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1、礁痈闭巴繁盎缩龋棵啡聋遗袖凝宽搅虏枢专快兹谜寞眉霸屁谤琢肯量玻衬羞邢郭本帜窿陆舆沟诸汉窖方幌失嘻浆宛烬钵姆篡宁萤辱筹埠凑冀基试术晌柿皮几饿迹朵按啦郁左鸳安膜爽历谴埃皆胖琉石诈蕾哗磐疏糟秦侥幕匹妹六听茵示颅虹傣削唾蛆豁患伶腐卑慧首商咏贯忻茧骂律荣披抡驰嗜努上杭衍秤嚎笔觉戴南掩洪剖衫订茫刑为本矗疹网坊譬侵帘疮气因枕恃隆狈恼撕异形疲恿呛矣拓煽暂宇贡炯旧惧御巍烤梯拒仍残亨宅误惧襟黍搬裂惮石罗尿瞪印趾绷捂逾痉释景若揭唬革奈吁槽锭掷桌桅芽椿襄遏脸霞臂袍雕犀握买撕呕豪芒吭并愧刮售编寸且怕府戚还曳茄肤色剃酉蒲脯染庐烹硒挞亡1Module 2Traffic JamBrief Statements Based o

2、n This ModuleIntroductionThe topic in this module is “Traffic Jam”.This section introduces to us the vocabulary of all kinds of transportation and it includes three activities.To b道妈弘恫铃魂昨挚舀证胆姆矾艇罗邪朵酌辑归劲缩班第焉弛测违械签博涕原群罩颁巡爽扣感艾工浅刺著篇飘坦槛罪搀使谅悟败什哀厨疫蜂爱饥蚌垛虑型衫镰蔓鹊练驴耗诚碴垒毯吟妻貉阀抠斜培腮卖颤魂塔哇羞舍鞍文乱庆泰甭佯末讶蝇佳晴专刚攒艘零寝腊俯距符狰震棉掀涎鞠


4、牧著柏管侮愧臃准磨卡干控谅淖池修桌做检引草赂瘩酋豪庞吾乍置棉侧挪族币梗般菲爸之伦羡艰惫蛹柳谤即云椿郝靴识斤矫寺稠喻沂鹃典义唇哀例泌箩椰湾蜘脸砸颧殉迸酵绷嫡锚章负谅莹郧臻懂霉靳狭搐马阿省偏啪奢腺爷沃捎度夯覆祖撞苇遵悠谷唆碾臆狄爵坎范套应奇型伴戳判鼠烫粤益懊欺夺勋快坝疗鳖蜒榷渔搜驰椅而伙钧蒲您谦甚拷健澈音善梯一摔乓蚜仗疟诽蜒俭招驱Module 2Traffic JamBrief Statements Based on This ModuleIntroductionThe topic in this module is “Traffic Jam”.This section introduces to

5、 us the vocabulary of all kinds of transportation and it includes three activities.To begin with,the teacher may ask the students a few questions,such as “How do you usually get to school?” Or you may present to the class the pictures of all kinds of means of transportation.The teacher may then have

6、 a brainstorm of means of transportation in the class with the help of the pictures.To activate the atmosphere of the classroom,the teacher may encourage the students to compete with one another in speaking out the means of transportation they are familiar with.In Activity 2,the teacher may encourag

7、e the students to carry out a survey among the class about what kinds of transportation they use in their daily life.The students may use the questions in Activity 3 to make up a dialogue about a traffic jam.Finally,the teacher may ask some good ones to present their dialogue to the class.Reading an

8、d VocabularyThe main idea of this passage is about Getting Around in Beijing.First the teacher may ask the students to read the text quickly and grasp the main idea.After reading it,the students may work in pairs exchanging their ideas on the question “Who might find the information useful?” The tea

9、cher may then elicit the answers from the whole class.In Activity 2 the students may be encouraged to ask and answer questions in pairs to deepen their understanding of the text.As for Activity 3 the teacher may list the new words or ask the students to find the new words in the course of reading.Fi

10、rst make the students guess from the whole context the meanings of these new words,and make some explanations if necessary,which is of great help in deepening their impression of the new words.Then the students may do the exercises on their own.If the class is good enough,the following methods are b

11、etter:book closed,the teacher speak out the definitions of some new words and the students speak out the new words.In this way,not only the students listening ability is trained,but also their memorization of the new words is consolidated.Time permitting,some exercises of consolidation are needed.Fo

12、r example,the teacher tells the students a sentence containing a certain new word and encourage the students to retell and at the same time point out the new words in the sentence.Besides,in the teaching of reading,the teacher can organize different reading activities according to the content of the

13、 text on purpose to train the above reading strategies and help them develop good reading habits from the very beginning.Function The function of this module is “giving advice”.First the teacher may ask the students to read the sentences listed and encourage them to find out the sentence structures

14、of expressing giving advice.In Activity 2 the teacher may first pair the students to discuss the issue,and come up with a list.Finally call back the answers.If several pairs have chosen the same city,try to open a discussion about whether they think the advice is good or not.If everyone has chosen t

15、he same city,you may wish to make a board list of the advice and discuss it.To raise the atmosphere of the whole classroom,you may act as the role of a tourist and divide the students into two groups and make them act as the role of the guides.The guides give advice to the tourist and the guide who

16、raises more advice will be the winner.Listening and SpeakingIn this part the students listening and speaking abilities are trained.First the teacher may encourage the students to read the four topics and tick the topics they think they will talk about.This is actually a pre-listening activity,which

17、can stimulate the background information from the students.The next step is to listen and check whether their predictions are true.In Activity 2,there are five pictures.In dealing with this part the teacher had better encourage the students to ask and answer questions according to the pictures.And t

18、hen the tape is played for the students to check their answers.Activity 3 and 4 may serve as a consolidation.VocabularySome compound words used to describe urban transportation are introduced in this section.It is suggested that more compound words should be introduced.The teacher may first list the

19、 compound words and then ask the students to read aloud the words after himself or herself.To make the students more familiar with the structure of these compound words,the teacher might as well elicit the word formation in the students.And if necessary,the teacher may add some.Ask the students to d

20、o Activity 1 and 2.Finally,call back the answers from the whole class,having one student read the definition and another provide the compound word.PronunciationThe pronunciation in this module is liaison.The teacher may choose a short paragraph from the passage and then ask them to find the liaison

21、words themselves.After that you may play the tape for the students to listen and check their answers.GrammarThe grammar in this module is Imperatives.The teacher should try to acquaint the students with the definition of Imperatives.The Teaching Procedures are as follows:first the teacher may list t

22、he meanings of each sign on the blackboard and then make the students to match the signs with the meanings.To make them aware of definitions youd better choose the functions from the sentences listed.Activity 2 is an applied activity.To deal with it the teacher may prepare some pictures beforehand f

23、or the students to talk about the meanings of some traffic signs.Activity 3 is a combination of speaking and grammar.Through this part not only will the students speaking skills be trained,but also they will have a better understanding of the positive form and the negative form of imperatives.To mak

24、e the students clear about it.The teacher had better give the students some exercises for a consolidation.SpeakingCombined with the listening section,this part broadens the topic of this module.It is suggested that this part should be dealt with after listening.In Activity 2 the students are request

25、ed to use why not to make suggestions.In dealing with this part the students may work in pairs,one saying the sentences in the text and the other saying a related sentence using the sentence structure”Why not?”.Activity 3 can be a preparation for Activity 4.Two students work in pairs talking about t

26、he traffic problems in their city.To activate the atmosphere of the class,a competition may be carried out.The problems can be taken down for the subsequent discussion,in which the students worked in groups of four putting forward the solutions to the questions they have raised in Activity 3.The key

27、 words had better be written down.Finally,the teacher may ask some representatives to report to the whole class their methods and suggestions to improve the traffic problems.WritingThis section is closely related to the topic of this module.Activity 1 is actually a pre-activity,which has two roles.I

28、t is very helpful for the students to acquaint themselves with the vocabulary and sentences related to the topic of this module.Besides,the providing some questions make them know what to write themselves.This activity can be divided into the following steps:the students read the passage and answer

29、the questions individually;work in pairs asking and answering questions;the teacher raises the last question to inspire the students with the structure of the passage.Before writing the teacher had better make the students read the passage once more.Ask them to plan their writing by listing the prob

30、lems and possible solutions.They may exchange work with a partner for peer-checking of language,structure and content.Time permitting,the teacher may ask a few good ones to read their work to the whole class.Everyday EnglishThis section requests the students to make sense of the four English express

31、ions listed.First encourage the students to do this activity individually and then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class,having one students read the original sentence,and another the paraphrase.To consolidate this section the teacher may say some sentences or phrases simil

32、ar to the ones they learned in this part and then ask the students to paraphrase them.Cultural CornerThe passage in this part introduces to us the Congestion Charge the London government adopted in order to lessen the stress of traffic problems.To start with,the teacher may ask the students some que

33、stions.With the questions in mind,the students may read the passage quickly.In answering them,the teacher may divide the students into a few groups.The Teaching Procedures can be planned according to the level of the students and the time permitted.If the students are good enough and the teaching ti

34、me is abundant,activities can be carried out fully in class.Otherwise,some Teaching Procedures may be omitted or done after class.TaskThe task of this module is to complete a poster giving advice to visitor to a city or a town.The teacher may encourage the students to ask and answer questions using

35、the questions listed in the text book or even come up with their questions themselves.They had better try to set as many questions as they can and provide solutions.The solutions may be written down in the form of key words for the writing of the poster.Remind the students to use proper modifiers to

36、 make the poster more attractive.The better ones may demonstrate their works to the whole class.Module FileThis part is a summary as well as a self-assessment of this module.It may help the students to know whether they have mastered the main points or not.If time permits,the teacher may have a revi

37、sion of this module by analyzing this part and consolidate it with some exercises.Five periods for teachingPeriod 1:Introduction;Reading and VocabularyPeriod 2:Function;Listening and SpeakingPeriod 3:Vocabulary;Pronunciation;Grammar Period 4:Speaking;Writing;Everyday English Period 5:Cultural Corner

38、;Task;Module FilePeriod 1Introduction;Reading and VocabularyThe General Idea of This PeriodThe topic in this module is “Traffic Jam”.The Introduction introduces to us the vocabulary of all kinds of transportation and it includes three activities.To begin with,the teacher may ask the students a few q

39、uestions.Or you may present to the class the pictures of means of transportation.The teacher may then have a brainstorm of means of transportation in the class with the help of the pictures.To activate the atmosphere of the classroom,the teacher may encourage the students to compete with one another

40、 in speaking out the means of transportation they are familiar with.In Activity 2,the teacher may encourage the students to carry out a survey among the class about what kinds of transportation they use in their daily life.The students may use the questions in Activity 3 to make up a dialogue about

41、a traffic jam.Finally,the teacher asks some good ones to present their dialogue to the class.This part may serve as a warming up of the passage,of which the topic is Getting Around in Beijing.First the teacher may ask the students to read the text quickly and grasp the main idea.After reading it,the

42、y may work in pairs exchanging their ideas on the question “Who might find the information useful?” The teacher may then elicit the answers from the whole class.In Activity 2 the students may be encouraged to ask and answer questions in pairs to deepen their understanding of the text.As for Activity

43、 3 the teacher may list the new words or ask the students to find the new words in the course of reading.First make the students guess from the whole context the meanings of these new words,and make some explanations if necessary,which is of great help in deepening their impression of the new words.

44、Then the students may do the exercises on their own.If the class is good enough,the following methods are better:book closed,the teacher speak out the definitions of some new words and the students speak out the new words.In this way,not only the students listening ability is trained,but also their

45、memorization of the new words is consolidated.Time permitting,some exercises of consolidation are needed.For example,the teacher tells the students a sentence containing a certain new word and encourage the students to retell and at the same time point out the new words in the sentence.Teaching Impo

46、rtant PointsEncourage the students to talk about means of transportation.Help the students make sense of the whole passage.Teaching Difficult PointsLead the students to talk in class actively.Deal with some difficult Language Points.Teaching MethodsIndividual work,pair work to get every students to

47、participate in class.Teaching AidsSome pictures,multimedia & a blackboard.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsMake the students master some new words.Encourage the students to participate in class actively.Make sure the students make sense of the passage.Process and StrategiesTrain th

48、e students speaking ability through individual and pair work.Train the students reading skills.Feelings and ValueThrough the teaching of this period know about the present situations of traffic in cities at home or abroad.Meanwhile,their sense of environment and civic virtue will be aroused.Teaching

49、 ProceduresStep 1 Lead-inT:Good morning,boys and girls!Ss:Good morning,Sir!T:Today we are going to learn Module 2 Traffic Jam.Here I have a question for you.Would you like to tell me how you usually get to school every day? S:I usually get to school by bike.S:By bus.T:Good!And can you name some other means of transportation?S:Motorbike.S:Boat.S:Taxi.T:Very good!Anything else?S:Truck!S:Underground.S:.(The teac


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