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1、性别在工作中的不平等性别在工作中的不平等Sexism at WorkRecent years see more girl students on the campusthan boys, and girls perform as excelle ntly as boys. Some are eve n superior and receive more praises and honors, in deed, girls are equal to boys.However, when they are getting out of the pure schoolyard and venture

2、 into the plicated society, they find themselves faced with many things them is sexism at work.it beg ins with the job in terview. Though females have made full preparati on to cope with the situati on, blata nt sexism in the selecti on of staff will makeit tough for them to please the in ter viewer

3、 and ren der him to nod. More vacancies are open only to males. Sometimes, females will be rejected just because of their sex.Whe n females are lucky eno ugh to be employed by a pany, don / t you assume that they are regarded as equal to males. i con fess that the work they do is equal, however, dis

4、appo inting ly, the pay is not. Wome n may do no less work but earn muchless than men. To makematters worse, they / re confron ted with great possibility to be fired due to their marriage and features appear to be a burde n on ,wome n also hold less hope to be promoted. Once wome n in office may do

5、trivial work such as typing and ste no graphy while no wadays quite a large nu mber of wome n are qualified for major task and ready for heavy resp on sibility. Unfortun ately,they will barely have cha nces to display their tale nt.Eve ntually, only a fewwomensucceed in winning high positions as wel

6、l as high salaries. Common situation is that women are reduced to low positions and thus paid“ accord in gly ”.in a society where humanrights are strongly emphasized,it / s terrible to see sexism dem on strated in almost every aspect of huma n life. All in all, equality betwee n sexes is badly , esp

7、ecially the victim of sexism at work, is look ing forward to being treated equally.简评男女“生而平等”,但在现实生活中却遭遇很多不平等。招聘时是这样,工 作中还是这样。本文用“逆起式”开头,先谈高校中女生的优秀,然后过渡到本 文主题:现代社会对女性的歧视。在正文中,先谈女生应聘时遭遇的不公,再重 点分析工作中她们遭遇的更多歧视以及这些歧视又是如何使女性显得“低能”。 这样组织内容文章思路非常清楚。但同学们在使用“逆起式”开头时需要谨慎: 千万不要写得太长,否则就会进入主题太慢,给人拖泥带水之嫌。-强备课挥关虫龄三生的三三机的备合起案,做教以理的教三三::宰关:器:?个作公正、公本着评价=生负担 f -改上狠*。校赛紀迄褒三的Tif,本升芸兰亍弐.3写.“文并一:芯主匸三mm切活丁按二历HvS-s,认真完三丑三综情的去方三专识要到耳:为顾壬三文在科的教要体下多学的基学生学校输送合学习力能题於的出念三要础打提好科科究维丁.力并检验应用/册:二+混:运算:应:数的:;:瓷二 寸刍小的意括.数数:加:法.的平数范:和:亿数级乘法与读、写含间的三系的位数-二;讲划生“教-5!要后生进生的堂比较作,合“时-HIh:凳:.


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