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1、8A Unit 2 练习一班级_ 姓名_ 学号 _一、 根据句意、首字母或中英文提示写出单词,使句意完整。1. There are fewer _(广告)on TV now.2. In modern buildings, we take _(lifts) to go up and down everyday.3. Of all the s_, I like geography because I like travelling.4. You cant take the m_ out of the library.5. Whats your _(理想的) school like?6. In a

2、m_ school, boys and girls have lessons together.7. The dish has a _ (令人愉快的)taste. All of the visiters like itvery much.8. The fish is t_ . Would you like to have some more?二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Simon has _ (many) paper clips than Millie.2. My parrot is much _ (smart) than my cat.3. This is _ (expensive

3、) book in the shop.4. One of the _ (doctor) is his son.5. You should do the work better with _(few) people and less money.6. Last year I _ (spend) a lot of time in practising English.7. Her favourite subject _ (be) Home Economics.三、 单项选择。( )1. Why _ come and play basketball with us ? A. not you B.do

4、nt C.not to D.not( )2.My cousin is in _ in Shanghai No.11 Middle School. A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C.Grade 3 D.Grade 3rd( )3.People in the UK say “football”, while people in the USA say “_”. A.hall B.elevator C.recess D.soccer( )4. If it _ next Sunday, _ you still _ the Great Wall? A. will rain; do ,vis

5、it B. will snow; will, visit C. rains; do, visit D. rains; will, visit( )5.-Whats your best friend like ? - _. A. He is fine. Thank you. B.He is a doctor. C.He likes watching TV. D. He is helpful and generous.( ) 6. He spoke very fast and very _ people understood what he said. A. a little B. little

6、C. a few D. few( )7. Im going to America to spend the holidays and the Li Mings are going _. A.also B. as well as C. either D.as well( ) 8. This text is _ easier and _ interesting than that one. A. more; much B. much; more C. more; more D.much; much( ) 9. Mr Lin is one of _ in our school. A. good teachers B.better teachers C.the best teachers D. the best teacher ( )10. Shanghai is bigger than _ in China. A. any other cities B. any other city C. the other cities D. B&C


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