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1、DoSmallActsofKindness勿以善小而不为I remember sitting in an airport one day, waiting for my flight. I was excited because I had been upgraded? to a first-class ticket. And in first class, the seats are bigger the food is edible4, and the flight attendants are actually nice. In fact, I had the best seat on

2、the entire plane. Seat 1A. Before boarding, I noticed a young lady who had several carry-on5 bags and was holding a crying baby. Having just finished reading a book on doing random6 acts of kindness, I heard my conscience? speak to me. You scumbag8. Let her have your ticket/ I fbuglit these pronting

3、s9 for a while but eventually caved inlO:“Excuse me. but you look like you could use tliis first-class ticket more than me. I know how hard it can be flying with kids. Why dont you let me trade 11 you tickets.“Are you sure?”*Oh yeah. I really dont mmd. Im just going to be workmg the whole time, anyw

4、ay:“Well, thank you. Thats very kind of you: she said, as we SAvappedl2 tickets.As we boarded the plane. I was surprised at how good it made me feel to watch her sit down in seat 1A. In fact, luider the circumstances, seat 24B or wherever the heck I was sitting didnt seem that bad at all. At one poi

5、nt during the flight I was so curious to see how she was doing that I could hardly stand it. So I got up out of my seat, walked to the first-class section, and peeked 13 in through the curtain that separates first class from coach 14. Tliere she was with her baby, both asleep in big and comfortable

6、seat 1A. And I felt like a million bucks 15. Fve got to keep domg this kind of thing.This sweet story shared by a teen named Tawni is another example of the joy of service:There is a girl in our neighborhood who lives in a duplex 16 with her parents, and they donr t have a lot of money. For the past

7、 three years, when I grew out of my clothes, me and my mom took them over to her. I d say somethmg like I thought you might like these/ or I d like to see you wearing this.”When she wore something I gave her, Ir d think it was really cool. She would sayJThank you so much for the new shirt. I d reply

8、, That color looks really good on you! I tried to be sensitive so that I didn t make her feel bad. or give her the impression that I thought she was poor. It makes me feel good, knowing that I m helping her have a better life, the most lonely person you know. Write a thank-you note 18 to someone who

9、 has made a difference in your life, like a friend, teacher, or coach. The next time youie at a toll booth 19, pay for the car behind you. Giving gives life not only to others but also to yourself.记得读过一位精神病学家如此一句话:每当情绪低落时,最好的解决方法是为别人做点什么。 什么缘故?因为如此会让你把注意力从自身转到外界。为别人服务的时候想消沉都难。相反, 你在关心他人的时候会有额外收成,感受心

10、情好极了。记得有一天我坐在机场等飞机。当时我专门兴奋,因为我的机票升到了头等舱。头等舱 座椅宽大,食物可口,乘务员态度特好。事实上,整个飞机就我的座位最好:一排A座。 登机前,我发觉一位年轻女士带着好几件随身行李,还抱着个哇哇直哭的婴儿。我刚看完一 本有关随时随地做好事的书,只听良心发话道:“小子,把票让给她。”通过一番思想斗争, 最后我依旧妥协了:“对不起,看起来你比我更需要这张头等舱票。我明白带小孩坐飞机专门不容易,要不 我跟你换个票?”“你真要换? ”“因此是确实,我确实不介意。反正我一路上都要工作。”“那就感谢了。你真是个好人。我们换票的时候她说。上了飞机,我看到她在一排A座上坐下来,

11、内心别提有多美,美得让我感到惊奇。事 实上,现在此刻,24排B座或者随便什么座位我都觉得不错。后来我实在是专门好奇,想 看看她在头等舱如何样,如何也克制不了自己的好奇心。因此我起身离开座位,朝头等舱走 去,透过挂在头等舱和经济舱之间的帘子往里瞧。她和她的宝宝在宽大舒服的一排A座位 上睡着了。我内心快乐得像赚了一百万似的。以后我还得这么干!下面那个动人的故事是一个叫托尼的青年讲给我听的,同样能说明助人为乐的道理。我们那儿有一个女孩,她跟父母住在一座联体房屋里,家里没有什么钱。三年来,我人 长高了,衣服变小了,我和妈妈就把衣服送给小女孩。我会对她说“我想你也许喜爱这些衣 服”,或者“我想看你穿上这一件“什么的。她穿上我给的衣服,我觉得真是帅极了。她总是说:“专门感激你送我这件新衬衣。” 我总是回答说:“这种颜色你穿上真好看!“我尽量留意自己的言行,不让她感到难堪,也不 让她产生我嫌她穷的印象。我明白自己在帮她过得更好,内心感到专门舒服。 专门向你 认识的最孤独的人问声好。对你生活有重大阻碍的人,比如朋友、老师或教练,给他们写封 信表示感谢。下次通过收费站,把后而那辆车的费用也一起交清。付出不仅能充实他人的生 活,而且能充实你自己的生活。


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