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1、新目标人教版七年级英语下册Unit9一般过去时时态小练30题(无答案)新目标人教版七年级英语下册Unit9一般过去时时态小练30题(无答案) 一,写出下列动词的过去式 1、is 2、are 3、go 4、play 5、study 6、do 7、stop 8、sit 9、see 10、decide 二, 1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home. 2、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup? 3. Fran

2、k read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句) _ Frank _ an interesting book about history? 4. My family went to the beach last week. (划线提问) _ _ _ family _ last week? 5. I think she is Lilys sister. (否定句。注意否定转移) 6. Sally often does some reading in the morning. (否定句) Sally _ often _ some reading i

3、n the morning. 7, He is a tall, thin boy. (划线提问) _ he _ _? 8. She had a good time yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _ a good time yesterday , 9. I did some reading last night .(肯定回答) Did you do any reading last night, ,I . 10. Did Tom see an interesting talk show.(否定回答) , he . 三、请用正确动词形式填空。(10) 1. I _ (have

4、) an exciting party last weekend. 2. _ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? 圆由两个条件唯一确定:一是圆心(即定点),二是半径(即定长)。No, she _.1、熟练计算20以内的退位减法。3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening? He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book. 4. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 定理:在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相

5、等、所对的弦相等、所对的弦心距相等。5. She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning. 7、每学完一个单元的内容,做到及时复习,及时考核,这样可以及时了解学生对知识的掌握情况,以便及时补差补漏。6. When _ you _(write) this song? I (2)相切: 直线和圆有惟一公共点时,叫做直线和圆相切,这时直线叫做圆的切线,惟一的公共点做切点._(writ

6、e) it last year. tanA是一个完整的符号,它表示A的正切,记号里习惯省去角的符号“”;7. My friend, Carol, _(study) for the math test and _(practice) English last night. |a|的越小,抛物线的开口程度越大,越远离对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越慢。8. _ Mr. Li _(do) the project on Monday morning? dr 直线L和O相离.Yes, he _. 9. How _(be) Jims weekend? It _(be not) bad. 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。10. _ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she _.


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