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1、Lesson 49 教案一、教学目标学习颜色的用法,并用它们来描述物品。二、教学用具录音机投影仪图片等。三、教学步骤Step 1 Revision用实物或图片复习单词。 bird flower car hill tree apple cat 等。Step 2 Presentation拿一些彩色的铅笔,对学生说,红黄蓝等颜色的总称英语中叫colour(color)。用投影片照 SB Part 1画三张无色的白描画,第一张望远镜中是一辆汽车。第二张望远镜中是一个风筝。第三张望远镜中是一只鸟。指着第一张画问学生:What can you see in the picture?学生会回答: I can

2、 see hills,a car,sometrees and two boys.再问: What colour is the car? No colour.在用另一张投影片把小汽车覆盖成红色。问学生:What colour is it?教red 。并说:It s red It s a red car.注意学生容易说成: It s a red 。要反复练习。并用红色的粉笔在黑板上写red 。在用一张投影片把小汽车覆盖成黑色,教 black 。用同样的方法把小鸟覆盖成黄色,教 yellow 。 再用同样的方法把风筝覆盖成蓝色,教 blue 。Step 3ListenListen to the ta

3、pe and repeat.Step 4 Drill1)把第二部分的物品涂上颜色。教单词colour作为动词。2)可用以下问题对话。What can you see in the picture 1?I can see a kite.Do you colour the kite red?Yes, it is.也可用下一组问题进行对话。What is this in picture 2?It s a flower.What colour is it?It s yellow.用 chain drill或 pair work练习其它几幅画。Step 5 practiceTurn to Page ii

4、i. Look at Page iii.也可用投影放大这张图,让学生看着图回答问题。告诉学生气球这个单词:balloon提问: Canyou see someballoonsin thepicture? Yes. How many? Ten. What colour are they?也可指着一颗说: Whatcolour is it?让学生一一回答。然后再提问树、鸟、云彩等物品。再看下图,先给这些孩子都起个名字。然后提问。如: Whos thisboy? Heis Jim. What colour is his T-shirt? Its green.也可让学生猜谁是谁。如: He is a

5、boy. He is in a blue coat. Who is he? HesStep 6 consolidationDo WbHomeworkBlackboard handwriting用彩色粉笔写,如无法用彩色粉笔写,可用彩色纸放在所教表示颜色的单词旁边。掌握colourredyellowWhat colour is it?BlueIt s .Whiteit s a .greenbrownorange理解greypurplecolourvt.教案点评:设计的特色是利用多媒体的形式实施各个教学环节, 利用实物和投影片展开活动教学颜色的词汇, 进行询问颜色的交际活动。 本设计利用色彩美丽的

6、图片吸取学生的兴趣,设计的各个活动也非常适合学生的特点, 所以课堂气氛非常轻松,活跃。Lesson 50 教案教学目标学会复数物品的颜色描述。会描述一件衣服。教学用具同 L49教学步骤Step 1 Review上节课学过的十种颜色。可用上节课的课件。Step 2 Presentation用做好的课件呈现Part 1第一部分。教单词sweaterlight呈现下列词组lightred / blue / green / yellow.a lightblue sweaterlightblue sweaters借用媒体,老师重复课文。 然后老师问,同学答。在通过 pair work 和 group w

7、ork 将课文背熟。用做好的课件呈现Part 1第二部分。方法同上。听录音并跟读。Step 3 Drill1练习句型How many n+s are there? There are让学生练习下一组对话How many people are there in your family? There are threeHow many students are there in our class? There are 45.How many girls are there in our class?There are 20.How many boys are there in our group

8、? There are 5.2讲解、练习look+adjYou look very happy today.Your sweater looks very nice.She looks sad today. Why?You look very well toady.事先让一位女生穿一件彩条或颜色较多的毛衣。 课上可让这位同学站到讲台上和老师示范对话。one & ones用来代替刚提到的同一种可数的东西:I haven t a pen. Can you lend me one?The question was a difficult one.ones 是复数形式There are one lon

9、g writing-table and two small ones in the office.Have you any books on farming? I want to borrow ones.There +be (is, are)用来引起一个句子,表示“有”“存在”等:There are pens and pencils in my pencil-box.There are many books in my bag.There is a clock on the desk.There is a blackboard on the wall.like作介词,like像I don t

10、do it like this.Dont throw it like this.I want to speak English well like you.3单词 want:I want a new book. I want a cup of tea.Listen to the tape and repeat.4初步了解否定意问句。Cant you see it?Yes, I can.Cant you hear me?Yes, I can.Isn t it Monday?Yes, it is.可译为难道 表示提问人心中认为是肯定的。不要过分强调回答。Step 4 practice练习P154

11、ex4Step 5 consolidation描述一下你同伴的衣服。HomeworkBlackboard handwritingwantlightlightred / greensweatera lightred sweaterHow many n+s are there?There arelook+adjThe sweater looks nice.one & onesLesson 51 教案教学目标学会 which 和 one 的用法、一个人的特征和准确位置。教学用具课件、录音机教学步骤Step 1 Review用图片、实物或简笔画复习单词carbikemanwomancoatbehind

12、undertreeStep 2 Presentation1讲解、练习练习 whichwhich man / woman / book / pen练习介词短语做定语a man in the car, a man in the classroom,练习 one 的用法 :代词,带前面提到过的东西,注意只表示一个。the one( 指人 ) in the car, the one(指物 ) in the pencil-box请看下列例句:one ( 泛指 ) 人,一个人One should wash one s hair regularly.One has to do ones best.One c

13、ant work all the time, surely.Step 3 Drill看媒体资料,学习part 1第一幅图,然学生反复练习。Step 4 Practice听录音并跟读直至背熟。Step 5 ConsolidationDo WB用同样的方法练习第二、三、四幅图。HomeworkBlackboard handwritingWhos .?Which one?The.in the .Lesson 52 教案教学目标1学会介绍自己和家人以及周围的环境。2复习语音教学用具课件、投影仪、录音机教学步骤step 1ReviewReview colours and dialogues SB L.

14、49, 50,51.there+be句型Step 2 PresenttationListen to the tape to read phonics.老师用投影仪打出这九幅图,先不图颜色。让一学生用图物品和颜色。 并涂上颜色。 然后让其他学生练习剩下的几幅图。读。1 做示范 练习说最后听录音并跟Step 3 DrillListen to the tape and repeat. After that, answer the questions.根据这 12 个问题,又可组成一篇短文,可让学生练习说, 并可加以想象。参考范文There are five people in Bill s fami

15、ly. They are his grandmother, grandfather, his father, mother, and he. Behind his house, there is a big garden. There are many red flowers in it, but there aren t trees in it. In his bedroom there is a bed, a desk and two chairs. They are all brown. It s a nice room. He likes his room.Step 4 Practis

16、e谈谈自己的家庭。 向同学们和老师们介绍一下自己的家庭。 可介绍一下几个方面 ; 家庭成员,工作,家有几间房,周围的环境等。可用画图的形式向大家介绍。参考范文My name is X X X. There are three people in my family. They are myfather, my mother and I. We have a new flat with one living room and twobedrooms in a big new building.I have a small bedroom. I can do my homeworkin it. T

17、here is a bed, a writing-table, two chairs and bookshelf in my bedroom. They are all yellow. I like yellow. On my writing- table thereis a computer, some flowers and some books. Its a very nice room.There is a garden beforeour building.There are many flowers,grassand trees in it. Behind the building there is a playground. After school we often play basket and football on it.Step 5 ConsolidationListen to the tape and repeat. Do WB.HomeworkBlackboard handwritingColour it red / green / black / blue / white / brown /grey / purpleyellow


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