总之 ), I dislike her. (To sum up)6. make one s/a fortune 发财 Many people went to cities to make their fortune. 为了发财,很多人去了城里.He made a fortune in real estate. 他做房地产生意发了财.He went to Shangh

12、ai to ( 发财 ). ( make his fortune)7Set off 出发;启程They ll set off on a journey around the world.We set off for London just after ten.set out to do sth./ set about doing 开始做某事set sb. off doing sth.使某人开始做 (4) I wanted to ( 出发 )early in order to avoid the traffic. ( set off )8only to find that there were no boats for South America 却发现没有开往南美洲的船 了.only to find that 是不定式作句子的结果状语, that 引导的从句作动词不定式的宾语.含有 “出人意料的结果之意.He went to school without breakfast, only to find that the gate was locked.


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