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1、英国社会文化之福利制度,British Welfare,英国社会文化之福利制度,What is welfare?,The range of services that are provided to protect people in a number of conditions, including childhood, sickness and old age.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Models of welfare,Residual welfare:It is directed towards and provided for the poor, for they can not m

2、anage living without help and assistance from the government such as money, food and other necessities. This used to be the dominant model in most English-speaking countries, largely owing to the spread of the ideas conveyed in the English Poor Law(1598-1948),英国社会文化之福利制度,Models of welfare,Solidarity

3、Common action, mutual responsibility and shared risks. Rights that people enjoy are particular rather than general; benefit that an individual can enjoy depends on his or her circumstances, work record or family relationships. It is not provided to the whole population. Some people are excluded from

4、 the network of family, friends, community and employment.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Models of welfare,Institutional welfareNeed is viewed as a normal part of social life. Welfare is provided for the population as a whole, in the same way as public services like roads or schools. Welfare is not just for the poor:

5、 it is for everyone.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Models of welfare,Industrial performanceIt is regarded and used as the so-called “handmaiden” to the economy. It prepares and services the capacity of the workforce, which helps the employers. It serves as an economic regulator, which stimulates demand when productio

6、n is low.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Welfare in the world,UK and Sweden-Institutional.Extensive welfare coverage and offers universal “minimum standards” for all its citizens.FranceSolidaristicGermanWork oriented. USResidual welfare system.,英国社会文化之福利制度,What is a Welfare State?,It can be defined as a state with a g

7、overnment which assumes responsibility for the well-being of its citizens throughout life, through a range of interventions in the market economy.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Three principles of welfare state:,A guarantee of minimum standards, including a minimum income;Social protection in the event of insecurity;

8、The provision of services at the best level possible.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Who should pay for the system and who should benefit from it?Should all citizens benefit from such a welfare system or only a few of them can enjoy certain benefits?,英国社会文化之福利制度,Funds of British Welfare,National Insurance contribution

9、s General Taxation Value Added Tax (VAT),英国社会文化之福利制度,Initially a contributory system of insurance against illness and unemployment, and later also provided retirement pensions and other benefits.,National Insurance,英国社会文化之福利制度,National Insurance Contributions (NICs) people in work make payments towa

10、rds benefits. The self-employed contribute partly by a fixed, weekly or monthly payment, and partly on a percentage of net profits above a certain threshold.,英国社会文化之福利制度,National Insurance Number,Assigned to each British citizen either before their 16th birthday or when they start work.Given to youn

11、ger children for Child Benefit.To keep track of the individuals NIC and benefit.People need to supply their NI number in a range of circumstances. E.g. claim a benefit or tax credit or when they get a new job.People coming from overseas can also apply.,英国社会文化之福利制度,General taxation such as income tax

12、 is paid by all people in work above a certain level of income. Value Added Tax (VAT),英国社会文化之福利制度,Components of British Welfare System,Social Security; Health;Housing; Education;Pension and children ( “personal social service”),英国社会文化之福利制度,Hospital care. Primary care: basic medical treatment and non

13、-hospital care. G.P.Public health: Preventive aspects of health vaccination(接种疫苗) and health education.,(a) Health,英国社会文化之福利制度,National Health Service (NHS),Core of British “welfare state” Provides for every resident, regardless of income, a full range of medical services. All taxpayers, employers a

14、nd employees contribute to its cost. Free service.,英国社会文化之福利制度,GP,registered with a general practitionerOne G.P. a list of people Visit a patient on the list that makes a request, or the patient would go to visit his G.P. at the appointed time. Give treatment, prescribe medicine; make arrangement fo

15、r hospital or to be seen at home by a specialist. Without an address, it is generally impossible for them to register with a G.P.,英国社会文化之福利制度,No one is liable to be charged by the National Health Service for treatment in an accident, emergency or for an infectious disease.,英国社会文化之福利制度,(b) Housing,82

16、% of households live in houses rather than flats. 60% in France and 35% in Italy. Privately owned or provided by funds from the government.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Semi-detached House,英国社会文化之福利制度,Semi-detached Houses,英国社会文化之福利制度,Detach House,英国社会文化之福利制度,Terraced House,英国社会文化之福利制度,Flats,英国社会文化之福利制度,Flats,London

17、Flat1930s,Lawn Road Flats1933-1934,英国社会文化之福利制度,Different Tenure,Social housingLocal authority housingHousing associationOwner occupationPrivate rental housing,英国社会文化之福利制度,Housing,Private Sector HousingHousing BenefitsHelp with housing costs has always been part of the provision of the Welfare State,

18、 either for people on low incomes or for people unexpectedly or temporarily out of work through illness or unemployment. This benefit is administered by local government,英国社会文化之福利制度,Council Houses,英国社会文化之福利制度,Council Houses,英国社会文化之福利制度,Welfare at Present,(c) Social Security For those who become unem

19、ployed, sick, or who are working on a low wage with a family to support, they may claim either job seekers allowance, income support or working families tax credit. DSS processes these claims,英国社会文化之福利制度,Social insurance,Income maintenanceUnemployment RetirementSupport to family (maternity and child

20、)Payment to long-term sick and disabledSupport for widow,英国社会文化之福利制度,Welfare in China,According to the Constitution, citizens have basic rights to social welfare. mainly targets at urban residents. Farmers, employees of township enterprises, and immigrants from the rural areas to urban areas, are ba

21、sically not covered by the social welfare system.,英国社会文化之福利制度,Current social welfare system,Pensionmedical insuranceunemployment insurancework-related injuriesbirth-giving insurance. According to the current system, enterprises have to pay 20% of salaries for pension and 9.8% for the other four insurances. Some provincial governments even charge a much higher social welfare tax rate.,


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