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1、信息技术学院专业英语课程教学大纲课程名称:专业英语 课程编号:适用专业:计算机科学与技术及相关专业 学 时 数:44学 分 数:3 执 笔 人:胡晓璐编写日期:2008-1-1 审 批 人:一、课程性质和目的本课程是计算机信息专业的一门专业限选课程。其主要任务是培养学生实际使用英语的能力。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握一般计算机英语的日常用语,可以借助工具阅读计算机专业书籍,并能进行计算机专业英语资料的翻译,为更好地使用计算机打下坚实的基础。二、课程与其它课程的联系与分工学习本课程,要求有英语(词汇,语法,阅读)基础以及计算机相关内容的基础,本课程为今后阅读专业文献打下基础。三、课程内容与学时分

2、配Unit 1 Hardware (3学时)1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and Primary Storage 1.2 the Processor and Primary Storage 1.3 Integrated CircuitMoores Law 1.4 Multicore Processors 1.5 CISC and RISC 1.6 Computer Architectures 教学要求:1掌握内容:the Processor and Primary Storage2理解内容:Moores Law, Multicore Processors

3、, CISC and RISC3了解内容:Computer Architectures Unit 2 Hardware (3学时) 2.1 Optical Storage Media: HighDensity Storage 2.2 Display devices, Smart cards 2.3 RAID Technology 2.4 The External Interface: USB and FireWire 教学要求:1掌握内容:HighDensity Storage2理解内容:Display devices, RAID Technology, USB and FireWire3了解

4、内容:Smart cardsUnit 3 Programming (3学时)3.1 C +and ObjectOriented Programming 3.2 JavaScript Tutorial 3.3 Introduction to Java 3.4 Advanced Visual C+Features 3.5 Characteristics of Web Programming Languages 3.6 Parallelism and Compiler 3.7 Programmable Multifunction Timers 教学要求:1掌握内容:ObjectOriented Pr

5、ogramming, Java, C+2理解内容:JavaScript, Web Programming Languages3了解内容:Parallelism and Compiler, Programmable Multifunction TimersUnit 4 Operating System (3学时) 4.1 Summary of OS 4.2 Using The Windows Operating System 4.3 Window Managers 4.4 Myths of UNIX 4.5 Using Linux in Embedded and Real time System

6、s 教学要求:1掌握内容:Operating System2理解内容:UNIX3了解内容:Window ManagersUnit 5 Computer Networks (3学时)5.1 Internet 5.2 Type of Connection 5.3 Extending Your Markup:An XML Tutorial 5.4 Network Protocols 5.5 Web 2.0, Internet2 教学要求:1掌握内容:Internet, Type of Connection2理解内容:Network Protocols3了解内容:Web 2.0Unit 6 Netwo

7、rk Communication (3学时)6.1 Two Approaches to Network Communication 6.2 Carrier Frequencies and Multiplexing 6.3 Wavelength Division Multiplexing:Ultra High Speed Fiber Optics 6.4 Gigabit Ethernet: From 100to 1 000 Mbps 6.5 Wireless Network 教学要求:1掌握内容:Network Communication2理解内容:Wavelength Division Mul

8、tiplexing3了解内容:Wireless Network Unit 7 Database (3学时)7.1 An Overview of a Database System 7.2 Introduction to SQL 7.3 ObjectOriented Database Management Systems 7.4 Objectrelational Database 7.5 Data Warehouse 7.6 Universal Data Access (UDA) Overview 教学要求:1掌握内容:Database2理解内容:SQL3了解内容:Universal Data

9、AccessUnit 8 Multimedia (3学时) 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Audio 8.3 Video 8.4 Synchronization 8.5 An Introduction to Desktop Conferencing (Reading Material) 教学要求:1掌握内容:Audio, Video2理解内容:Synchronization3了解内容:Desktop ConferencingUnit 9 Artificial Intelligence (3学时) 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence 9.2

10、 About Expert System 9.3 Introduction to Game AI 9.4 Computer Recognition of Speech 9.5 Neural Networks 9.6 Industrial Robotics (Reading Material) 教学要求:1掌握内容:Artificial Intelligence2理解内容:Expert System3了解内容:Neural Networks Unit 10 Data Structure and Algorithms (3学时) 10.1 Abstract Data Types and Algor

11、ithms 10.2 Heterogeneous Linked Lists 10.3 Block Sorting Algorithms:Parallel and Distributed Algorithm 10.4 DivideandConquer 10.5 NPHard and NPComplete Problems (Reading Material) 教学要求:1掌握内容:Data Types and Algorithms2理解内容:Heterogeneous Linked Lists3了解内容:DivideandConquer Unit 11 Fundamentals of the C

12、omputing Sciences (3学时) 11.1 Predicates 11.2 Basic Concepts of Modern Algebra 11.3 Languages and Grammars 11.4 FiniteState Machines 11.5 Turing Machines 教学要求:1掌握内容:Basic Concepts of Modern Algebra2理解内容:Languages and Grammars3了解内容:Turing MachinesUnit 12 Computer Applications (3学时)12.1 ComputerAided D

13、esign 12.2 Introduction to CAM 12.3 Introductory Overview of CIM 12.4 Management Information System(MIS) 12.5 Geographic Information Systems(GIS):A New Way to Look at Business Data 12.6 Introduction to GPS 教学要求:1掌握内容:CAM2理解内容:GPS3了解内容:CIMUnit 13 Computer Applications (2学时)13.1 Distance Education Tec

14、hnological Models 13.2 What is“Electronic Business”? 13.3 The Virtual Reality Responsive Workbench 13.4 Office Automation 13.5 EGovernmentIntroduction 教学要求:1掌握内容:Electronic Business2理解内容:The Virtual Reality Responsive Workbench3了解内容:Office AutomationUnit 14 Software Development (2学时) 14.1 Overview o

15、f Software Engineering 14.2 UML in Action 14.3 Overview of the Capability Maturity Model 14.4 Requirements for the Next Generation Methods and CASE Environments 14.5 Agile Software Development Methods 教学要求:1掌握内容:Software Engineering, UML2理解内容:Capability Maturity Model3了解内容:Agile Software Development

16、 MethodsUnit 15 Network Security (2学时) 15.1 What Do I Need to Know about Viruses? 15.2 Modern CryptographyData Encryption 15.3 Firewalls and Proxies 15.4 Key Management Infrastructure/Public Key Infrastructure Introduction 教学要求:1掌握内容:Viruses2理解内容:Firewalls and Proxies3了解内容:Modern CryptographyUnit 16

17、 Some Computer Systems (2学时)16.1 Embedded Systems 16.2 Distributed Systems 教学要求:1掌握内容:Distributed Systems2理解内容:Embedded Systems四、教学形式及要求:1、教学:课堂讲授为主,该课程课内44学时。2、作业:书面作业。3、考试:笔试,平时成绩占30%,期末考核占70%。五、教材及教学参考书拟用教材:金志权.张幸儿.张景祥 计算机专业英语教程(第4版) 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社. 2008.04拟用教学参考书:王忠民主编.新编计算机英语(第二版).西安:西安电子科技大学出版社.2001.9


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