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1、2013学年第二学期小学英语三年级Module12单元检测卷 听力: 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 笔试: 一 二 三 四 五 六 说明:把选择题的答案编号写在题前的括号内。 听力部分:60分(每小题读三次) 一、 请选出老师所读的内容。(10分) ( ) 1. A. PRC B.USA C. UN C. hand B. head ( ) 2. A. hair C. 82867254 B. 82867154 ( ) 3. A. 82867145 C. blue car ( ) 4.A. brown dog B. black cat. C. black dog )5.A. red ball B.

2、purple doll ( C. Its a Funny face. B. Thats great. s colour it. ( )6.A. Let C. I have a schoolbag )7.A. I have crayons. ( B. I have a robot ( )8.A.a yellow boat C. an Orange ruler B. a white plane B. beside the box )9.A. in front of the box C. behind the box. ( )10.A. Is it in the bag? ( B. Is it on

3、 the desk? C. Is it near the book? 5二、听句子,请在听到的单词下面画横线。(分)car) is it? 1. What_ (colour, Where) is my book? 2. _(What, Are) you have a plane? 3. _(Do, brown) cat. 4. I have a _(black, s_ (great, good). 5. That 1 10分)三、听录音,请把下面的车牌补充完整。()(填写大写字母和阿拉伯数字5. M_ 4_0 2.B_3_7 3.H_ 51_ 4. S_74_ 1.A_15_ ) (10分四、

4、听读问句,选出正确有答语。C. Yes, it is. )1. A. Good idea. B. Fine ( s me. B. Its in front of the bed. C. It( )2. A. Its orange. C. No, I do. )3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. ( C. OK B. Its in the picture. ( )4. A. Its purple. C. Yes, I do. )5. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. ( 分五、根据听到的内容,给图写上英文大写字母编号(5 ) ) ( ) ( )

5、( ) ( ( ) s white It 六、 听录音,请“”出小朋友所喜欢的颜色。(10分) Colours red white green brown yellow blue orange purple black name Ben Janet Jiamin Mike Kate 2 七、听录音,请写出各种物品在什么位置。()(10分) 把单词填在横线上1. The _(A. robot B. box) is _. (A. in B. on)the table. 2.The _(A. pencil-box B. pencil) is _ (A. behind B. beside)the la

6、mp. 3.The _(A. doll B. dog) is _.( A. near B. under) the box. 4.The _ (A. hat B. cat) is _(A. on B. under) the desk. 5. The_ (A. schoolbag B. desk) is_ (A. front B. in front of) the book. 笔试部分:40分 一、按字母表顺序,默写Ff-Qq个字母的大小写形式。(6分) 6分)二、找出一个与其他三个不同类的词(D. table C. book ( )1.A. desk B. chair D. colour C.

7、brown ( )2. A. blue B. green D. front C. near ( )3. A. under B. beside D. leg C. hand )4. A. hair B. kite ( D. ruler )5. A. dog B. rubber C. pen ( D. bike C. TV )6. A. ship ( B. car 10分)三、选择一个最佳的答案,并把其编号写在题前的括号里。(C. Where )1.A: _ are you? B: Im fine. A. What B. How ( s s )2. _ colour the hat red. A.

8、 Let B. Let C. What ( C. am )3. I _ a kite. A. have B. is ( C. do B. am A. dont )4. A: Do you like blue? ( B: Yes, I _. C. Thanks. B. Let us. A. OK ( )5. A: Lets colour it orange. B: _ C. at B. in ( )6. Look _ the picture. A. on t A. is B. isnt C. donB: No it _ ( )7. A: Is it in the box? C. How A. W

9、hat B. Where ( )8. A: _ colour is the cat? B: Its black. C. How B: It )9. A; _ is the doll? s in the box. B. Where A. What ( C. morning ( )10. A: Lets go to play. B: Good _. A. OK B. idea 3 6分)四、用所给的词把对话补充完整。(purple) great coulour at beside (Where A: Look _ this picture! _ is the schoolbag? s _ the

10、pencil-box. B: ItA: What _ is it? s no colour! B: I cant see. Its colour it _. A: Lets _. B: That五、读句子,找出相应的图,把图的代号写在句子前的括号里(6分) A B C F E D )1. The doll is in the box. ( )2.The three pens is white. ( )3.I have a blue plane. ( s hair is brown. )4.The lady ( )5.The ruler is beside the achoolbag. ( )6

11、.My robot is on the table. ( 六、 阅读短文,判断句子是否符合短文内容,符合的写“”,否则写“”8分)(s room. It is very messy! Look, the English book on the chair. This is a picture of BenThe robot is under the desk. The ball is beside the schoolbag and near the bed. The kite s yellow! is behind the door and on the floor! What colour

12、 is the ball? It)1.The English book is in the desk. ( )2.The schoolbag is near the bed. ( )3.The ball is blue. ( )4.The kite is behind the door. ( 4 办公室卫生管理制度 一、主要内容与适用范围 1 本制度规定了办公室卫生管理的工作内容和要求及检查与考核。2此管理制度适用于本公司所有办公室卫生的管理 二、定义 公共区域:包括办公室走道、会议室、卫生间,每天由行政文员进行清扫;1 2个人区域:包括个人办公桌及办公区域由各部门工作人员每天自行清扫。 1.

13、 公共区域环境卫生应做到以下几点: 保持公共区域及个人区域地面干净清洁、无污物、污水、浮土,无死角。1) 2 保持门窗干净、无尘土、玻璃清洁、透明。) 3) 保持墙壁清洁,表面无灰尘、污迹。4 保持挂件、画框及其他装饰品表面干净整洁。) 5) 保持卫生间、洗手池内无污垢,经常保持清洁,毛巾放在固定(或隐蔽)的地方。 保持卫生工具用后及时清洁整理,保持清洁、摆放整齐。) 7)垃圾篓摆放紧靠卫生间并及时清理,无溢满现象。6 2. 办公用品的卫生管理应做到以下几点: 办公桌面:办公桌面只能摆放必需物品,其它物品应放在个人抽屉,暂不需要的物品就摆回柜子里,不用的物品要及时清理掉。 1)办公小用品如笔、

14、尺、橡皮檫、订书机、启丁器等,应放在办公桌一侧,要从哪取使用完后放到原位。) 办公文件、票据:办公文件、票据等应分类放进文件夹、文件盒中,并整齐的摆放至办公桌左上角上。)2 3 报刊:报刊应摆放到报刊架上,要定时清理过期报刊。) 电脑:电脑键盘要保持干净,下班或是离开公司前电脑要关机。5) 4进设备的包装和报废设备以及不用的杂物新) )饮食水机、灯具、打印机、传真机、文具柜等摆放要整齐,保持表面无污垢,无灰尘,蜘蛛网等,办公室内电器线走向要美观,规范,并用护钉固定不可乱搭接临时线。76 应按规定的程序及时予以清除。 个人卫生应注意以下几点:3. 1) 不随地吐痰,不随地乱扔垃圾。 2) 下班后要整理办公桌上的用品,放罢整齐。3禁止在办公区域抽烟。) 4 下班后先检查各自办公区域的门窗是否锁好,将一切电源切断后即可离开。) 5 )办公室门口及窗外不得丢弃废纸、烟头、倾倒剩茶。 保持门窗干净、无尘土、玻璃清洁、透明。保持地面干净清洁、无污物、污水、浮土,无死角。)1 2)总经理办公室卫生应做到以下几点:4 3) )4保持墙壁清洁,表面无灰尘、污迹。 保持挂件、画框及其他装饰品表面干净整洁。 检查及考核次。元三、每天由领导检查公共区域的环境,如有发现不符合以上要求,罚10/ 5


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