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1、Unit Unit 1 1 LanguageLanguage Lesson Lesson 3 3 Language learning tipsLanguage learning tips 教材分析 本课是本单元的第三课,主要话题是语言学习过程中的学习技巧,要培养的语言能力是通 过上下文来对生词意义的意义进行推测。通过本课的学习,学生知道如何通过语境推测生词意 义,掌握语言学习应该具有的技巧和方法。 教学目标 【知识目标】 通过阅读获取有关英语学习的困难及针对性建议的信息。 【能力目标】 初步掌握通过上下文猜测词义的方法。 【情感目标】 培养学生在学习测试过程不畏困难,勇于坚持的意志品质。 教学

2、重难点 【教学重点】 通过阅读获取有关英语学习的困难及针对性建议的信息。 【教学难点】 进一步掌握通过上下文猜测词义的方法。 课前准备 1. 课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 1 2. 教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程 Step1. BrainstormStep1. Brainstorm Let students find out what components the language learning consists of and sum up the results. Step2. ReadingStep2. Reading 1.Figure out t

3、he genre of the text on P10 according to its form and content. 2.Read Paragraph 1 and answer what problems David has in English learning. 3. Read Paragraph 2-4 and answer what suggestions the three students reply to him. 4.Focus on the three strange words in the text and let students indicate their

4、word class and contexts. 5. Guess the meaning according to the context. 6.Read the text again and fill in the table in exercise 3. Step3. GuessingStep3. Guessing 1.Read the passage in exercise 6 and pay attention to the context of the underlined words 2.Guess the meaning of the underlined words acco

5、rding to the context. Step4. Language pointsStep4. Language points 1.Its important to review the new words often. review v. 仔细研究;审视;细查;详查 2.I always reward myself when I achieve my goals. 2 reward v/n. 奖励;奖赏 reward sb./reward sb. sth. 3.Im sure that youll find a learning method that suits you. suit

6、v. 对方便;满足需要;合心意 sth. suit sb. 4. Choose a familiar name. familiar adj. 熟悉;熟知的 固定搭配:be familiar with 5. Dont read the subtitles on the screen. subtitle(常用复数) n. (外国电影的)字幕,对白译文 6. jot down phrasal v. 草草记下; 匆匆记下; Step5. SpeakingStep5. Speaking 1.Get into groups of 4. Discuss your English learning problems and give each other suggestions. 2.Make a further discussion. What problems do you have in other subjects? What suggestions can you give to each other? Step6. HomeworkStep6. Homework Write a short passage about your partners problem in other subjects and your suggestions. 略。 3


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