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1、单元词汇专项练习Unit 3Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. She is an i_ actress in modern times.2. After three hours of waiting for the train, our p_ finally went to end.3. The fans s_ with excitement when they saw the star.4. She seems g_ but can I trust her?5. He has a good sense of h_, so most of the stu

2、dents like his class.6. His illness _ ( 是 的解释 ) his absence.7. I only found it _ (偶然地 ).8. He was _妒(忌 ) Tom s success.9. You can tell from her _外(表 ) that she has been ill.10. Dogs are not _ 允(许 ) in the building.Exercise 2 根据句意 , 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项 )-care about, carry out, do with, deal with

3、, promise, bet on, stare at, look, in rages, account of, to be honest, not until-1. He took no _ what I said and failed.2. Tell me what you _ yourselves last Sunday.3. He spends all his money _ horses.4. Don t look at me in such way; I don t like being _.5. The program made in yesterday conferences

4、will soon_.6. You shouldn t consider Tom poor thougheis_.7. I don t think she _ what happens to her children.8. _, I don t think we have a chance of winning.9. _ we know more will we be able to improve the situation.10. I can t _, but doIwillmy best.参考答案Exercise 1:1. incredible2. patience3.screamed4. genuine5.humor6. accounts for7. by accident8. jealous9. appearance 10.permittedExercise 2:1. account of2. did with3. betting on4. stared at5. becarried out6. in rags7. cares about8. To be honest9. Not until10.promise


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