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1、资料仅供参考英语教师招聘面试题目I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes, songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work.,mWhatever works out for

2、 the children I will do it. There is never one way to success.How have you handled a situation where a student is consistently late to your class?Your answer should highlight your ability to deal immediately with a potential issue in a calm and controlled manner. Include details about questioning th

3、e student to find out the underlying cause of the problem, explaining the negative impact of his/her behavior to the student and coming to an agreed commitment to appropriate behavior in the future.The purpose of discipline is to facilitate learningand foster betterrelationships and respect between

4、the students. It is also intended to help students become more self-directed, self-disciplined and accountable for their behavior. I have found that students respond poorly to forceful discipline but well to discipline that is helpful. My philosophy is to provide clear limits and rules that are comm

5、unicated to the students so that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The rules are discussed and agreed upon to encourage accountability from the studentsHow do you build rapport with your class?Teacher interview questions and answers about establishing rapport should includ

6、e an understanding of the role of rapport in contributing to effective teaching. Demonstrate what behaviors you use to develop rapport such as sense of humor, showing interest in the students, availability, encouragement and relating lessons in everyday terms and examples that are relevant to the st

7、udents. Give examples of how you have demonstrated these behaviors in the classroom such as finding out something about your students interests, hobbies, and aspirations.How do you give your students recognition and positive reinforcement?Focus on developing self-worth by providing honest and effect

8、iveencouragement and valuation. Include aspects such as acknowledging the students efforts as well as accomplishments, the words and language you use, awareness of your body language and adapting the reinforcement to meet the particular needs of the student. Provide specific examples to support your

9、 answer.How do you communicate with a parent about a students performance?Interview answers should demonstrate your ability to work together with parents to help and assist students, to encourage parents to provide the right support and environment for optimal learning and your ability to remain non

10、-defensive and positive. Again support your answer with examples.Future PlanI want to have developednew skills and abilities and to have made themost of my opportunities. This position will give me the opportunity to learn more about managing a work team, this is a goal of mine.How do you handle con

11、flict?Everyone has to deal with conflict at some point. I have found that when there is conflict it helps to try and put yourself in the other persons shoes and understand their perspective. It is important to ask questions and listen to their point of view. If you know what their interpretation of

12、the situation is, then it is easier to work out a solution. For example.Core to successful teaching is your ability to manage the classroom, introduce discipline and build goodrelationships withboth the studentsand parentsTeaching styleyou should be able to adopt a number of teaching styles that are

13、 appropriate for different learning situations.you are able to adapt your style to the needs of the students. For example, you may adopt a facilitator type style that emphasizes student-centered learning with students who are comfortable with independent learning.What strategies do you use to encour

14、age group work amongst your students?In your answer to teacher interview questions like this it is important to demonstrate that you understand what the advantages (encouraging cooperation among students, facilitating the cross-pollination of ideas and information) and disadvantages (social loafing,

15、 domination by certain personality types) of group work are and when group work is appropriate to a learning situation and when it wont work.What do you do if a lesson doesnt work well?Things dont always go according to plan. Give a specific example of when a lesson didnt work. Focus on how you anal

16、yzed what went wrong and identified the weaknesses with the lesson. Describe how you went about improving the lesson by various means such as changing the complexity level of the content, using available resources, asking for advice from other teachers and reviewing your classroom management. It is

17、important to acknowledge that failures do happen and indicate that you have the insight and maturity to deal with themHow do you evaluate the success of your teaching?No teacher is perfect and everyone has room for improvement, evaluation is the means by which we try to identify which aspects of our

18、 teaching are good and which need to be changed. Provide specific methods of self assessment that you use. An exampleis keeping a journal in which youreflect on your lessons and highlight positives and negatives. This helps you to build on your successes and improve where necessary. Formal student f

19、eedback sessions, test results and outside observers are other methods.WeaknessThere are so many creative activities I plan for my students and class time is limited. It is difficult to incorporate all of the activities that I would like my students to learn from. Over time, I have realized to prior

20、itize what lessons are the most important to enhance my student learning. I now realize that I cant do everything I would like to.How do you incorporate technology in your lessons to enhance the learning experience?Your answer to teaching questions about technology should demonstrate your understand

21、ing that technology integration is about incorporating easy-to-use tools and program features into your lesson plans and activities to enhance learning. It is a practical way to teach students that computer skills are important for more than just social media or playing games.Using technology wisely

22、 in lessons can increase classroom participation and encourage the development of critical thinking, communication and comprehension skills in students. Highlight your knowledge of computer applications and specify the methods you use for introducing computer tools and applications into your classro

23、om such as Powerpoint presentations, data collection applications and research projects.What are some of the methods that you use to discipline the children?Methods of disciplining children depend on many factors- type of child,type of theoffense that has been committed, time of day, time of previou

24、s offense and more. Sometimes, the fear of discipline is enough for a child. Such a child does not require more discipline per se. Others need a heavier hand. I try to work with positive as much as possible, but if pressed to bring discipline into the picture, I would first begin with assigning afte

25、r-school work to the child and increase it as the seriousness of the act increases. If a few such assignments do not help and I think that things are getting out of hand, I would call the parents and inform them of the scenario in school, and work on a plan. If necessary,we would consult the princip

26、al.Where do you think reasoning should end and discipline should begin?Every child is different and therefore the way to teach them varies as well. Of course, they are all in one class, so there must be some uniformity. When order needs to be restored, I must consider well - and quickly. Some childr

27、en realize their mistake even with a single admonishment while others require more serious measures to understand the unsuitability of their activities. In general, there is not too much time to reason with children in class, as it disturbs the tempo of the class. I may try to speak with children du

28、ring recess or after class if explanations are in order. Therefore, while it is of utmost importance to have a clear disciplinary plan, I realize I may have to be creative and flexible in some cases.It is an effective strategy for teaching large groups of students. Encourages teachers to collaborate

29、 and generate ideas . two heads are always better than one!Upon entering my classroom you will find a lively and colorful room completely centered upon children and active learning. Sight words, the alphabet, numbers, and inspirational quotes cover the walls while large bulletin boards proudly displ

30、ay students work. A large area contains a carpeted reading or group corner specifically for storytelling, show-and-tell, weather discussions and calendar and day-of-the-week conversations. This classroom includes an abundance of age appropriate reading materials and student mailboxes where children

31、place personal journals, home reading books and workbooks in the morning and then collect newsletters or other parent communication at the end of the day.Class disciplineIt is important to develop ground rules the first week of class, this allows the students to understand what is and isnt acceptabl

32、e behavior.These rules are discussed and agreed upon with the students, this makes the students accountability and responsible.It is important that a successful principal.? has a vision and a plan to reach that bined with the ability to bring faculty members together to form a cooperative team and m

33、otivate them to reach district goals and objectives.? be visible. the principals presence should be evident on a continual basis. He or she must be easily accessible to both students and teachers.? has a great sense of humor, and can relate well to a diverse group of individuals.? genuinely cares about the students, teachers, parents, and the district.Questions for the intervieweeI consider myself a life-long learner, what professional development opportunities will be available?


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